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PS4 virtual reality headset set for GDC reveal, report claims

xpghax Feb 21, 2014

  1. xpghax

    xpghax Gold Section Mod/Uploader

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    Sony's PlayStation 4 virtual reality headset will be revealed for the first time at the Games Developers Conference in March, according to a new report.

    A purported "inside source" has told TechRadar that the Oculus Rift-like device will be shown to third-party developers for the first time at the GDC event in San Francisco.

    GDC runs from March 17 to 21.

    CVG understands Sony had originally wanted to reveal the headset at Gamescom, but pulled the reveal back to September for the Tokyo Games Show, but decided again to take more time developing the device before offering it up for public scrutiny.

    "Sony has deliberately taken its time to tweak and polish the headset before revealing it," TechRadar quotes its source as saying.

    Executives at Sony have demonstrated the VR display to a select number of developers at E3 and Gamescom.

    A games developer familiar with Sony's plans, who wished to remain anonymous, recently told CVG that Evolution Studios is currently working with the device to simulate a cockpit view on its PS4 title Drive Club.

    A games developer familiar with Sony's plans, who wished to remain anonymous, recently told CVG that Evolution Studios is currently working with the device to simulate a cockpit view on its PS4 title Drive Club.
    Another developer claimed the virtual reality headset resembles the 3D headset that Sony first revealed in January 2011.

    In August, Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida suggested to CVG that R&D work on such devices was currently underway.

    "Y'know, we're Sony, so we have lots of different things and different ideas in R&D," he said when asked if the corporation was building a VR headset.

    "When it come to researching things, we are doing a lot of things that we can't talk about."

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