Hello XPG , Around January I Purchased a RGH Falcon off of ADDZ, once it had arrived I noticed that the boot times were kinda long (15 minutes +). Then one day the console stopped glitching and there was no green light coming from the coolrunner. I cleaned the console and it glitched for a few more boots, then stopped working again. I have checked the Common Errors and have tried with a different HDMI cable and using AV but to no avail. Im no expert at this, but if anyone has any suggestions, please could they advise me? Video: http://youtu.be/hGw5eIKB3Gw Pictures: http://imgur.com/lUCGIQb,cGcpWG7,S9Fdusz,zsP3T3m,6rL2shr,r57bTNS,fXUfIdG,rQ7SDSp Anything I forgot to include let me know
I'm helping via a PM but "15 min"?! ...there is no way I'd let something go that takes more than 3 min.
Its probably just because the wiring got loose during the shipping process as your installs are always top notch, and the couriers are never careful with parcels so this is very likely
If you noticed the problem when you got the console you shoud of informed ADDZ of the issue and he would of resolved it for you. ADDZ dosn't do dodgey consoles his work his top notch and I've never seen a complaint about one of his consoles before. I've personally had two of him and never had a issue with any of them. I would also like to point out that 7months has passed since you bought it you could of done anything to it in that time...
I completely agree, I've been low on cash during that time and it is completely my fault, if nothing can be done or a repair is needed i will pay for it, it is completly my fault for letting such a large amount of time pass by. I know this and if its screwed im the one who will suffer. ADDZ is a founder, if he didnt do good work, who will?
I always use this method now with the cool runners, works like a dream http://www.xpgamesaves.com/topic/96163-trick-for-those-with-slow-boot-times-on-falconrgh2/
Might as well close this. The boot problems been fixed, on other notes is there anything wrong with having the console out of the case? Whenever I replace the case it stops booting again. Massive thanks to ADDZ for being a wonderful seller and helping me!