Can someone tell me how to locate where and what to edit in order to increase the number of experience points either accumulated or needed to gain a level? I am trying to get the character classes challenges completed and I reduced my level 70 characters to level 59 so that I can play them BRIEFLY to level 60. but for some reason they are starting at the beginning of level 59 and it takes forever to get them leveled to 60. Where can I edit each character's experience points so they only have a few kills or a single quest to complete and they'll level up? I know this was available in Jappi88's Vanilla editor, so was hoping CKY had a spot this could be done in his ROS editor. Any and all help is much appreciated. Thanks ~WEB~
I tried 4 times to set the XP field and it didn't make any difference. All my level 59 characters remained at the beginning of level 59 with zero experience points accumulated and it said I needed 20,150,000 points to reach the next level. I tried setting the XP field to 10 as well as to 20,149,990. Either way, when I loaded the save back up on the ps3 and got in the game, it showed my characters at level 59 with 0 xp points and still needing 20,150,000 to reach level 60. Unless there is a different xp field that I am not seeing, I am editing the one located under the ACCOUNT tab and then under the NORMAL tab. This is the correct location within the ROS editor, isn't it? So I am at a loss as to why this is not working for me. Thanks again for any help. ~WEB~
Its not in the Account its in the Unknown Look for the 20149990 value and change it to 10 write down what value you are changing. -4032 is xp
ok that worked! Thanks again CKY. Is there a way to get a list of what all the numbers mean in the UNKNOWN section?