Microsoft's Investors want the corporation to kill off the Xbox, Bing and Surface allowing them to focus on its core enterprises such as selling enterprise software to businesses according to the Washington Post. This decision rests on the shoulders of Satya Nadella, the company's new CEO and given his background this is certainly a prospect that he could handle with ease. Could these be the end of the Xbox, or will Nadella continue in the same tradition that Microsoft has built up over the past 2 decades and try balance enterprise business with consumer tech or will he create a new path and ditch the consumers altogether? Nadella recently said : " Our industry does not respect tradition, it only respects innovation." in a company email which gives a clear indication of his intentions to me. This post has been promoted to an article
Looks like big buisness is going to remove one of the most innovative systems to hit the gaming world.
If they want to get rid of xbox and focus more on their new crappy operating systems like windows 8.1 then all they are going to do is shoot themselves in the foot, sounds crazy to me and a big part of microsofts success over the past decade has a lot to do with the xbox systems and the younger generations jumping on board.
psh I'm not bad I'm amazing jk lol but no playstation has it's up side much like Xbox has theirs. My first console was a playstation so I guess I'm still partial to it in some ways.
The new CEO probably know that the Xbox will help MS to touch back more geeks. i think that the day they will be able to meet portable consoles with mobile phones, they will get more profits ! My dream is to be able one day to play to my favorite games on xbox on my mobile like the same platform !
the xbox has moved to far away from gaming and gamers. no one wants all the extras xbox one has .definitly dont want to pay extra $200 for them. @xbox "keep it simple stupid"
I don't thin it will happen as the brand is still going strong and despite the fact many people think the X1 is lacking in power but in reality its still quite strong. X1 sold 3.1 million to 13 or 15 countries and that was by the end of january and sony sold 4.1 million to 32 countries so looking at technical stats both are doing strong. Profit wise microsoft is still going strong and yes they may be down from last year but they invested alot too e.g nokia and skype and a few other things. I think microsofts biggest mistake was using the esram and using ddr3 for all its memory use when they could have went down the road of 4 gig drr3 and 6 or 8 gig gddr5 . We know why they used ddr3 which was down to multitasking between the 3 OS kernals they use which ddr3 allows fast multitasking without delays. With esram it was to pick up the slack but this has seemed to leave issues with developers who dont really want to put in the extra time to utilise it properly. Microsoft also use a minimum 2x AA on all games which also hits the FPS but to be honest most people wont notice when playing on a standars TV . All that aside they will be stupid to drop the brand what they should look into is PR and how to listen to customers !!! if they done this before E3 they wouldnt have got so much flack