Hi, I'm Zombr and I'll just jump the gun on this one. I have been gaming since I was 4. I have always had a soft spot when it comes to gaming and I especially love playing retro-games such as Mario (I still have my N64). I tend to blow the dust out from the cartridges now and again, but I'm sure we've all experienced that at one point - if you're an 80's/90's kid! I mainly orientate myself around playing hand-held games, but I tend to play on my 360 whenever I get bored, which is extremely rare. I'm mad in love with technology and I'm especially addicted to taking apart different pieces of technology and putting them back together; seems a lot like Lego So, that's me all done and I hope I made a good first impression. Thank you all for taking the time to read this - it's been a pleasure.