Dash Launch In Depth Explanation and Set Up

BMTHstanton1990 Sep 27, 2012

  1. BMTHstanton1990

    BMTHstanton1990 RGH/JTAG God

    Mar 28, 2011
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    United States

    Some of you guys are having issues understanding what Dash Launch is, and more importantly, how to set it up. This guide will help you enable/disable what you need/want. To date, the newest Dash Launch available is 3.03.


    1. Grab a FAT32 formatted USB drive.
    2. Plug the USB drive into your computer
    3. Download the Dah Launch 3.03 file i have provided you with.
    4. Extract the downloaded file.
    5. Put the "Dash Launch 3.03" folder in the root of your USB drive.
    6. Put the USB drive in your JTAG or RGH console.
    7. Boot up your JTAG or RGH console.
    8. Load up XeX Menu.
    9. Once XeX Menu is booted up, click RB.
    10. If you have more than one USB drive or HDD plugged in, you may have to press right on the D-Pad in order to find your Dash Launch 3.03 folder.
    11. Once you find your Dash Launch folder, click on it, then launch the "default.xex."
    12. If you wish to have the Dash Launch installer/configurator in your Home Brew tab in FSD, then read the next little sub install section.
    Want Dash Launch in Your Homebrew Section in FSD?
    1. Continuing on from the above section press "Y" over the "Dash Launch 3.03" folder.
    2. Select "Copy."
    3. Then, navigate to your internal HDD (or where ever you have your Homebrew scan path set).
    4. While you are in your Homebrew's scan path, press "Y" and select "paste."
    5. Now you may boot Dash Launch up right from the Homebrew section in FSD.
    6. I have also uploaded a little collection of Dash Launch cover art, icons, banners, backgrounds, and screen shots above. Just for the guys (like myself) that have Dash Launch in their Homebrew section in FSD. (If you don't know how to add cover art, icons, banners, backgrounds, app info, or screen shots, I'm making another topic in regards to that. When done, i'll link it here.)

    Setting Up Dash Launch
    Once you have booted up the Dash Launch installer, (Rather it's from the Homebrew section, or off the USB drive) you will notice a HUGE change since the later Dash Launch versions. The Dash Launch team has created an easy to use GUI if you want to call it that. When you hover over the options, it will give you a brief description of what each does. I will break down each option to a more simple, everyday user, perspective​

    What Does Each Button Do in the Installer?
    A: Select.
    B: Back (To dash).
    X: Nothing.
    Y: Clear Path (If there was a previous plug-in or default item this button removes it).
    RB: Save\Load launch.ini.
    LB: Miscellaneous (Explained later down).
    RT: Nothing.
    LT: Nothing.
    D-Pad Up: Move up.
    D-Pad Right: Nothing.
    D-Pad Down: Move down.
    D-Pad Left: Nothing.
    Back: Mini on screen button help.
    Start: Select.
    Right Stick In: Nothing.
    Left Stick In: Nothing.

    What Do These Options Mean?
    This area right here is where most have issues. I'll explain each option to the best of my abilities. When i say "If you don't know what it does, DON'T enable it." Do just that. Don't Flubber with it.​

    Crash dumps dump to this file if exchandler option is enabled. In other words, point this path to an empty .txt file. This way you can have crash reports when FSD crashes to help trouble shoot frequent occurring issues. Very VERY handy if you are creating a piece of Homebrew, or trying out some patches.

    If set, when no button is held any time dash attempts to load, this will load instead. When no other button on the controller is pressed, this is the item that will load by default when the console is powered on. More than likely, it's already set to FSD.

    Holding the "A" button on boot or when titles are exiting will cause this to load instead. In other words, if you have an application, or Homebrew, set in this path, when you hold the "A" button while the console is booting, this application, or Homebrew, will load instead of the "Default" item. Same goes for when returing "Home." If you hold "A" while going "Home" this program or Homebrew, will load instead of your Default selected item.

    Same as But_A, but with the B button. Set this path to another piece of Homebrew to have it load when B is held during console boot or returning Home.

    Same as But_A and But_B.

    Same as But_A, But_B_, and But_X.

    Same as But_A, But_B, But_X, and But_Y.

    Same as But_A, But_B, But_X, But_Y, and Start

    Same as But_A, But_B, But_X, But_Y, Start, and Back.

    This option is not shown. The reason behind this, is because this button will always return you to the official Microsoft dash. So, holding RB, while going "Home" will land you at the official dash.

    Same as But_A, But_B, But_X, But_Y, Start, Back, and LBump.

    Same as But_A, But_B, But_X, But_Y, Start, Back, LBump, RThumb.

    Exiting via miniblades using option System Settings will go to this program if Right Bumper is not held. More simply said, setting this path will have that program load up instead of exiting to the System Settings on the official dash. However, if you hold the RB, then it will load the System Settings instead.

    If set, turning the console on with the remote or controller's guide button will launch this (one time). This means the item will load up when the console is powered on via the remote or controller's guide button. It says (one time) because it will only load this item when you BOOT the console with the guide button.

    If set, turning the console on with the console's power button will launch this (one time). This is the same as the guide button's rules but with the console's power button.

    Cont Patch:
    If enabled, (most) XBLA will no longer need Yaris patching. This just means that when this is enabled, MOST XBLA games will no longer need to be "unlocked," they should boot with no modifications.

    NXE Mini:
    If enabled, pressing Y in the mini blades while in official dash will cause a launch event. With this enabled, Dash Launch will load the "default" item instead of the official dash when you press Y in the guide menu to go home.

    DVD Exit Dash:
    If enabled, ejecting a game or DVD video will return to official dash. Just as it says. When you eject a game or DVD, the console will return to the official Microsoft dash.

    XBLA Exit Dash:
    If enabled, exiting a XBLA game through it's own menu will return you to the official dash. What this means, is when you exit an Arcade game through it's main menu, it will load the official Microsoft dash.

    No Sys Exit:
    If enabled, system options in mini blades will not exit to official dash. When you enable this option, clicking the "System Options" in the guide menu, will not exit to the official dash. If you aren't using Config App, this option basically makes it to where clicking "System Options" does nothing.

    No HUD:
    When enabled, the mini blades are made inaccessible. Does just as it says. When you press the guide button, nothing happens. This option blocks the mini blades from popping up.

    Auto Swap:
    If enabled, Dash Launch will perform automatic disk swapping. WARNING!! Do NOT enable this if you use FSD or swap.xex for this! This is Dash Launch's version of automatic disc swapping for multi-disc games. Like it says, do NOT enable this option if you are using a Dash Launch plug-in or a FSD plug-in to swap discs for you.

    Region Spoof:
    If enabled, holding RB during title launch will cause the region to be spoofed to the title for it's duration. Just as it says. With this option enabled, holding RB when you launch a game that's region is different than your console's it will spoof it to believe your console's region is the same.

    The region applied when RB is held on title launch and Region Spoof is enabled. If you have Region Spoof enabled, this is the region your console will be spoofed as when holding RB.

    Auto Shut:
    If enabled holding Guide button will have "shut down" selected, toggling affects Auto Off. When you hold the guide button down, Dash Launch will have "Shut Down" selected instead of "cancel." This option does nothing if "Auto Off" selected.

    Auto Off:
    If enabled, holding guide button will cause the console to shut down instead of display shutdown options, toggling affects "Auto Shut." With this enabled, holding the guide button automatically shuts the console down instead of displaying it's normal options. Enabling this makes "Auto Shut" have no effect.

    Shut Temps:
    If enabled, a snapshot of the system temperature data will be displayed on the shutdown screen that appears when you hold the guide button. (Enabling will disable "Auto Off") When this is enabled, when you hold the guide button down, your console's temperatures are displayed along with your console's normal options. Enabling this, will disable "Auto Off" pretty much.

    DEV Prof:
    If enabled, DEV kit profiles will not appear as corrupt. Just as it says. This is a good option for those who use Fusion.

    Fatal Reboot:
    When enabled, the console will hard reboot on fatal crashes. (Does nothing if "Fatal Freeze" is enabled.) With this enabled, your console will shut completely off and restart if it encounters a fatal crash that FSD can not handle. This option does nothing if "Fatal Freeze" is enabled.

    Fatal Freeze:
    If enabled, crash events will freeze the console. With this enabled, the console will just freeze like it normally does when a fatal crash occurs.

    Safe Reboot:
    When enabled, the console will soft reboot on fatal crashes. (NOT JTAG FRIENDLY) With this enabled, your console will just reboot like a computer would if you told it to restart. It doesn't fully power down, but reboots. DO NOT enable this option if you have a JTAG. This will cause the E-79 error upon reboot if you do. UNLESS you have the transistor wiring method installed on your JTAG.

    Exc Handler:
    When enabled, non-fatal crashes will exit instead of crash the console. This option acts like the FSD crash handler. Instead of having to reboot the console, it just exits the program or Homebrew.

    Debug Out:
    If enabled, debug prints are rerouted to UART. Don't Flubber with this, unless you know what you're doing.

    Pass Launch:
    If enabled, Dash Launch will not clean up launch data. If this is enabled, Dash Launch doesn't clear your recent played icons.

    No Updater:
    When enabled, XAM is patched to look for updates at "$$ystemUpdate." If enabled, Dash Launch prevents updates from booting off a CD, USB, or game, unless the $systemupdate folder is named $$ystemUpdate.

    Boot Delay:
    The number of times on boot that buttons will be checked. This is how many times Dash Launch scans for any sort of buttons pressing during booting. Setting this too high, will cause a longer wait, setting too low, will break the auto sign in feature. I have mine set at 10.

    Remote NXE:
    If enabled powering on the console with IR remote power button will go to the official dash (one time) This means that when you press the power button on the 360's media remote the console will boot into the official dash. It says one time, because it will only BOOT the console to the official dash. Pressing the power button again, will shut the console off.

    Ping Patch:
    If enabled, ping limit will be removed for system link play. Normally, retail consoles have a 30ms ping limit for system link. With this option enabled, there is no ping limit for system linking. We use this for Xlink KAI or other system link joiners.

    Sign Notice:
    When enabled, Dash Launch will attempt to dismiss annoying sign in notice messages. Enabling this option makes Dash Launch disable any of the sign in screens that pop up. Such as the XeX Menu sign in screen, ect.

    LIVE Block:
    When enabled, DNS resolver blocks LIVE sites. This option blocks your console from resolving XBL DNS connections. Enabling this option blocks LIVE connection, but can still download cover art and screen shots.

    LIVE Strong:
    Has no effect when LIVE block is disabled. When enabled with LIVE block , a more extensive list of domains are blocked than with live block alone. With this option enabled, Dash Launch prevents your console from connecting to ANY XBL domains. Period. Enabling this option blocks your console from downloading cover art and screenshots. This option has no effect if you don't have LIVE block enabled.

    When enabled XHTTP is patch in XAM to allow insecure access. If you don't know what this is, don't mess with it. I'm not too sure what this does myself.

    No Net Store:
    If enabled, cloud storage should not show up in the disk selection dialog. With this enabled, you console will not have the cloud storage as an option in the device selection dialog.

    DEV Link:
    If enabled, system link data will be encrypted for communication with DEV kits. With this enabled, you can play system link games with people running DEV kits.

    Sock Patch:
    Don't enable this if you don't know what it does. Don't mess with this option.

    Fake LIVE:
    Don't enable this if you don't know what it does. Seriously. Fake LIVE has a massive effect on games and applications. If you don't know why you would need this, leave it disabled.

    HDD Timer:
    When HDD Alive is enabled, this sets the frequency (in seconds) that Dash Launch will poll drives at. Does as it says. When HDD Alive is set to enabled, this is the amount of time (in seconds) that the HDDs are polled at.

    HDD Alive:
    If enabled, any USB drive with the file "alive.txt" in it's root directory will be polled at HDD Timer's intervals. When enabled, it polls the USB HDD to keep it from spinning down, or to keep it active. You must create a .txt file in the ROOT of your USB drive for this to work. The file must be named "alive.txt" with no quotes. The data written is of no use. It's just random bytes, and characters written to keep the drive awake is all.

    Temp Time:
    Frequency (in seconds) that temperature info is broadcast when enabled. This is the same as the HDD Timer, just affects Temp Bcast.

    Temp Port:
    Port that temperature will be broadcast on when enabled. This is the port that the Temp Bcast info will be dumped on when Temp Bcast is enabled.

    Temp Bcast:
    When enabled and a network connection is provided, temperature data will be broadcast at Temp Time intervals to Temp Port. This needs to be enabled in order for Temp Time and Temp Port to have any affect. Don't enable this if you don't know what it does. I personally don't know what it does.

    This is where you set up your plug-ins. This is as simple as setting up paths. Just point Dash Launch to the plug-ins you wish to enable. No certain order is necessary. Also, you must reboot your console in order for the plug-ins to take any effect. Also, unloading Dash Launch from the memory using the "Unload Dash Launch" option doesn't stop the plug-in. To stop a plug-in and remove that item from Dash Launch, just hover over the item, and press Y. Then save your .ini to where ever you saved it last time and reboot your console. The plug-in should not be loaded into memory now.​

    FTP Serv:
    If enabled, the installer will start it's FTP server. When this is enabled, when you boot up Dash Launch it will start it's own FTP server. This is a good way to remove, or replace files in the FSD directory.

    FTP Port:
    Sets the port for the installer FTP server. This is the port you will have to enter in your FTP program in order to connect to your console while running Dash Launch's FTP server. By default it's 21.

    If enabled, installer will start to the launch menu instead of options. When this is enabled, when you load up Dash Launch, it will load up the "launch" menu instead of it's options configurator. This option is best if you use Dash Launch to launch Indie Games.

    Save\Load Launch.ini
    This sort of speaks for itself. In order to save those options you just configured, there must be a file that tells Dash Launch what you want. That's the launch.ini's job. So, you have to save it somewhere so Dash Launch can load it up for you. I personally save it to my flash. Which is my nand. Most others save their's to either their HDD or USB.​

    To Save:
    Hover over the area you wish to save your .ini to and press X.​

    To Load:
    Hover over the area where you saved your .ini to last time and press A. Where your .ini is stored is also identified as a green check mark in case you forgot where you saved it.​

    To Delete:
    Hover over where your ,ini is located and press Y.​


    Use this to directly launch a container or xex. Basically loads XBLA games or xex files. This option is most commonly used to load up Indie Games.

    System INFO:
    Show advanced system information. Clicking on this, shows your CPU key, DVD key, Serial, XVAL info, MAC ID, and Console ID. You can also set a target temperature (a temperature your console will try to maintain by it's self. Must set, save and reboot your console for changes to take into effect.). You can also change your fan speeds here as well. These take effect immediately and don't require a reboot.

    Unload Dash Launch:
    Load or unload Dash Launch from memory. Install not required. This basically allows you to temporarily install or remove Dash Launch from your console. Until you reboot. If you have plug-ins installed and you unload Dash Launch from the memory, your plug-ins will still run until you reboot. Which will load Dash Launch back into the memory. So, uninstall your plug-in from Dash Launch and reboot if you are troubleshooting a plug-in.

    Install or remove Dash Launch from system flash. When Dash Launch is not installed, this option is labeled "Install Dash Launch," instead of Uninstall and visa versa. Pretty self explainable here.

    Update Patches:
    Fallback if you choose not to update patches and updates are available. I've never seen this option usable, so i'm assuming it's for future updates. So you can either install new updated Dash Launches, or fall back to a previous one if that one is buggy.

    Install This:
    Copies this program to DL30\default.xex in the folder you choose. I've never had this work for me, but it's suppose to install this program to a folder you choose. I prefer to just install it manually like i mentioned earlier.

    Quits the installer.

    I hope you guys enjoyed this or helped you in some way, as it took AN AGE to write.

    I do NOT authorize this tutorial to be posted anywhere else.
    Shouts to XPG Tutorial Team: XPG Dutch, XPG Jack, and XPG Jack.
  2. taimur

    taimur Lifetime Gold Lifetime Gold

    Aug 9, 2012
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  3. XPGTomo

    XPGTomo Member

    Oct 20, 2011
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    United Kingdom
    Well Done Stanton Epic Tutorial! :D
    Well Detailed and In Depth Mate :)
    Thanked and +Repped
  4. BMTHstanton1990

    BMTHstanton1990 RGH/JTAG God

    Mar 28, 2011
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    United States
    Thanks guys. If you see anything out of place, let me know!
  5. XPGTomo

    XPGTomo Member

    Oct 20, 2011
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    United Kingdom
    Will do mate :) reply to my Inbox buddy
  6. Mr

    MrEric Newbie

    Mar 8, 2013
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    Thanks awesome tut :)
  7. sandiwasmana

    sandiwasmana Rookie

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Question : Right now my dash version are 16203. But after updating my dash, my avatar turn to grey and I can't access my avatar menu. How to fix this? I've tried downloading the systemupdate file and put these files on FAT32 USB flash drive. But it won't run. Please help me T_T

    Thanks in advance for any help
  8. Kr

    Kriscube Rookie

    Jun 10, 2013
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    Hi Stanton, you are the man. I have asked this question somewhere else instead of here.
    The usual noob question. My console is a Corona dual nand RGH that I bought. FSD 3 already installed but without XexMenu and no apps whatsoever. I have spent the last 5-6 weeks trying to install XexMenu and the necessary apps and emulators without much success I have downloaded and installed the Dash Launch 3.03 onto an external USB drive (3TB) flawlessly via the link you provided, which is unusual for me, but then anytime I lauch it, it crashes. Any help to continue with that would be very much appreciated.

    Thank you in advance for you help.
  9. Ge

    GeekGamer Newbie

    Jun 6, 2014
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    I dont know who you are. But I will find you and I will kiss you.
    Thanks man. You're a lifesaver.
    Love This TUT.
  10. we7eed

    we7eed Rookie

    Dec 26, 2012
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    :woot: that cool
    thank you




  11. sc

    scagsy Newbie

    Aug 12, 2013
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    A million thanks!

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