My Minecraft xbox 360 edition won't show up when I modded it with 360revolution. what i did was i replaced char4 with a custom skin I made and i saved, rehashed and resigned the game and now it won't show up on my xbox. I go to "my games" and scroll through all of them and Minecraft xbox 360 edition isn't there. Do I need a jtagged xbox? Or should it be there automatically? I don't know! PLEASE HELP I NEED HELP btw, I can't upload the xbox 360 edition file because its over 500KB. and I did move the game from my flash drive to my hard drive. thanks.
i know but I replaced the file. should't that work? i watched a video were a guy edits the skins of mobs here's the link:
If you have a retail console, and minecraft is tampered with it will no longer recognize and an Xbox 360 game. Modding only works witha Jtag Sorry!