Titanfall launches on Xbox One with the same 792p resolution it sported during beta, though this may be increased somewhere down the line. Speaking to Eurogamer, Respawn lead engineer Richard baker confirmed that the possibility of upping the resolution was still being explored, though the team decided to err on the side of caution and release the beta version so as to avoid making sacrifices to gameplay. We've been experimenting with making it higher and lower," he revealed. One of the big tricks is how much ESRAM we're going to use, so we're thinking of not using hardware MSAA and instead using FXAA to make it so we don't have to have this larger render target. "We're going to experiment. The target is either 1080p non-anti-aliased or 900p with FXAA. We're trying to optimise... we don't want to give up anything for higher res. So far we're not 100 per cent happy with any of the options, we're still working on it. For day one it's not going to change. We're still looking at it for post-day one. We're likely to increase resolution after we ship." This isn't to say no improvements have been made since beta; Baker confirmed that while the average is likely the same, the worst-case scenarios have been improved following feedback. Last month, community manager Abbie Heppe suggested a final target of 900p was what the developer had in mind, so it'll be a case of wait-and-see whether this comes to pass. Source: IGN