Hey guys and gals, I am Bulbtoise, I play on PC and 3DS, I am getting an XBone soon and I occasionally play on my GF's PS3. (I also own an Xbox 360 with a broken disc tray, so I only really play Minecraft... >.<) I plan on starting YouTube soon, I did have a Saints Row The Third series going but I am probably going to do something newer. (I have some Destiny PS4 Beta footage recorded and ready to upload! (Thanks to my awesome sister for letting me use her PS4! )) - If you could sub that'd be awesome, just search Bulbtoise on YouTube and you'll find me! (I don't wanna spam you guys with links, so to anyone who does make the effort, thank you ever so much!!!) I play quite a few games on PC, you can add me on Steam here: http://steamcommunity.com//id/Bulbtoise/ Or add my 3DS friend code: 0361 - 8191 - 2677 (Copied from my Steam account, sorry for the formatting!) On my DS I only play Pokemon X, well at least until Ruby comes out! Twitter: @Bulbtoise But besides gaming, here is a little about me: (Also copied from my Steam account, if you wanna know anything more about me, just look on Steam... It's probably there. ) I am an aspiring game developer, amateur programmer and pixel-artist from Leicester! I am the founder of Lightspark Productions and I work as a pixel-artist and level designer. I am currently working on and developing multiple games. So besides gaming and stuff, I am going to college to study Games Development, 2D and 3D Animation, Computer Science and IT. College starts in September so if I don't come online often, I am probably busy with work. Thanks for reading about my boring life! P.S, I know I have already made you read tonnes, but I really wanted to know, would anyone be interested in a Pokemon breeding service, I understand EVs, HAs and EMs but I would only really be able to breed Pokemon with perfect EVs as the others take quite a while longer. If even one person cares about this, I will happily start this service, I have had the idea in my head for a while now. ^.^ P.P.S, I own almost all of the starter Pokemon from previous games, so breeding these will not be a problem. Check out my current, non competitive team here: http://bulbtoise.tumblr.com/pokemonteambios - Please note, the team's stats are from when they were bred, if you are interested in their current stats, feel free to ask.