Unofficial Ghosts API

Im4eversmart Apr 2, 2014

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    Im4eversmart Newbie

    Apr 2, 2014
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    This API is the backend that I use for my ghosts emulation app. All of the information from the app can be obtained from this API, including some information that I didn't include in the app, like clan wars information. There are other API functions that I reversed from the android app, which I will release in time.

    I'm running on a shared hosting service, so the load times may vary from 0.5 seconds, to 10 seconds at the worst. If you try to get a resource and it seems like it is stalling, most likely it is because the server is experiencing a heavy load.

    Everything on how to use the API will be explained in the documentation.

    My site that is hosting this service is:
    You can find the documentation here:
    My application pre-made with these built in functions:

    For your convenience, here is the documentation from my website.

    Ghost app API documentation
    Key things to know
    • UCDID = Universal Call of Duty Identification Number. Used extensively.
    • DWID = Xbox Live Identification Number. Used for some API.
    • Clan ID = Number given to a clan for identification. Used for all clan API.
    User API
    1. search
      • Example URL:
      • Parameters: gt = gamer tag
      • Description: The first part of the search gets the player’s UCDID, DWID, platform, network, and avatar picture. This will get the first 230-260 players with names starting with the gt parameter. The second part of the search is for clans, and gets the teamId, name, tag, and member count. This will get the first 100 clans with names starting with the gt parameter. This is the key function to use all of the other functions, because of the UCDID and clan ID values.
    2. user_stats
    3. user_squadMembers
    4. user_friends
    5. user_home
    6. user_notifications
    Clan API
    1. clan_emblem
    2. clan_entitlements
    3. clan_info
    4. clan_members
    5. clan_player
    6. clan_profile
    7. clan_recommendations
    Clan Wars API
    1. clanwars_diamondLeaderboard
    2. clanwars_global
      • Example URL:
      • Parameters: clan_id = clan’s id number
      • Description: This function gets the base information of the clan war, achievements, and of the clan that is associated with the clan specified by the clan id parameter.
    3. clanwars_regions
    4. clanwars_scoreboard
    5. clanwars_wari
      • Example URL:
      • Parameters: clan_id = clan’s id number
      • Description: This function gets the clan war information that is associated with the clan specified by the clan id parameter. This information is more relevant to the clan, compared to the clanwars global function.
    1. Code
      • Example URL:
      • Parameters: none
      • Description: This function gets the code that is used by the unity cac portion of the call of duty app. The most recent updates to guns, playlists, dlc, and more can be found here.

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