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Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Will not be on the next gen consoles.

Iamcoolz Jun 5, 2014

  1. Iamcoolz

    Iamcoolz Forum Administrator Staff Member XPG Administrator

    Mar 30, 2012
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    What is up guys,

    I am a huge fan of the Borderlands series as mostly everyone is. The 2K company based in Australia said in a statement that they will not be making the game playable on the Xbox One and PS4. I am not so happy about it, good thing I still own my Xbox 360. I would have loved to see next-gen graphics on this game and I am rather upset it isn't coming.

    The main reason for this is due to cost, "It's not free to build a game for next-gen," said GearBox Software President Randy Pitchford. He said he would much rather focus the money and resources on the aspects of the game, not the upgrades for it to be playable on the new consoles. He also added:

    "And if you try to imagine the set of Borderlands players that have already upgraded [to Xbox One and PlayStation 4], that's not 100 percent." The difference in users who own newer consoles but do not have an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3, Pitchford explained."

    While he does bring up some valid points, I still wish it would of been put out on the new consoles as I would have loved to play it.


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