Looking for someone to help you with your nightfall? Raid? or just causal game play? Fill out this simple form and post it below. Code: Platform? Gamertag? What activities are you looking to do? How many guardians do you require?
Love this post Code: Platform? Xbox One Gamertag? King Aprax What activities are you looking to do? Level 32 & 34 PoE How many guardians do you require? 2
Looking for help on secound account n looking for people help get DP up TTK any of you can help out i dont help back in return thanks guy's in advances :gamer4: PS: I'm On XBOX One Msg me on this Subjected thx
I know I am bumping but looking for active players send me a PM for my GT I am still a n00b but at light 291 and getting higher all the time
raids, weeklys and dailys, mainly raids as lacking a strong fire team I am light 297 now and 1st time at kings fall and halfway done.
I am thinking of returning to Destiny on the PS4, best light is I believe 296. Always seem to have problems with finding players to help, still looking to get raid weapons and gear. Now I have to work hard with the new update, help would be appreciated with raids, acquiring a raid weapon and help getting up to speed on the update. ID is Courier Fiftyfour, known as C0ur13r54.