I have Skyrim with all dlc Battlefield 3 premium edition dark souls ghost recon 2 gta 4 and san andreas hitman absolution mortal kombat halo 4 season pass wolf among us episodes 1 and 2 dead island far cry 3 blood dragon beyond good and evil hd and the games for gold games like halo 3, assassins creed 2 etc if you can licence transfer gta v for these games that would be fantastic! you can message me here or you can pm me on xbox my gamertag is solace six
As Freddy stated, you have some pretty interesting games and DLCs, damn I wish I had GTA 5 on demand. Good luck mate
Bump Im still looking for someone with gta on demand. I can be trusted Im no scammer or anything like that. I only made an account to find someone to license transfer
Dude you really need to be more active here if you want to be trusted also this seems to be only reason your here as you said and all your posts are about this swap would you give your house keys to some stranger in the street but be more active get to know people and you never know
Shoot me a PM I have what your looking for and it appears you have something I was... (I.E. Battlefield 3 Premium).