Sorry for the long response. First get a save file on a USB drive how? get USB drive to xbox and save game file to it, then move over to the PC and open Horizon and put in the USB drive in this will auto load the drive with the save file of the game you have on it. now click on hold the save file and move it over to Horizon this will auto open the save file for you if this dont auto open it then click on the TOOLS link and click on PACKAGE MANAGER then open the save file you downloaded from the site ok now move this file a side and open your save file and copy the DEVICE ID and CONSOLE ID to the modded/nu-modded file and click SAVE, REHASH AND RESIGN then click SAVE TO DEVICE and it will ask you to if you want to over write the save file click on YES and you are done now all left to do is just move the USB to the XBOX and boom modded/nu-modded save file is yours to use. if this tut is not helping try these youtube links below. Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.