So I am wantting to buy an RGH but i want to make sure i know what I am getting into first. 1. So an RGH/Jtag is a chip in your xbox? 2. To get online with either one you need Stealth? Or what is Stealth for? 3. To host challenge/XP/Etc. lobbies online you need Bypass? 4. You dont have to pay for ive? 5. Can make all the free accts you want? 6.To mod games you need to slect the game on the XeX menu on the dashboard?
So ill help you with what I know im not that smart about the insides of it but here we go. 1. I don't know sorry. 2. Yes it is call XBLSE you must buy it from their website to get your RGH/JTAG online. Website- (Theirs information about on their website) 3. XBLSE already lets you go on so you don't need to bypass to go online or anything you just need the mod tool/program or what ever your gonna use and XBLSE and you should be fine. 4. I think you were gonna say live and I don't believe you have too because XBLSE is like a second xbox live so I don't think you have to. 5. If number 4 is correct then I don't see why you can't. 6. Yes you can do it through Xex menu or the way I prefer is freestyledash because its kinda easier but they both do the exact same thing. I hope I helped if so please +rep
also you need a clean kv and a lot off them as in the end you will get a kv ban so you cant play online.
Everything else has been answered but: 1. So an RGH/Jtag is a chip in your xbox? Nope, RGH(Reset Glitch Hack)/Jtag are the names of the hacks. Jtag doesn't require any chips, RGH requires a glitch chip.
Alright thanks a bunch to all you guys you have helped me out alot! But where am I able to find unbanned KV's? And what do they run? Also what Jtag/RGH would you reccomend? But again thanks for the help.
You would have to be insane to pay 200 a month for live access!!! Isnt there a thing called XBox KAI????
The $200 is kinda mainly for the people who sell hacks for like the call of duty series Max Prestige/Unlock All/etc. If you think about it if you hosted a challenge lobby on Ghost or something for as low as $20 and if 10 people bought it for that boom their covers your $200 but it would be best to make it higher to make a profit but you get my point and if you talking about XLink Kai thats through system link and allows you to play with other players just like LinK.