Willing to pay you via PayPal for modded, high DPS/damage items for D3 UEE on PS4. Traded face to face or sent via the in game mail system. No idea why people aren't selling these big time, huge demand for them since a lot of people like myself sold their PS3... Message me here or on PSN at BigBossHaas. Thanks!
Yup I helped supply him.. don't sell them.. Why would people sell these? It's dumb.. you, nor I, were the first to create the first modded weapon on Diablo.. they only have the right to sell them.. I have FREE modded stuff for Diablo on PS4 here http://www.xpgamesaves.com/topic/111528-give-away-professional-swordscross-bows-and-some-modded-gear-for-free/