If you're a fan of onomatopoeia like "zoom", "screech" or "crunch", be still your booming heart, as the next year or so will probably have us covering up our pitiful lack of driving knowledge with funny asides where we describe noises. Codemasters has not only announced that F1 2014 is on its way on 17th October, but a brand new Xbox One edition will arrive early next year. The former takes into account the earth-shattering rule changes that have affected the sport this year (disclaimer: I have no idea what they are - bigger wheels or something) but also includes new accessibility options to ease those less familiar with the sport in. Live evaluation tweaks the game difficulty around you play, and becomes more and more challenging incrementally as you improve. On the new-gen side, the series receives its own shake-up, as the game releases earlier in the F1 season, and will receive FIFA-like weekly updates as real-life races unfold. Source Total Xbox.