Xbox One Update 1406.140529-2200

XPG Darkside Jun 1, 2014

  1. XPG Darkside

    XPG Darkside Eating cake.... Gold Subscriber Lifetime Gold

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    Xbox One
    A new system update is being released for you to preview beginning today, 6/01/2014, after 4:00pm PDT.

    This update contains a few fixes as we get closer to getting this ready for everyone, so please let us know if you run into issues by posting here on the forums!

    • If your console is in Instant-On mode, it will download and install the update and reboot to standby.
    • NOTE: Once the update is available, you can manually begin the update by navigating to Settings > System and selecting System Update.
    • If your console hasn’t downloaded and installed the update by 1:00AM PDT 6/2/2014, you will be prompted to do so the next time you start your console.


    OS version released: xb_rel_1406.140529-2200

    Available: 6/1 12AM GMT)

    What's in this update:
    • Some audio receivers don’t turn on with “Xbox On." This build contains a fix for the issue with certain audio receivers failing to respond to “Xbox On”. Please let us know via the User Feedback app or forums if you’re still experiencing this.
    • Controller binding with instant sign-in not functioning. This build contains a fix for issues related to headsets not functioning when using instant sign-in. Please file a bug using the User Feedback app if you’re still experiencing this issue.

    What to try
    • Yesterday, we posted asking participants with multiple consoles in the 1406 preview or friends in the preview to try roaming with your external storage drive. For more details: Have a buddy previewing updates? Try your external drive on their console!
    • The Kinect team needs you! You can help make Kinect better by answering a few questions and re-running Kinect setup. Check out:
    • Launching a game or app that is installed on an external storage device while not signed in will result in the title becoming unusable. If you encounter this, we have a fix in test for this already. In order to work around it, however, you will need to delete and re-download the title.

    • Some users may notice their Favorites list empty in OneGuide. The team is currently testing a fix for this issue.

    Thank you for participating in the update previews, and thank you for your feedback!

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