Hello Forum! Ive obviously just joined this forum and to those who are wondering i found it through gamesharing mainly because other extreamly big forums im on which youll most have definatly herd of(i have good rep on them) do not have gamesharing forum chats and actually they forbid them whih i feel is kind of shocking. Nevertheless im glad i have joined XPG. I will most definatly be Active on this forum as this is definatly MY GENRE. A little about me then?> im a 16 year old male living in the UK, i have xbox one and 360. Im sporty, i like to play football, rugby and i go shooting and fishing. Im always willing to help people out and try new things. Also i never condone in bad behaviour EDIT: i am now doing a giveaway http://www.xpgamesaves.com/topic/108344-vpn-giveaway/
Welcome to XPG, Karma. Feel free to check out the Board Rules and ask any questions you may have! Enjoy.
Nice introduction! But welcome to XPG, stay active and enjoy the site as much as I do! Hope to see your around the forums.
Welcome to XPG man! This site will be the perfect place for you! If you need any help feel free to PM me, If I can help you I will respond with an excellent answer, If not well my answer wont be good lol! Enjoy your stay bud!