Hello XPG'ers, This tutorial is for folk who are finding it hard to get online with their RGH/JTAG consoles. This tutorial will show you step-by-step how to correctly install the XEX plugin whether it be for XBSLE or a stealth server you have bought time on, this is a short and simple tutorial anyone can follow. Step 1 - Reverting to M$ Stock Dashboard If you are running a custom dashboard such as FreeStyleDash or Aurora we need to revert back to the stock M$ dashboard as 90% of the time this is a cause for your KV or purchased KV to be flagged and banned. In this image I am running Aurora, all you have to do is highlight and press the Y button to clear, check images below to make sure they are the same. :yes: Original State: New State: Step 2 - Making Sure You Have The Correct Plugins To get the essential plugins to work they need to be set in order to minimise problems in the future, so in step 2 I will be using XBSLE as an example this also applies to private stealth time and their corresponding .xex file. Also, use XBDM to launch games through 360 Neighboured also. If your settings are like mine that means you've successfully set your required plugin(s) Step 3 - Saving Your Settings To make sure these settings stick you want to save the settings as pictured below: Make sure you select HDD and mash that X button a few times I recommend about 5 times to make it stick then press A to load the settings. After this power down your console to apply the settings pressing B will exit you out of Dashlaunch and the settings WILL NOT stick until you reboot. Step 4 - Success You Are Now Online Until You Are Banned. If you have followed each step your end result should be something like this: (Note: I'm not online because I have a banned KV, the notify message does appear but the screenshot function didn't pick it up in time) You should now be on the official stock M$ dashboard and notification should pop up "XBLSE Enabled" this applies to other stealth services free / private. I hope this tutorial has helped anybody out.
I did the same but my xbox is not booting up It boots without hdd And xell is also working somebody plzz help I did the same but my xbox is not booting up It boots without hdd And xell is also working somebody plzz help I did the same but my xbox is not booting up It boots without hdd And xell is also working somebody plzz help I did the same but my xbox is not booting up It boots without hdd And xell is also working somebody plzz help I did the same but my xbox is not booting up It boots without hdd And xell is also working somebody plzz help