just wondering if someone could talk to me via xbox 360 headset and explain how i use a game save mod, ive been trying for over 3 hours and i know itll take someone who knows what there doing 5 mins to explain. please leave gamertag below or add me GT: McBridel thanks
Have a read through this >> http://www.xpgamesaves.com/topic/41922-noob-tut-how-to-use-360revolution-and-learn-the-basics-by-paddy/
this one http://www.xpgamesaves.com/files/download/3210-borderlands-2-legit-1375-set/ i go on gamesave mod tools and borderlands 2 isnt even there wtf
I don't think Rev has a Borderlands 2 mod tool. Just go to device explorer and move that save onto your flash drive through Rev or Horizon (or another program), if you're trying to play that save . If you need a gamesave editor then just look for one online.
http://www.xpgamesaves.com/topic/100320-tutorialpicturesgamesaves/ Made specifically for you! Enjoy my man! This should help.