Telltale Games' upcoming series Tales from the Borderlands will get a playable demo at PAX Prime this weekend ahead of its planned winter release. At Telltale's booth (#3017), a sneak preview of one of the newest brands in the developer's line of episodic stories will be live for the whole long weekend. Further, Telltale is offering a line of PAX-exclusive Tales T-shirts, given free to attendees who play the demo – as if getting hands-on time with the next installment of Gearbox's Borderlands franchise wasn't enough. There will be a different T-shirt design every day, so plan to get to Telltale's booth early at least once. Telltale's Game Of Thrones Written By The Man Who Helped Create Ezio And The World Of Destiny Tales from the Borderlands is a new episodic game from the developer that brought us The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. The game tells the story of Pandora after the events of Borderlands 2 from the perspective of multiple playable characters, including the ambitious and greedy Rhys and Fiona. Though neither live the glamorous life of a vault hunter, some of Borderlands 2's characters like the vault hunter Zer0 will be making appearances in the game. With an increased focus on storytelling, the game will feature the kinds of dialog trees with which fans of the genre have become increasingly familiar. The game is being produced as a partnership with the series' creator, Gearbox Software, so all of the events in Tales are official parts of the Borderlands canon. There is currently no set release date for Tales from the Borderlands, but the game is planned to launch later this year. Source
So do I, wish they would release more information about the game. Good to know that they are having playable demos out. Means getting closer to a release date announced.
I don't believe they have tackled the X1 yet, As Pre Sequel and Tales from Borderlands run on the same engine as Borderlands 2.