How to make a Login using WebClient/Vb Step 1 Create a new project Step 2 Add the following items below 2 Labels (Username, Password) 2 Textbox's (Username, Password) 1 Checkbox (Remember Login) 2 Buttons (Login, Cancel) It should look like this Step 3 You now need to upload a file to a webhost or you could use dropbox Filename: login.php or login.html Once you've created the file, edit it and add 1 or 2 accounts in the format below Code: Username | Password This is case sensitive. Step 4 Double like on the Login Button & add the code below Spoiler Code: Dim userinfo As String = New System.Net.WebClient().DownloadString("Your Website Here") If TextBox1.Text = "" AndAlso TextBox2.Text = "" Then MessageBox.Show("No Username or Password has been entered!", "Login Form", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) ElseIf userinfo.Contains(TextBox1.Text + " | " + TextBox2.Text) Then Me.Hide() MessageBox.Show("Username: " & TextBox1.Text) Else MessageBox.Show("Invalid Credentials!", "Login Form", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error) End If Step 5 Double click on the Cancel Button and add the code below Code: Application.exit Step 6 Click on Project > Project Name Properties.... > Settings Now add 2 Settings - 1 Username & 1 Password Put the type too "system.collections.specialized.stringcollection" For the value click the 3 dots and type "" and then ok! Open it back on and remove "" the value should now be XML Step 7 Double click on "Remember Login" and Put the following code Code: If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then My.Settings.Username.Add(TextBox1.Text) My.Settings.Password.Add(TextBox2.Text) My.Settings.Save() End If Step 8 Build the form and test your program, by the way, its case sensitive! [hr] Thanks AAW