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The Last of Us 2 & new IP ideas being brainstormed now, says Naughty Dog

XPG Darkside Feb 7, 2014

  1. XPG Darkside

    XPG Darkside Eating cake.... Gold Subscriber Lifetime Gold

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    The Last of Us 2 could be a thing one day, but writer Neil Druckmann has revealed that he team is brainstorming where it goes next, and that could end up being a new IP altogether.

    It follows out big interview with Druckmann over The Last of Us: Left Behind’s writing process and how he managed to cram as much story into around two hours as possible.

    Speaking with Eurogamer, Druckmann said, “We just wrapped up Left Behind, and Bruce Straley, the game director, and I have been doing this for over four years now. So it’s just time for a break, and to recharge the batteries.

    “We have started brainstorming some stuff. To be honest, some of them are sequel ideas, and some of them are brand new IP – we’ve spent the last few weeks brainstorming new IP. So we have to get some good steps and see… It’s kind of like how we approached Left Behind.

    “Can we tell people a story that’s really worth telling, and that’s not repeating itself? And if we can’t, where can we get inspired – what is something that’s really going to challenge us, and push storytelling in this medium forward?”

    When asked to discuss rumours that The Last of Us is coming to PS4 with Left Behind bundled, Druckmann replied “We have such limited resources, and it’s a question of where you put the resources. It’s something where we can have a feel of where the demand is, and where our time is best spent. It’s something that we’ll figure out as we move forward.”

    Source VG247.
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