So this is a little guide on how to get unlimited xp and boost the lvl 31 achivement 1. Load mission 2 2. Save/gather as much exploxives as you can, Mines, Dynamite, bouncing betty bombs etc 3. IMPORTANT dont blow up the carpool! Not yet atleast IMPORTANT 4. kill everything on the map except the commander in the ruins. Now that the commander in the runis are the only one left on the map go back to the carpool with your explosives Drop your explosives, you will want a chainreaction so the trucks and the tank blows up when the tank spawns and hit the mines after you killed the commander in the ruins. Doing this head over to the ruin and kill the commander and search him, this will spawn the last commander in the tank. Make a save and look at the distance of the tank as it approaches. When it blows up load your last save and let the tank blow up again but just before as it does make another save. Remember the distance just as the tank blows up. Load your last save again and again and again and you will net some good experience