Helo everyone! I am fairly new to the site and trying to lern things but as a 31 year old with a family, it can be hard t find the time. With that being said, I had some modded rings on PS3 and imported stuff over which was the Black Prize and White prize. The only thing that stuck was the base damage but it seems all other stats are gone (cannot even remember if there were other stats). A buddy of mine had given them to me to make my life a little easier in the grinding aspect. I was wondering if it was possible to mod PS4 saves the same way? If not is there any way someone could kindly throw some modded iteems my way for my WD as I am struggling with Brute Force and the D3 Editor as when I try to decrypt my save game files, Brute Force crashes on me and cannot figure out why. If there is a possiblity of someon sending me a few items ti would be gratly appreciated. My PS3 PSN nam is oWashingtoNo, those are not zeros. Thank you for your time and rading this. P.S. If you are not willing to send the items then that is fine and understand but any info and insight on why Brute Force s crashng during the decrypting process would be greatly appreciated as I would love to learn to do this stuff myself anyway. It says [*] Warning: A disc hash key was not found. A fallback disc hash key will be used. Sincerely hope everyone has a pleasnt day or evening and again, thank you for taking the time to read my post.
You can ignore that warning of hashkey. As to why BSD is crashing on you.. Hmm, do you have the latest version of BSD? If you do, just decrypt the files and it will be ok. BTW, you can only have maximum of 6 stats on any item so you can't edit stuff like you used to. EG: Black/White prizes will only have the damage boost. I have no idea on how to mod the items as of yet, as the ROS Alpha Editor don't show item names currently and I do not know anything on how to add stuff to the editor, Maybe Viper can tell you more about it. Add me on PSN jameslovetosing, even if just for mystery gifts and nemesis mode. Having more people on the friendlist is always fun.
Yes, thank you for the reply, found out that was one of my issues was too many stats. was trying to affix 9-10 stats. I also was not unchecking the 2nd layer box in the bottom right hand corner of BF which was causing me issues. Again, thank for thee response. I will also add ya!