Dashlaunch v3.18.1

Ianboy19876 Jul 3, 2017

  1. Ianboy19876

    Ianboy19876 Newbie

    Jul 3, 2017
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    DashLaunch 3.18.1 updates:

    - critical bug fix
    - add 17511 dashboard support
    How to use:

    To install copy to your Xbox 360, then run the application with XEX Menu or FreeStyle Dash and follow the on screen instructions.

    Overview - what it does

    - It will launch a XeX or CON file from the path you specified in launch.ini
    as long as it's valid
    - Depending on the button you hold when the xbox is trying to load the NXE, it
    will divert to the xex/con tied to that button or return to default as
    defined in launch.ini
    - Depending which button is held when closing miniblade in NXE (use Y button to
    close, release then hold a QL button) it will quick launch a CON or XEX
    from your ini file
    - allows one to patch kernel/xam at bootup with a freeBOOT patch style bin file
    from usb or hdd (in that order) must be in root of the device and be named
    "kxam.patch" and be no larger than 0x4000 bytes. Again, kxam.patch binary
    format is the same as a compiled freeboot patch bin, but uses real virtual
    addresses rather than offsets - see 1.0 release for a windows patch builder
    - with the included patch set, launch.xex acts as a helper to detect when
    xbox1 emulator loads, allowing memory unlock patch and xbox1 emulator
    to function together.

    All thanks go to Dashlaunch Team :)


    Attached Files:

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