Black Ops 3 Full GSC Dump!

Heavy Smoker Nov 5, 2015

  1. Heavy Smoker

    Heavy Smoker Battlefield Junkie XPG Retired Staff

    Sep 26, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Smoker's Paradise
    Black Ops 3 Full GSC Dump!

    Enjoy ;)

    StructAddr: 0x00DDF274 | FunctionAddr: 0x00130970 | Hash: 0xA8FB77BD | Function: spawnstruct
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF288 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012E460 | Hash: 0xE1DC201C | Function: bullettrace
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF29C | FunctionAddr: 0x0012E8C8 | Hash: 0xB3BB41E6 | Function: tracepoint
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF2B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00129030 | Hash: 0xDC6304E9 | Function: setthirdperson
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF2C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x001290E8 | Hash: 0xC6F2A133 | Function: isthirdperson
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF2D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00129174 | Hash: 0xC908D801 | Function: setfriendlynamedraw
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF300 | FunctionAddr: 0x00128C78 | Hash: 0x357BFC11 | Function: getlocalclientpos
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF314 | FunctionAddr: 0x001291C8 | Hash: 0xBC8FD75A | Function: getlocalclienteyepos
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF328 | FunctionAddr: 0x001292C0 | Hash: 0xD7759321 | Function: getlocalclientangles
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF33C | FunctionAddr: 0x00129350 | Hash: 0xA848FADE | Function: getlocalclientfov
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF350 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012D3C0 | Hash: 0xCE18847C | Function: getmaxlocalclients
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF364 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012D3EC | Hash: 0xBCB4123A | Function: getactivelocalclients
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF378 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012D420 | Hash: 0xD92565A5 | Function: localclientactive
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF38C | FunctionAddr: 0x00128D08 | Hash: 0xD08DF44E | Function: aimingatfriendly
    StructAddr: 0x00A58F50 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030247C | Hash: 0x9B7FDA5E | Function: spawn
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF3F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00129544 | Hash: 0x8A724B74 | Function: spawnplane
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CFD8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0037C1D4 | Hash: 0x6ADA35BA | Function: getent
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF418 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012D778 | Hash: 0xB84EF19F | Function: getentbynum
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CFEC | FunctionAddr: 0x0037C9A4 | Hash: 0x99201F25 | Function: getentarray
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF440 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012DC7C | Hash: 0xEE8D1555 | Function: getclones
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF454 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012DE6C | Hash: 0x3F10449F | Function: getplayers
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF468 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012E00C | Hash: 0xD4B4BD92 | Function: getlocalplayers
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF47C | FunctionAddr: 0x0012E110 | Hash: 0x79C174A3 | Function: getlocalplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF490 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012E208 | Hash: 0x2BAFA7EA | Function: getnonpredictedlocalplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D5F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341744 | Hash: 0x5B49D38C | Function: isalive
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D604 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341800 | Hash: 0xB00AAEA1 | Function: iscorpse
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF4CC | FunctionAddr: 0x0012995C | Hash: 0x6E1F5C21 | Function: isvisiblebyplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF4E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00129E14 | Hash: 0x90656392 | Function: isunderwater
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF4F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00129EC0 | Hash: 0x5103B05A | Function: isswimming
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF508 | FunctionAddr: 0x00129F6C | Hash: 0xB61AA2B1 | Function: islocalclientdead
    StructAddr: 0x00A58EB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00301834 | Hash: 0x159A070B | Function: getweaponammoclip
    StructAddr: 0x00A57FC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F3AB4 | Hash: 0x3B370451 | Function: isthrowinggrenade
    StructAddr: 0x00A58000 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F371C | Hash: 0x507B9A81 | Function: ismeleeing
    StructAddr: 0x00A58028 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F38E4 | Hash: 0xD5770832 | Function: isswitchingweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF56C | FunctionAddr: 0x0012A730 | Hash: 0x1FCD5B38 | Function: isonturret
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF580 | FunctionAddr: 0x00129AB8 | Hash: 0x5FB84E27 | Function: forcetmodevisible
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E054 | FunctionAddr: 0x00348110 | Hash: 0xC4D5EC1F | Function: getweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF5D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012EDE8 | Hash: 0x8DB69F37 | Function: getweaponwithattachments
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF5E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012A0D8 | Hash: 0x0011E8DB | Function: getweaponchargelevel
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF620 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012A364 | Hash: 0x14FA98A9 | Function: getbubblegumpack
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF634 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012E35C | Hash: 0x5E09918E | Function: playrumbleonposition
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF648 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012E41C | Hash: 0xF0A92694 | Function: setwavewaterheight
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF65C | FunctionAddr: 0x0012E458 | Hash: 0x69A58458 | Function: setwavewaterenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00A58B18 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FF040 | Hash: 0xCB8DF3D0 | Function: isinvehicle
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF684 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012CD2C | Hash: 0xC8C9E5B4 | Function: getplayervehicle
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D820 | FunctionAddr: 0x00344644 | Hash: 0xE618351D | Function: currentsessionmode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D780 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034448C | Hash: 0xBAC7E7E9 | Function: sessionmodeisonlinegame
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D794 | FunctionAddr: 0x003444C8 | Hash: 0x860CCBB4 | Function: sessionmodeisprivateonlinegame
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D7A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00344504 | Hash: 0x16F43F1B | Function: sessionmodeisprivate
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D7BC | FunctionAddr: 0x00344544 | Hash: 0x9FDC6B85 | Function: sessionmodeissystemlink
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D7D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00344584 | Hash: 0x75E46361 | Function: sessionmodeiszombiesgame
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D7E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003445C4 | Hash: 0xB453FD6E | Function: sessionmodeiscampaigngame
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D7F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00344604 | Hash: 0xE84CC3B8 | Function: sessionmodeismultiplayergame
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D848 | FunctionAddr: 0x00344704 | Hash: 0x53C31FE7 | Function: gamemodeismode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D85C | FunctionAddr: 0x003447B4 | Hash: 0x234D763E | Function: gamemodeisusingxp
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D870 | FunctionAddr: 0x003447F0 | Hash: 0xEE30D1D3 | Function: gamemodeisusingstats
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF788 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012CF6C | Hash: 0xDD1435DB | Function: setsmodelsanimshot
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF79C | FunctionAddr: 0x0012D1F0 | Hash: 0xD12009E4 | Function: smodelanimcmd
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF7B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012D1F4 | Hash: 0x834B41F9 | Function: loadsiegeanim
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF7C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012D1F8 | Hash: 0x6C247F7E | Function: unloadsiegeanim
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF7D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012D1FC | Hash: 0x98945509 | Function: getfootstepstrings
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF7EC | FunctionAddr: 0x0012F224 | Hash: 0xDB878A53 | Function: footstepdonothing
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF800 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012F23C | Hash: 0x1946B35F | Function: footstepdoeverything
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF814 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012F254 | Hash: 0x4413D451 | Function: footstepdosound
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF828 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012F264 | Hash: 0xFB2C752C | Function: footstepdofootstepfx
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF83C | FunctionAddr: 0x0012F274 | Hash: 0xC6D918F0 | Function: ropepulse
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF850 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012F3D0 | Hash: 0x97A1337D | Function: getcamposbylocalclientnum
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF864 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012F47C | Hash: 0x0451F507 | Function: getcamanglesbylocalclientnum
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF878 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012F528 | Hash: 0x0A9F7CEE | Function: demoisanyfreemovecamera
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF88C | FunctionAddr: 0x0012F554 | Hash: 0x69E06AE5 | Function: demoismoviecamera
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF8A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012F580 | Hash: 0xC4D510F5 | Function: demoiseditcamera
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF8B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012F5AC | Hash: 0x3DCD1179 | Function: demoisdollycamera
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DF28 | FunctionAddr: 0x003469F8 | Hash: 0xBC1FCEA1 | Function: registerclientfield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DF50 | FunctionAddr: 0x00347954 | Hash: 0x13CF9EB9 | Function: codegetclientfield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DF8C | FunctionAddr: 0x00347B30 | Hash: 0xF357BB27 | Function: codegetplayerstateclientfield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DFC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00347C8C | Hash: 0xEB96CD82 | Function: codegetuimodelclientfield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E004 | FunctionAddr: 0x00347DE8 | Hash: 0x600A5665 | Function: codegetworldclientfield
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF92C | FunctionAddr: 0x0012FEA8 | Hash: 0xD3CBB744 | Function: setupclientfieldluicodecallbacks
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF940 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012FEA8 | Hash: 0x2F484A60 | Function: setupclientfieldcodecallbacks
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E02C | FunctionAddr: 0x00347EC4 | Hash: 0x37CD225E | Function: getclientfieldversion
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF968 | FunctionAddr: 0x00130040 | Hash: 0xD3CFDA0B | Function: getserverhighestclientfieldversion
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DD98 | FunctionAddr: 0x00340580 | Hash: 0xB9B16ACF | Function: getstartorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DDAC | FunctionAddr: 0x003406E0 | Hash: 0x1CDB4AB1 | Function: getstartangles
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF9A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00130300 | Hash: 0xE13B348F | Function: setblurbylocalclientnum
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF9B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00130450 | Hash: 0x04603618 | Function: setburn
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF9CC | FunctionAddr: 0x00130558 | Hash: 0x30A95FE7 | Function: setelectrified
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF9E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00130658 | Hash: 0x692D71BC | Function: gadgetsetinfrared
    StructAddr: 0x00DDF9F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013087C | Hash: 0x9E447DAE | Function: evsetranges
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFA08 | FunctionAddr: 0x00130798 | Hash: 0x9B227748 | Function: misdirectionenable
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFA1C | FunctionAddr: 0x00130998 | Hash: 0x94A21952 | Function: isdemoplaying
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D884 | FunctionAddr: 0x003423AC | Hash: 0x92A88DA3 | Function: getgametypesetting
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFA44 | FunctionAddr: 0x00130A5C | Hash: 0xD399090E | Function: getshoutcastersetting
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFA58 | FunctionAddr: 0x00130A60 | Hash: 0x1268C990 | Function: isshoutcaster
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFA6C | FunctionAddr: 0x00130AD4 | Hash: 0x2017FED1 | Function: isspectating
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFA80 | FunctionAddr: 0x00130C20 | Hash: 0x92DD352E | Function: playerbeingspectated
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFA94 | FunctionAddr: 0x00130E2C | Hash: 0x59F5E750 | Function: getlocalplayerteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFAA8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00130F28 | Hash: 0x6951D046 | Function: iscameraspiketoggled
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DD48 | FunctionAddr: 0x00345FA8 | Hash: 0xE1C7A0C8 | Function: getanimlength
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFAD0 | FunctionAddr: 0x001229B8 | Hash: 0xC030DA5C | Function: forcegamemodemappings
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFAF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00130FF8 | Hash: 0xB5EEA1ED | Function: isads
    StructAddr: 0x00A58078 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F414C | Hash: 0x48C6A3A2 | Function: getcurrentweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFB20 | FunctionAddr: 0x00131174 | Hash: 0xA3ADF1E5 | Function: getcurrentweaponincludingmelee
    StructAddr: 0x00A5812C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F5114 | Hash: 0x2103FF4B | Function: hasweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFB48 | FunctionAddr: 0x00131454 | Hash: 0xBF24D151 | Function: gettotalammo
    StructAddr: 0x00A580C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F46C8 | Hash: 0xAF18733B | Function: isweaponoverheating
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFB70 | FunctionAddr: 0x00131738 | Hash: 0x9BB127F1 | Function: getweaponhackratio
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFB84 | FunctionAddr: 0x00131868 | Hash: 0xD297535E | Function: getgadgetpower
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFB98 | FunctionAddr: 0x00131A48 | Hash: 0x91C70AF4 | Function: getvisionpulseradius
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFBAC | FunctionAddr: 0x00131B84 | Hash: 0x78D830E2 | Function: getvisionpulsemaxradius
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFBC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00131CBC | Hash: 0x290BDD19 | Function: getrevealpulseradius
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFBD4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00131D90 | Hash: 0xC9AA60D5 | Function: getrevealpulsemaxradius
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFBE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00131E68 | Hash: 0x2D3F69AD | Function: getrevealpulseorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFBFC | FunctionAddr: 0x00132390 | Hash: 0x3CBCDF3A | Function: enablespeedblur
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFC10 | FunctionAddr: 0x001326AC | Hash: 0xFA59DE5F | Function: disablespeedblur
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFC4C | FunctionAddr: 0x00131F5C | Hash: 0xEB280F80 | Function: gethealthoverlaytime
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFC60 | FunctionAddr: 0x00132028 | Hash: 0xDFE74629 | Function: renderhealthoverlay
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFC74 | FunctionAddr: 0x001322CC | Hash: 0x124A433F | Function: renderhealthoverlayhealth
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFC88 | FunctionAddr: 0x001329E0 | Hash: 0x074CB0BF | Function: setlocalradarenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFC9C | FunctionAddr: 0x00132AA0 | Hash: 0x34FF7E35 | Function: setlocalradarposition
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFCB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00132B7C | Hash: 0xEA35ED6B | Function: isinhelicopter
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFCC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00132CDC | Hash: 0xB6D08743 | Function: getdynent
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFCD8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00132DA4 | Hash: 0x893E786E | Function: getdynentarray
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFCEC | FunctionAddr: 0x00132E00 | Hash: 0x05F9704E | Function: spawndynent
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFD00 | FunctionAddr: 0x00132FEC | Hash: 0x024F4960 | Function: launchdynent
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFD14 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013309C | Hash: 0x0894B1A9 | Function: createdynentandlaunch
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFD28 | FunctionAddr: 0x00133300 | Hash: 0x0BDA346A | Function: setdynentenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFD3C | FunctionAddr: 0x00133388 | Hash: 0xF7640406 | Function: cleanupspawneddynents
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFD64 | FunctionAddr: 0x001334C8 | Hash: 0x9265C0FB | Function: setupclientfieldanimspeedcallbacks
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFD78 | FunctionAddr: 0x001335B0 | Hash: 0x950509C4 | Function: usealternatereviveicon
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFD8C | FunctionAddr: 0x00133610 | Hash: 0xEA8FA638 | Function: setteamreviveicon
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFDA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00133680 | Hash: 0x0A2A981A | Function: allowroundanimation
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFDB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00133684 | Hash: 0x80256AB9 | Function: setbeastmodeiconmaterial
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFDC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00133778 | Hash: 0x3A4F19EA | Function: resetzombieboxweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFDDC | FunctionAddr: 0x001337B8 | Hash: 0x0ACA2747 | Function: addzombieboxweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFDF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x001338BC | Hash: 0x7DE9DA7A | Function: removezombieboxweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFE04 | FunctionAddr: 0x001339C8 | Hash: 0xE21AFD04 | Function: setmaplatlong
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFE18 | FunctionAddr: 0x00133A44 | Hash: 0xF0351AF6 | Function: initclientobjectives
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFE2C | FunctionAddr: 0x00133B18 | Hash: 0x42BD3D1E | Function: objective_add
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFE40 | FunctionAddr: 0x001340B0 | Hash: 0x15ED5F43 | Function: objective_seticonsize
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFE54 | FunctionAddr: 0x00133F30 | Hash: 0x5973B899 | Function: objective_setstencil
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFE68 | FunctionAddr: 0x00134220 | Hash: 0xECD04E5B | Function: objective_onentity
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFE7C | FunctionAddr: 0x001345EC | Hash: 0xC5705764 | Function: objective_delete
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFE90 | FunctionAddr: 0x00134460 | Hash: 0x5436B0F7 | Function: objective_flipicon
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFEA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00134788 | Hash: 0x2524C620 | Function: objective_state
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFEB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00133DA8 | Hash: 0xDB6CC700 | Function: objective_seticon
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFECC | FunctionAddr: 0x0013495C | Hash: 0xFB5A0BD5 | Function: serverobjective_getobjective
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFEE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00134EB8 | Hash: 0xB84C13F0 | Function: serverobjective_getobjectiveentity
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFEF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00134C98 | Hash: 0xBF420ADF | Function: serverobjective_getobjectivegamemodeflags
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFF08 | FunctionAddr: 0x00134DA8 | Hash: 0x97C27A52 | Function: serverobjective_getobjectiveteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFF1C | FunctionAddr: 0x00134B74 | Hash: 0x4E539C58 | Function: serverobjective_getobjectiveprogress
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFF30 | FunctionAddr: 0x00134A68 | Hash: 0xCF4A43EB | Function: serverobjective_getobjectiveorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFF44 | FunctionAddr: 0x00135098 | Hash: 0x4FE12702 | Function: ropegetposition
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFF58 | FunctionAddr: 0x00135160 | Hash: 0xDF9037A3 | Function: getrope
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFF6C | FunctionAddr: 0x001351A4 | Hash: 0xE1A5EEC7 | Function: setflagasaway
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFF80 | FunctionAddr: 0x001352D0 | Hash: 0x534B3CBA | Function: physicsexplosionsphere
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFF94 | FunctionAddr: 0x001354F8 | Hash: 0xA45FEE8B | Function: physicsexplosioncylinder
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFFA8 | FunctionAddr: 0x001356A0 | Hash: 0x2E76FA01 | Function: forcestreamxmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFFBC | FunctionAddr: 0x001358E4 | Hash: 0x446F24B5 | Function: stopforcestreamingxmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFFD0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00135984 | Hash: 0x5160DB35 | Function: forcestreammaterial
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFFE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00135A24 | Hash: 0x6369CFC1 | Function: stopforcestreamingmaterial
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFFF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00135A88 | Hash: 0xB1CA7370 | Function: getstreamingprogress
    StructAddr: 0x00DE000C | FunctionAddr: 0x00135B90 | Hash: 0x558F7467 | Function: streamernotify
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0020 | FunctionAddr: 0x00135AB8 | Hash: 0x1A2EF02E | Function: streamtexturelist
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0034 | FunctionAddr: 0x00135B58 | Hash: 0xB375E682 | Function: stopforcingstreamer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0048 | FunctionAddr: 0x00135AF8 | Hash: 0x71C4474E | Function: forcestreambundle
    StructAddr: 0x00DE005C | FunctionAddr: 0x0013579C | Hash: 0xC6294019 | Function: forcestreamweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0070 | FunctionAddr: 0x001357E0 | Hash: 0xEA2790B8 | Function: forcestreamweaponrenderoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0084 | FunctionAddr: 0x001358A8 | Hash: 0xF49F6015 | Function: setscriptstreambias
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0098 | FunctionAddr: 0x00135C40 | Hash: 0x7162FC11 | Function: setstreamerrequest
    StructAddr: 0x00DE00AC | FunctionAddr: 0x00135CA4 | Hash: 0x19546A18 | Function: clearstreamerrequest
    StructAddr: 0x00DE00C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00135CD4 | Hash: 0x2B716548 | Function: getstreamerrequestprogress
    StructAddr: 0x00A57F24 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F283C | Hash: 0x07844B40 | Function: calcweaponoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00DE00FC | FunctionAddr: 0x00135E30 | Hash: 0x8725E343 | Function: getheroes
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0110 | FunctionAddr: 0x00135F3C | Hash: 0xE3233D08 | Function: getherogender
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0160 | FunctionAddr: 0x001363F4 | Hash: 0xEDCFE955 | Function: getherobodymodelindices
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0174 | FunctionAddr: 0x00136530 | Hash: 0x01059916 | Function: getherohelmetmodelindices
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0188 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013666C | Hash: 0x7EED1B1F | Function: getheroheadmodelindices
    StructAddr: 0x00DE019C | FunctionAddr: 0x0013677C | Hash: 0x30E7C731 | Function: getequippedbodyforhero
    StructAddr: 0x00DE01B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00136EE4 | Hash: 0xF926799C | Function: getequippedhelmetforhero
    StructAddr: 0x00DE01C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00136FF8 | Hash: 0x297CC4A0 | Function: getequippedheroindex
    StructAddr: 0x00DE01D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x001370B8 | Hash: 0x8E76EA25 | Function: getequippedheromode
    StructAddr: 0x00DE01EC | FunctionAddr: 0x0013716C | Hash: 0x10E04AAD | Function: getequippedbodyindexforhero
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0200 | FunctionAddr: 0x00137250 | Hash: 0xECC40696 | Function: getequippedhelmetindexforhero
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0214 | FunctionAddr: 0x00137334 | Hash: 0x72FD07C7 | Function: getequippedheadindexforhero
    StructAddr: 0x00DE023C | FunctionAddr: 0x00137894 | Hash: 0xAEFAB9F4 | Function: getbodyaccentcolorcountforhero
    StructAddr: 0x00786D2E | FunctionAddr: 0xFFFFFFFF | Hash: 0x00A0C085 | Function: gethelmetaccentcolorcountforhero
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0264 | FunctionAddr: 0x00137AE4 | Hash: 0x1C91BA4C | Function: getequippedbodyaccentcolorforhero
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0278 | FunctionAddr: 0x00137D2C | Hash: 0xF60897F2 | Function: getequippedloadoutitemforhero
    StructAddr: 0x00DE028C | FunctionAddr: 0x00137C08 | Hash: 0x2238BF37 | Function: getequippedhelmetaccentcolorforhero
    StructAddr: 0x00DE02A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00138A44 | Hash: 0xE33C5DED | Function: getequippedcharacterindexforlobbyclienthero
    Hash: 0x34F7877A | Function: gettopplayersbodytype - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00DE02B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00136910 | Hash: 0x4B472F31 | Function: gettopplayersbodymodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DE02C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x001369F4 | Hash: 0x9D5612D4 | Function: gettopplayersbodyrenderoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00DE02DC | FunctionAddr: 0x00136AA8 | Hash: 0x4E38486C | Function: gettopplayershelmetmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DE02F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00136B8C | Hash: 0x8BC5EB3D | Function: gettopplayershelmetrenderoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0318 | FunctionAddr: 0x00136CF4 | Hash: 0x734F0175 | Function: gettopplayersweaponmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DE032C | FunctionAddr: 0x00136DC8 | Hash: 0x7FEA98E6 | Function: gettopplayersweaponinfo
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0340 | FunctionAddr: 0x00136884 | Hash: 0x1F87FFF8 | Function: getnumclientsinscoreboard
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0368 | FunctionAddr: 0x00138388 | Hash: 0x5EC07F86 | Function: getcharactercustomizationforxuid
    StructAddr: 0x00A57E98 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F214C | Hash: 0x860A040A | Function: giveweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A57EAC | FunctionAddr: 0x002F2358 | Hash: 0xE3858CB2 | Function: hasmaxprimaryweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00A57EC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F2438 | Hash: 0xC8540B60 | Function: updateweaponoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00A57ED4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F1FAC | Hash: 0x401775C2 | Function: setblockweaponpickup
    StructAddr: 0x00A57EE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F403C | Hash: 0x6BCE76D8 | Function: getinventoryheldweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A57EFC | FunctionAddr: 0x002F3EE8 | Hash: 0x2370F85C | Function: setinventoryheldweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A57F38 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F2C3C | Hash: 0x3DD01129 | Function: calcplayeroptions
    StructAddr: 0x00A57F4C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F2CF8 | Hash: 0x5726227A | Function: setplayerrenderoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00A57F60 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F2F34 | Hash: 0xC9C3F0E2 | Function: nextplayerrenderoption
    StructAddr: 0x00A57F74 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F2DAC | Hash: 0xEBD715F6 | Function: bbclasschoice
    StructAddr: 0x00A57F88 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F3564 | Hash: 0x739EA922 | Function: sethighlighted
    StructAddr: 0x00A57F9C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F3B74 | Hash: 0xD2260497 | Function: sortheldweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00A57FB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F3C14 | Hash: 0x1F3745C0 | Function: takeweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A57FD8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FC32C | Hash: 0x82A87D88 | Function: forcegrenadethrow
    StructAddr: 0x00A57FEC | FunctionAddr: 0x002F35EC | Hash: 0x8B6E8518 | Function: isfiring
    StructAddr: 0x00A58014 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F3824 | Hash: 0xBBB5424B | Function: isgrappling
    StructAddr: 0x00A5803C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F39BC | Hash: 0x7D4A8AF2 | Function: isreloading
    StructAddr: 0x00A58050 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F3D38 | Hash: 0xFE91F994 | Function: takeallweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00A58064 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F3E4C | Hash: 0xB6B4F2AE | Function: isinmovemode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5808C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F4540 | Hash: 0x198BE511 | Function: getcurrentweaponspinlerp
    StructAddr: 0x00A580A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F4614 | Hash: 0x33603145 | Function: setcurrentweaponspinlerp
    StructAddr: 0x00A580B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F4258 | Hash: 0x7CA4B5BB | Function: getcurrentweaponaltweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A580DC | FunctionAddr: 0x002F49D0 | Hash: 0x327FC665 | Function: setweaponoverheating
    StructAddr: 0x00A580F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F4CEC | Hash: 0x7DDF1DCE | Function: getcurrentoffhand
    StructAddr: 0x00A58104 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F4468 | Hash: 0x1D3A01DD | Function: isusingoffhand
    StructAddr: 0x00A58118 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F43B0 | Hash: 0xAEEEF5B1 | Function: forceoffhandend
    StructAddr: 0x00A58140 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F528C | Hash: 0xE1ECC55C | Function: getweaponforweaponroot
    StructAddr: 0x00A58154 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F55C0 | Hash: 0xCB53A41E | Function: switchtoweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A58168 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F56A0 | Hash: 0x09785D11 | Function: switchtoweaponimmediate
    StructAddr: 0x00A5817C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F5780 | Hash: 0x3373D11A | Function: switchtooffhand
    StructAddr: 0x00A58190 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F5914 | Hash: 0x01824A75 | Function: weaponplayejectbrass
    StructAddr: 0x00A581A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F59B4 | Hash: 0xA35DF227 | Function: getlockonradius
    StructAddr: 0x00A581B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F5A84 | Hash: 0x6410F7D2 | Function: getlockonlossradius
    StructAddr: 0x00A581CC | FunctionAddr: 0x002F5B64 | Hash: 0x1BAB420E | Function: getlockonspeed
    StructAddr: 0x00A581E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F5C30 | Hash: 0x2D04E7E8 | Function: givestartammo
    StructAddr: 0x00A581F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F5D64 | Hash: 0x704B802A | Function: givemaxammo
    StructAddr: 0x00A58208 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F5F70 | Hash: 0x8CBDE445 | Function: getfractionstartammo
    StructAddr: 0x00A5821C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F61D0 | Hash: 0x3E11318F | Function: getfractionmaxammo
    StructAddr: 0x00A58230 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F6544 | Hash: 0xCD2CC2EC | Function: setweaponheatpercent
    StructAddr: 0x00A58244 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F6718 | Hash: 0x8CB595A7 | Function: setweaponhackpercent
    StructAddr: 0x00A58258 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F6990 | Hash: 0xBC4DC084 | Function: setweaponlockonpercent
    StructAddr: 0x00A5826C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F6C2C | Hash: 0xD89441AF | Function: setweaponfriendlytargeting
    StructAddr: 0x00A58280 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F6E44 | Hash: 0x5D56CE27 | Function: setweaponfriendlytargetlocked
    StructAddr: 0x00A58294 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F705C | Hash: 0xF316B4BF | Function: setweaponfriendlyhacking
    StructAddr: 0x00A582A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F727C | Hash: 0x6E6C4F26 | Function: settargetedentityendtime
    StructAddr: 0x00A582D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F7630 | Hash: 0x0A30814D | Function: setorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00A582E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F77F8 | Hash: 0xF5DF04E6 | Function: setvelocity
    StructAddr: 0x00A582F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F78D4 | Hash: 0xEDA2BE50 | Function: setplayerangles
    StructAddr: 0x00A5830C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F79C8 | Hash: 0x89C87C9C | Function: getplayerangles
    StructAddr: 0x00A58320 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F7B50 | Hash: 0xE933059F | Function: getgunangles
    StructAddr: 0x00A58334 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FEEDC | Hash: 0x52D99059 | Function: getplayercamerapos
    StructAddr: 0x00A58348 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F7C2C | Hash: 0x7198D073 | Function: cameraactivate
    StructAddr: 0x00A58384 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F80B0 | Hash: 0xC5AC7D70 | Function: camerasetangles
    StructAddr: 0x00A58398 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F8268 | Hash: 0xD2F3E35B | Function: startcameratween
    StructAddr: 0x00A583AC | FunctionAddr: 0x002F8378 | Hash: 0xA42945A1 | Function: gamepadusedlast
    StructAddr: 0x00A583C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F83A4 | Hash: 0x6361D15D | Function: buttonbitstate
    StructAddr: 0x00A583FC | FunctionAddr: 0x002F8810 | Hash: 0x0D5EF124 | Function: usebuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A58410 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F893C | Hash: 0x805A61B0 | Function: changeseatbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A58424 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F8A28 | Hash: 0x0C1C8570 | Function: boostbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A58438 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F8B14 | Hash: 0xBE4A4B0D | Function: attackbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A5844C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F8C00 | Hash: 0x8BA29281 | Function: actionslotonebuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A58460 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F8CEC | Hash: 0x40657223 | Function: actionslottwobuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A58474 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F8DD8 | Hash: 0xE57835F5 | Function: actionslotthreebuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A58488 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F8EC4 | Hash: 0x7DB80007 | Function: actionslotfourbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A5849C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F8FB0 | Hash: 0xB9A85331 | Function: adsbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A584B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F909C | Hash: 0x33327FDF | Function: throwbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A584C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F9188 | Hash: 0xF645AF0F | Function: meleebuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A584D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F9408 | Hash: 0xECD44E51 | Function: jumpbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A584EC | FunctionAddr: 0x002F94F4 | Hash: 0xE2E4A173 | Function: actionbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A58500 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F95E0 | Hash: 0xED1DCFA1 | Function: stancebuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A58514 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F96CC | Hash: 0xC11AE181 | Function: fragbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A58528 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F97B8 | Hash: 0x205B8784 | Function: reloadbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A5853C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F98BC | Hash: 0x1A71EC67 | Function: secondaryoffhandbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A58550 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F99A8 | Hash: 0x5B2A077F | Function: inventorybuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A58564 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F9274 | Hash: 0xA8B1FBB9 | Function: sprintbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A58578 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F9A74 | Hash: 0xC5A628F6 | Function: offhandspecialbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A5858C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F9B40 | Hash: 0x11E7D4B5 | Function: weaponswitchbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A585A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F9C0C | Hash: 0xEE8555D7 | Function: vehiclemoveupbuttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A585B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F9360 | Hash: 0x396823AD | Function: sprintuprequired
    StructAddr: 0x00A585C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F9CF8 | Hash: 0x07C08A28 | Function: playerads
    StructAddr: 0x00A585DC | FunctionAddr: 0x002F9DA4 | Hash: 0xA42CE026 | Function: pingplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00A585F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F9E60 | Hash: 0xD8FD89BD | Function: setplayercharacter
    StructAddr: 0x00A58604 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F9F4C | Hash: 0xB3B5416E | Function: resetcharactercustomization
    StructAddr: 0x00A58668 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FA488 | Hash: 0x62C34A4C | Function: setcharacterbodytype
    StructAddr: 0x00A58690 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FA7FC | Hash: 0x431B00F3 | Function: setcharacterbodystyle
    StructAddr: 0x00A586A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FA9F4 | Hash: 0xC6E2EA52 | Function: setcharacterhelmetstyle
    StructAddr: 0x00A586B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FABD4 | Hash: 0x303F31C3 | Function: getplayergendertype
    StructAddr: 0x00A586E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FB228 | Hash: 0x859D37B8 | Function: showviewmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00A586F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FB2F0 | Hash: 0x3C3596E5 | Function: hideviewmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00A58708 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F4DCC | Hash: 0xF4552CD7 | Function: setoffhandsecondaryclass
    StructAddr: 0x00A5871C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F503C | Hash: 0xBBBD151B | Function: getoffhandsecondaryclass
    StructAddr: 0x00A58730 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F4EF0 | Hash: 0xF2AAA6B3 | Function: setoffhandprimaryclass
    StructAddr: 0x00A58744 | FunctionAddr: 0x003079EC | Hash: 0xC4D3EDC9 | Function: beginlocationselection
    StructAddr: 0x00A58758 | FunctionAddr: 0x00307A2C | Hash: 0xCD9D5225 | Function: beginlocationairstrikeselection
    StructAddr: 0x00A5876C | FunctionAddr: 0x00307A6C | Hash: 0x42C61E54 | Function: beginlocationmortarselection
    StructAddr: 0x00A58780 | FunctionAddr: 0x00307AAC | Hash: 0xD1001189 | Function: beginlocationartilleryselection
    StructAddr: 0x00A58794 | FunctionAddr: 0x00307AEC | Hash: 0x53DF6C16 | Function: beginlocationcomlinkselection
    StructAddr: 0x00A587A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00307B2C | Hash: 0x73739D48 | Function: beginlocationnapalmselection
    StructAddr: 0x00A587BC | FunctionAddr: 0x00307B6C | Hash: 0x2A71E77D | Function: endlocationselection
    StructAddr: 0x00A587D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00309190 | Hash: 0x1BEC8000 | Function: clientsyssetstate
    StructAddr: 0x00A587E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003093B8 | Hash: 0x20439CF5 | Function: weaponlockdetect
    StructAddr: 0x00A587F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003094D4 | Hash: 0xC477757C | Function: weaponlockstart
    StructAddr: 0x00A5880C | FunctionAddr: 0x003095F0 | Hash: 0xA953E0E6 | Function: weaponlockfinalize
    StructAddr: 0x00A58820 | FunctionAddr: 0x00309708 | Hash: 0x618593A2 | Function: weaponlockfree
    StructAddr: 0x00A58834 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030980C | Hash: 0xEE1CE041 | Function: weaponlocktargettooclose
    StructAddr: 0x00A58848 | FunctionAddr: 0x00309928 | Hash: 0x4F67AA29 | Function: weaponlocknoclearance
    StructAddr: 0x00A5885C | FunctionAddr: 0x00309A44 | Hash: 0x3AD6E765 | Function: weaponlockcount
    StructAddr: 0x00A58870 | FunctionAddr: 0x00309B40 | Hash: 0x35C12954 | Function: weaponlockremoveslot
    StructAddr: 0x00A588C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030A0B8 | Hash: 0x9B97ACEF | Function: getfriendlydogtagmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00A588D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030A1B4 | Hash: 0x75DEDFDE | Function: getenemydogtagmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00A588E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F17B8 | Hash: 0x52AA79E8 | Function: gettargetscreenangles
    StructAddr: 0x00A588FC | FunctionAddr: 0x00309CB4 | Hash: 0xCD53B410 | Function: getreplaygunlockonorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00A58910 | FunctionAddr: 0x00309CB4 | Hash: 0xA5A2ACA3 | Function: getlockonorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00A58924 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F25F8 | Hash: 0xA4D94983 | Function: getnormalizedmovement
    StructAddr: 0x00A5894C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F2704 | Hash: 0xA11BD22A | Function: giveweaponnextattachment
    StructAddr: 0x00A58960 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F25F0 | Hash: 0xCC7E4FCA | Function: givenextbaseweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A58974 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F2700 | Hash: 0x86BD5886 | Function: getnormalizedcameramovement
    StructAddr: 0x00A58988 | FunctionAddr: 0x00305F94 | Hash: 0x1552AC9B | Function: sayall
    StructAddr: 0x00A5899C | FunctionAddr: 0x00306078 | Hash: 0x0CFECD69 | Function: sayteam
    StructAddr: 0x00A589B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FB43C | Hash: 0xBDBA7B94 | Function: setspawnweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A589C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FB710 | Hash: 0x701B6ED5 | Function: initialweaponraise
    StructAddr: 0x00A589D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FB89C | Hash: 0x0B99D72B | Function: seteverhadweaponall
    StructAddr: 0x00A589EC | FunctionAddr: 0x002FB9E8 | Hash: 0x562A2C6F | Function: dropitem
    StructAddr: 0x00A58A00 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FBB68 | Hash: 0x1906D003 | Function: dropscavengeritem
    StructAddr: 0x00A58A14 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FBCBC | Hash: 0xE9475361 | Function: hasagrenadepulledback
    StructAddr: 0x00A58A28 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FC3C8 | Hash: 0xE227A9F6 | Function: cleardamageindicator
    StructAddr: 0x00A58A3C | FunctionAddr: 0x002FC468 | Hash: 0x4EDE0101 | Function: addtodamageindicator
    StructAddr: 0x00A58A50 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FC760 | Hash: 0x788E5CB8 | Function: finishplayerdamage
    StructAddr: 0x00A58A64 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FDB48 | Hash: 0xE558EF0B | Function: finishmeleehit
    StructAddr: 0x00A58A8C | FunctionAddr: 0x002FDD8C | Hash: 0x9AD3560D | Function: reviveplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00A58AA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FE014 | Hash: 0xACAA65F7 | Function: rejack
    StructAddr: 0x00A58AB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FE1A0 | Hash: 0x2FE6D6E1 | Function: undolaststand
    StructAddr: 0x00A58AC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FE29C | Hash: 0x584B97B7 | Function: suicide
    StructAddr: 0x00A58ADC | FunctionAddr: 0x002FE3AC | Hash: 0x0309D125 | Function: resetflashback
    StructAddr: 0x00A58AF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FE44C | Hash: 0xE2AE8CC7 | Function: createflashbackclone
    StructAddr: 0x00A58B04 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FE9F8 | Hash: 0x07E9ADF6 | Function: turnedhuman
    StructAddr: 0x00A58B40 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FF220 | Hash: 0x818DE253 | Function: isweaponviewonlylinked
    StructAddr: 0x00A58B54 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FF2F8 | Hash: 0xA3624368 | Function: allowstand
    StructAddr: 0x00A58B68 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FF430 | Hash: 0x1C75A89A | Function: allowcrouch
    StructAddr: 0x00A58B7C | FunctionAddr: 0x002FF568 | Hash: 0xF5BA63F2 | Function: allowprone
    StructAddr: 0x00A58B90 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FF6A0 | Hash: 0xAC3F0290 | Function: allowlean
    StructAddr: 0x00A58BA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FF7D8 | Hash: 0x4651AAF7 | Function: allowslide
    StructAddr: 0x00A58BB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FF910 | Hash: 0x7C34E9C7 | Function: allowdoublejump
    StructAddr: 0x00A58BCC | FunctionAddr: 0x002FFA48 | Hash: 0xF0051F1B | Function: allowwallrun
    StructAddr: 0x00A58BE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FFB78 | Hash: 0xDD4657F1 | Function: getvehicleoccupied
    StructAddr: 0x00A58BF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FFC84 | Hash: 0x907DF6FE | Function: getfriendlies
    StructAddr: 0x00A58C08 | FunctionAddr: 0x00300AB8 | Hash: 0x4AA9CAAC | Function: openmenu
    StructAddr: 0x00A58C1C | FunctionAddr: 0x00300DA8 | Hash: 0x49876A9E | Function: closemenu
    StructAddr: 0x00A58C30 | FunctionAddr: 0x00300C70 | Hash: 0xC8643042 | Function: openmenunomouse
    StructAddr: 0x00A58C44 | FunctionAddr: 0x00300EA4 | Hash: 0xEB306581 | Function: closeingamemenu
    StructAddr: 0x00A58C58 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FFE30 | Hash: 0xF2E7970F | Function: setcontrolleruimodelvalue
    StructAddr: 0x00A58C6C | FunctionAddr: 0x00300028 | Hash: 0xD7F04F83 | Function: getcontrolleruimodelvalue
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AAE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9590 | Hash: 0x2F6B6A4C | Function: openluimenu
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AAFC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9B3C | Hash: 0x0E9022FE | Function: getluimenu
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AB10 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9778 | Hash: 0x3A9588EA | Function: setluimenudata
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AB24 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9974 | Hash: 0x23C5960E | Function: getluimenudata
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AB4C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9C98 | Hash: 0x2B74B70A | Function: closeluimenu
    StructAddr: 0x00A58CE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00304D48 | Hash: 0xDAC5B79A | Function: setelectrifiedstate
    StructAddr: 0x00A58CF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00304E24 | Hash: 0xFAF8F736 | Function: freezecontrols
    StructAddr: 0x00A58D0C | FunctionAddr: 0x00304EF4 | Hash: 0xC148B5AC | Function: freezecontrolsallowlook
    StructAddr: 0x00A58D20 | FunctionAddr: 0x00304FC4 | Hash: 0xB9C68A2D | Function: arecontrolsfrozen
    StructAddr: 0x00A58D34 | FunctionAddr: 0x00305090 | Hash: 0x3C64A65B | Function: disableusability
    StructAddr: 0x00A58D48 | FunctionAddr: 0x00305134 | Hash: 0x0B1C908E | Function: enableusability
    StructAddr: 0x00A58D5C | FunctionAddr: 0x003051E8 | Hash: 0x1271A73E | Function: disableweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00A58D70 | FunctionAddr: 0x00305338 | Hash: 0x901E0817 | Function: enableweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00A58D84 | FunctionAddr: 0x003053E8 | Hash: 0xB67FA293 | Function: disableweaponfire
    StructAddr: 0x00A58D98 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030548C | Hash: 0x34D04C40 | Function: enableweaponfire
    StructAddr: 0x00A58DAC | FunctionAddr: 0x00305534 | Hash: 0xE9BA3885 | Function: disabledeathstreak
    StructAddr: 0x00A58DC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003055BC | Hash: 0x09A74770 | Function: enabledeathstreak
    StructAddr: 0x00A58DD4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00305644 | Hash: 0x39BF5AA5 | Function: deathstreakactive
    StructAddr: 0x00A58DE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003056E0 | Hash: 0x518A4A08 | Function: disableoffhandweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00A58DFC | FunctionAddr: 0x00305784 | Hash: 0x4B9F6977 | Function: enableoffhandweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00A58E10 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030582C | Hash: 0xE6152EDE | Function: disableweaponcycling
    StructAddr: 0x00A58E24 | FunctionAddr: 0x003058D0 | Hash: 0x6C8F914F | Function: enableweaponcycling
    StructAddr: 0x00A58E38 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F124C | Hash: 0x2A805A82 | Function: revive
    StructAddr: 0x00A58E4C | FunctionAddr: 0x003090D4 | Hash: 0x927E3C75 | Function: setlaststandprevweap
    StructAddr: 0x00A58E60 | FunctionAddr: 0x00300F84 | Hash: 0x67795B5F | Function: setweaponammoclip
    StructAddr: 0x00A58E74 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030126C | Hash: 0xCDF98BCD | Function: setweaponammostock
    StructAddr: 0x00A58E88 | FunctionAddr: 0x00301450 | Hash: 0x4079F435 | Function: setweaponammofuel
    StructAddr: 0x00A58E9C | FunctionAddr: 0x003016A8 | Hash: 0x3E942D90 | Function: reloadweaponammo
    StructAddr: 0x00A58EC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00301930 | Hash: 0x54D84899 | Function: getweaponammostock
    StructAddr: 0x00A58ED8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00301A80 | Hash: 0xE2F2CA49 | Function: getweaponammofuel
    StructAddr: 0x00A58F14 | FunctionAddr: 0x00301E90 | Hash: 0xC1C08944 | Function: anyammoforweaponmodes
    StructAddr: 0x00A58F28 | FunctionAddr: 0x00302058 | Hash: 0xD52B076D | Function: iprintln
    StructAddr: 0x00A58F64 | FunctionAddr: 0x003025B4 | Hash: 0xDEDBB7C9 | Function: spawnspectator
    StructAddr: 0x00A58F78 | FunctionAddr: 0x00303658 | Hash: 0x9AE08D74 | Function: setentertime
    StructAddr: 0x00A58F8C | FunctionAddr: 0x00303708 | Hash: 0x963FD853 | Function: cloneplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00A58FA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00303DFC | Hash: 0x5E6740A8 | Function: setlowready
    StructAddr: 0x00A58FB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00303F38 | Hash: 0x57873D2D | Function: setcarryingobject
    StructAddr: 0x00A58FC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00304244 | Hash: 0x05D58C4D | Function: setclientfocallength
    StructAddr: 0x00A58FDC | FunctionAddr: 0x00304444 | Hash: 0x241D0EAE | Function: setclientthirdperson
    StructAddr: 0x00A58FF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00304404 | Hash: 0x1A276E5B | Function: setclientthirdpersonangle
    StructAddr: 0x00A59004 | FunctionAddr: 0x003041C4 | Hash: 0xA7F4D126 | Function: setclientcompass
    StructAddr: 0x00A59018 | FunctionAddr: 0x003043C4 | Hash: 0xD7812975 | Function: setclientscriptmainmenu
    StructAddr: 0x00A5902C | FunctionAddr: 0x00304184 | Hash: 0x09102FEC | Function: setclientcgobjectivetext
    StructAddr: 0x00A59040 | FunctionAddr: 0x003042C4 | Hash: 0x329CE926 | Function: setclientplayersprinttime
    StructAddr: 0x00A59054 | FunctionAddr: 0x00304344 | Hash: 0x579369BF | Function: setclientnumlives
    StructAddr: 0x00A59068 | FunctionAddr: 0x00304204 | Hash: 0xA5385772 | Function: setclientdrawtalk
    StructAddr: 0x00A5907C | FunctionAddr: 0x00304304 | Hash: 0x74268EBD | Function: setclientminiscoreboardhide
    StructAddr: 0x00A59090 | FunctionAddr: 0x00304284 | Hash: 0xA16313AB | Function: setclienthudhardcore
    StructAddr: 0x00A590A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00304384 | Hash: 0x4BF349E5 | Function: setclientplayerpushamount
    Hash: 0x94EF8D4C | Function: setclientaimlockonpitchstrength - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00A590B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003046C8 | Hash: 0x1B947E2A | Function: setclientuivisibilityflag
    StructAddr: 0x00A590CC | FunctionAddr: 0x00304504 | Hash: 0x1B363908 | Function: setclientprofilevar
    StructAddr: 0x00A590E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003048BC | Hash: 0x20CD53D8 | Function: playclientairstrike
    StructAddr: 0x00A590F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00304A8C | Hash: 0x531213C1 | Function: playclientnapalm
    StructAddr: 0x00A59108 | FunctionAddr: 0x00301784 | Hash: 0x3E3799AC | Function: setcurrentspectatorclient
    StructAddr: 0x00A5911C | FunctionAddr: 0x0030A2B0 | Hash: 0x4A764094 | Function: carryturret
    StructAddr: 0x00A59130 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030A3DC | Hash: 0xDBC0E58C | Function: stopcarryturret
    StructAddr: 0x00A59144 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030A9F8 | Hash: 0x54829484 | Function: iscarryingturret
    StructAddr: 0x00A59158 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030AAB4 | Hash: 0xAFFA5DFD | Function: canplayerplaceturret
    StructAddr: 0x00A5916C | FunctionAddr: 0x0030BB00 | Hash: 0x2B13AB6B | Function: setplacementhint
    StructAddr: 0x00A59180 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030A53C | Hash: 0xADE38926 | Function: linkguidedmissilecamera
    StructAddr: 0x00A59194 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030A5E0 | Hash: 0x2C303D11 | Function: unlinkguidedmissilecamera
    StructAddr: 0x00A591A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030A688 | Hash: 0xD9CE7E0E | Function: linktomissile
    StructAddr: 0x00A591BC | FunctionAddr: 0x0030A91C | Hash: 0xB1F16268 | Function: unlinkfrommissile
    StructAddr: 0x00A591D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030AE6C | Hash: 0x9555568F | Function: damageriotshield
    StructAddr: 0x00A591E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030AF60 | Hash: 0x8E7B3A52 | Function: hasriotshield
    StructAddr: 0x00A591F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030B07C | Hash: 0xFB7FC0CB | Function: canplaceriotshield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5920C | FunctionAddr: 0x0030B478 | Hash: 0x880B9521 | Function: setriotshieldfailhint
    StructAddr: 0x00A59220 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030B520 | Hash: 0xE9B941D7 | Function: settargetoorhint
    StructAddr: 0x00A59234 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030B5DC | Hash: 0x06D40D95 | Function: settargetalreadyinusehint
    StructAddr: 0x00A59248 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030B698 | Hash: 0x0EE220B8 | Function: settargetwrongtypehint
    StructAddr: 0x00A5925C | FunctionAddr: 0x0030B754 | Hash: 0xDDEF5F43 | Function: setnotargetshint
    StructAddr: 0x00A59270 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030B810 | Hash: 0x85A9F38C | Function: setnolosontargetshint
    StructAddr: 0x00A59284 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030B8CC | Hash: 0x0499E813 | Function: setdisabledtargethint
    StructAddr: 0x00A59298 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030BA44 | Hash: 0xA8C06C37 | Function: settargetalreadytargetedhint
    StructAddr: 0x00A592AC | FunctionAddr: 0x0030B988 | Hash: 0xD2A51F76 | Function: settargetingabortedhint
    StructAddr: 0x00A592C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030B3BC | Hash: 0x6235C32D | Function: pickupammoevent
    StructAddr: 0x00A592D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030B1D4 | Hash: 0xC86FDC27 | Function: pickupweaponevent
    StructAddr: 0x00A592FC | FunctionAddr: 0x0030AC54 | Hash: 0x4B283825 | Function: canplayerplacevehicle
    StructAddr: 0x00A59310 | FunctionAddr: 0x003026F4 | Hash: 0x977E5A60 | Function: remotecontrolturret
    StructAddr: 0x00A59324 | FunctionAddr: 0x00302728 | Hash: 0x2E12555F | Function: remotecontrolturretoff
    StructAddr: 0x00A59338 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030275C | Hash: 0x93389DD8 | Function: recordkillstreakevent
    StructAddr: 0x00A5934C | FunctionAddr: 0x0030284C | Hash: 0xFB20B9ED | Function: recordkillstreakendevent
    StructAddr: 0x00A59360 | FunctionAddr: 0x00302984 | Hash: 0x1265F22C | Function: recordgameevent
    StructAddr: 0x00A59374 | FunctionAddr: 0x00302A78 | Hash: 0x2D465945 | Function: recordkillmodifier
    StructAddr: 0x00A59388 | FunctionAddr: 0x00302B6C | Hash: 0x464F8FFF | Function: recordmedal
    StructAddr: 0x00A5939C | FunctionAddr: 0x00302C60 | Hash: 0xCF0CED21 | Function: recordloadoutperksandkillstreaks
    StructAddr: 0x00A593B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00302EC4 | Hash: 0x0FA2221A | Function: recordloadoutindex
    StructAddr: 0x00A593C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00302F7C | Hash: 0x3897BC6D | Function: recordmultikill
    StructAddr: 0x00A593D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00303070 | Hash: 0x6C72D43C | Function: incrementlifestat
    StructAddr: 0x00A593EC | FunctionAddr: 0x00303074 | Hash: 0x2CCCF6D1 | Function: incrementplayerstat
    StructAddr: 0x00A59400 | FunctionAddr: 0x003032F8 | Hash: 0x78D81502 | Function: recordplayerdeathzombies
    StructAddr: 0x00A59414 | FunctionAddr: 0x003033D4 | Hash: 0x819F012A | Function: recordplayerdownzombies
    StructAddr: 0x00A59428 | FunctionAddr: 0x00303554 | Hash: 0xF562EC67 | Function: recordplayerrevivezombies
    StructAddr: 0x00A5943C | FunctionAddr: 0x00303174 | Hash: 0x2F6D758E | Function: recordzombiezone
    StructAddr: 0x00A59450 | FunctionAddr: 0x00305AD8 | Hash: 0xEAFC9C17 | Function: islookingat
    StructAddr: 0x00A59464 | FunctionAddr: 0x00305BC8 | Hash: 0x6CECEEF8 | Function: playhitmarker
    StructAddr: 0x00A59478 | FunctionAddr: 0x00305D0C | Hash: 0x8A20E55D | Function: playlocalsound
    StructAddr: 0x00A594A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00304C5C | Hash: 0x2CC534DD | Function: istalking
    StructAddr: 0x00A594B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00306CF0 | Hash: 0x30FFFFE2 | Function: allowspectateteam
    StructAddr: 0x00A594C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00306E30 | Hash: 0x04B1BF30 | Function: getipaddress
    StructAddr: 0x00A594DC | FunctionAddr: 0x00306F98 | Hash: 0x72A499C8 | Function: getguid
    StructAddr: 0x00A594F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00307050 | Hash: 0xF49DD4FD | Function: getxuid
    StructAddr: 0x00A59504 | FunctionAddr: 0x003071A4 | Hash: 0xE025DAA7 | Function: ishost
    StructAddr: 0x00A59518 | FunctionAddr: 0x00307674 | Hash: 0x15CAAAB3 | Function: islocaltohost
    StructAddr: 0x00A5952C | FunctionAddr: 0x0030615C | Hash: 0xC20E893E | Function: allowads
    StructAddr: 0x00A59540 | FunctionAddr: 0x00306298 | Hash: 0xED04153C | Function: allowjump
    StructAddr: 0x00A59554 | FunctionAddr: 0x003063D0 | Hash: 0x6FA6B424 | Function: allowsprint
    StructAddr: 0x00A59568 | FunctionAddr: 0x00306508 | Hash: 0xF68F147C | Function: allowmelee
    StructAddr: 0x00A5957C | FunctionAddr: 0x00306640 | Hash: 0x8FA8A0C8 | Function: allowmeleepowerleft
    StructAddr: 0x00A59590 | FunctionAddr: 0x00306778 | Hash: 0xB36DA37E | Function: forceslick
    StructAddr: 0x00A595A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003068B8 | Hash: 0xBA25E637 | Function: setsprintduration
    StructAddr: 0x00A595B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00306A00 | Hash: 0xE67885F8 | Function: setsprintcooldown
    StructAddr: 0x00A595CC | FunctionAddr: 0x00306B38 | Hash: 0xCBA5B7BA | Function: setspreadoverride
    StructAddr: 0x00A595E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00306C44 | Hash: 0x3C316267 | Function: resetspreadoverride
    StructAddr: 0x00A595F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00307C0C | Hash: 0x23E013B9 | Function: setactionslot
    StructAddr: 0x00A59608 | FunctionAddr: 0x00307E70 | Hash: 0xFBDA64E1 | Function: getinventoryweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A5961C | FunctionAddr: 0x00307F38 | Hash: 0x4151475D | Function: setinventoryweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A59630 | FunctionAddr: 0x00307FF4 | Hash: 0x21995B5A | Function: getweaponslist
    StructAddr: 0x00A59644 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030819C | Hash: 0xDA26566C | Function: getweaponslistprimaries
    StructAddr: 0x00A59658 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030830C | Hash: 0x78BAE150 | Function: startrevive
    StructAddr: 0x00A5966C | FunctionAddr: 0x00308400 | Hash: 0x5A6D79CA | Function: stoprevive
    StructAddr: 0x00A59680 | FunctionAddr: 0x00308500 | Hash: 0xFA95F494 | Function: applyknockback
    StructAddr: 0x00A59694 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FC204 | Hash: 0x6EEFE46B | Function: freerunsethighscores
    StructAddr: 0x00A596A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00308774 | Hash: 0x5D8FA337 | Function: setperk
    StructAddr: 0x00A596E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00308BF8 | Hash: 0xF7A2618F | Function: clearperks
    StructAddr: 0x00A596F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00308ABC | Hash: 0xE52E855C | Function: unsetperk
    StructAddr: 0x00A59720 | FunctionAddr: 0x00308F78 | Hash: 0x0B946095 | Function: setrank
    StructAddr: 0x00A59734 | FunctionAddr: 0x00308CC4 | Hash: 0x83FD42B5 | Function: enableinvulnerability
    StructAddr: 0x00A59748 | FunctionAddr: 0x00308D7C | Hash: 0x4890E520 | Function: disableinvulnerability
    StructAddr: 0x00A5975C | FunctionAddr: 0x002FBDD0 | Hash: 0xCF1F0ADD | Function: botsetrandomcharactercustomization
    StructAddr: 0x00A59784 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FEBBC | Hash: 0x1155D72A | Function: isplayeronsamemachine
    StructAddr: 0x00A59798 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FEE10 | Hash: 0x215EDF3B | Function: playerknockback
    StructAddr: 0x00A597AC | FunctionAddr: 0x002FEF94 | Hash: 0x1E60168E | Function: getplayerviewheight
    StructAddr: 0x00A597C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00307280 | Hash: 0xF7343DD6 | Function: ishostforbots
    StructAddr: 0x00A597D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003073A0 | Hash: 0x634D97F2 | Function: murderline
    StructAddr: 0x00A597E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003074FC | Hash: 0x93292BF9 | Function: setoffhandvisible
    StructAddr: 0x00A597FC | FunctionAddr: 0x002FD840 | Hash: 0x3A7EA645 | Function: fakedamagefrom
    StructAddr: 0x00A59810 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030BBD0 | Hash: 0x016D67F6 | Function: getsnapshotackindex
    StructAddr: 0x00A59824 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030BC9C | Hash: 0x8C3E1178 | Function: getleagueteamid
    StructAddr: 0x00A59838 | FunctionAddr: 0x00305978 | Hash: 0xC5829CC8 | Function: disableroundstartdelay
    StructAddr: 0x00A5984C | FunctionAddr: 0x00305A28 | Hash: 0xA8D99101 | Function: enableroundstartdelay
    StructAddr: 0x00A59860 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030BD3C | Hash: 0x1A9006BD | Function: hascybercomability
    StructAddr: 0x00A59874 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030BF00 | Hash: 0xACE111F5 | Function: setcybercomability
    Hash: 0x4AD1C853 | Function: setactivecybercomtype - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00A59888 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030BFF0 | Hash: 0x8564AB3D | Function: setcybercomabilities
    StructAddr: 0x00A5989C | FunctionAddr: 0x0030C3D0 | Hash: 0x9D0FEFB1 | Function: getcybercomabilities
    StructAddr: 0x00A598B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030C4DC | Hash: 0x9D36C436 | Function: getcybercomupgrades
    StructAddr: 0x00A598C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030C5E8 | Hash: 0x814D6F0C | Function: getcybercomrigs
    StructAddr: 0x00A598D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030CA28 | Hash: 0xD8DF9418 | Function: clearcybercomability
    StructAddr: 0x00A598EC | FunctionAddr: 0x0030BE30 | Hash: 0x76F34311 | Function: hascybercomrig
    StructAddr: 0x00A59900 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030C694 | Hash: 0x0BE9E2D9 | Function: setcybercomrig
    StructAddr: 0x00A59914 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030C10C | Hash: 0x7BD2C4B9 | Function: setcybercomrigsflags
    StructAddr: 0x00A59928 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030C1B8 | Hash: 0x9A5A502A | Function: setcybercomabilityflags
    StructAddr: 0x00A5993C | FunctionAddr: 0x0030C2C4 | Hash: 0x88655A58 | Function: setcybercomupgradeflags
    StructAddr: 0x00A59950 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030CB34 | Hash: 0x9F1F0E5C | Function: clearcybercomrig
    StructAddr: 0x00A59964 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030C7F0 | Hash: 0x751FF137 | Function: setcybercomactivetype
    StructAddr: 0x00A59978 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030C8D8 | Hash: 0x2EEF1193 | Function: getcybercomactivetype
    StructAddr: 0x00A599A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003075C0 | Hash: 0xBF748C11 | Function: settacticalwheel
    StructAddr: 0x00A599B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030CC40 | Hash: 0xF0711E2E | Function: setlightingstate
    StructAddr: 0x00A599DC | FunctionAddr: 0x0030CDD8 | Hash: 0x75588724 | Function: setsunshadowsplitdistance
    StructAddr: 0x00A599F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030CEE0 | Hash: 0x0CE1A8B8 | Function: getsunshadowsplitdistance
    StructAddr: 0x00A59A18 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030D0A0 | Hash: 0x46724AB2 | Function: setvehiclefocusentity
    StructAddr: 0x00A59A2C | FunctionAddr: 0x0030D1C8 | Hash: 0x188A8BD6 | Function: getvehiclefocusentity
    StructAddr: 0x00A59A40 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030D2E8 | Hash: 0xF33401DA | Function: getvehicleboosttimeleft
    StructAddr: 0x00A59A54 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030D838 | Hash: 0xCB9485D5 | Function: getvehicleboosttime
    StructAddr: 0x00A59A68 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030D920 | Hash: 0xD7A50AAF | Function: getvehicleminboosttime
    StructAddr: 0x00A59A7C | FunctionAddr: 0x0030D3C4 | Hash: 0xCD99462E | Function: setvehicledrivableduration
    StructAddr: 0x00A59A90 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030D478 | Hash: 0x6FEEC9BE | Function: setvehicledrivableendtime
    StructAddr: 0x00A59AA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030D694 | Hash: 0xF8D63C75 | Function: setvehicledamagemeter
    StructAddr: 0x00A59AB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030D748 | Hash: 0x4DA68CB2 | Function: setvehiclelockedonbyent
    StructAddr: 0x00A59ACC | FunctionAddr: 0x0030D52C | Hash: 0x993CC27E | Function: setvehicleweaponwaitduration
    StructAddr: 0x00A59AE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030D5E0 | Hash: 0xB73C36AE | Function: setvehicleweaponwaitendtime
    StructAddr: 0x00A59AF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0030DA10 | Hash: 0x67B5FE65 | Function: setviewclamp
    StructAddr: 0x00DE041C | FunctionAddr: 0x00138C74 | Hash: 0x9B6966DF | Function: forcedelete
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0430 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013A5F4 | Hash: 0x2235F722 | Function: getentnum
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0444 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013A624 | Hash: 0xC7F3CE11 | Function: getentitynumber
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0458 | FunctionAddr: 0x001391B8 | Hash: 0xE48F905E | Function: setmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0480 | FunctionAddr: 0x00138FCC | Hash: 0xB18B3A98 | Function: setdrawname
    StructAddr: 0x00DE04A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00139370 | Hash: 0xCEA50A94 | Function: sethighdetail
    StructAddr: 0x00DE04BC | FunctionAddr: 0x001394AC | Hash: 0xB97730BE | Function: setdedicatedshadow
    StructAddr: 0x00A52908 | FunctionAddr: 0x002D0578 | Hash: 0x7D0838B3 | Function: setscale
    StructAddr: 0x00DE04E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00123140 | Hash: 0x9D1FE691 | Function: setsanim
    StructAddr: 0x00DE04F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012CE7C | Hash: 0x3D6438AE | Function: siegecmd
    StructAddr: 0x00A51A30 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C9818 | Hash: 0x8FF2374E | Function: attach
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0520 | FunctionAddr: 0x00139BC0 | Hash: 0x17DE2ACE | Function: attachweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0534 | FunctionAddr: 0x001396F4 | Hash: 0xEFD485CD | Function: isAttached
    StructAddr: 0x00A51A44 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C9B4C | Hash: 0xCB3BF380 | Function: detach
    StructAddr: 0x00DE055C | FunctionAddr: 0x00139D34 | Hash: 0x9535B9C7 | Function: linktocamera
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0570 | FunctionAddr: 0x00141430 | Hash: 0x32FA5072 | Function: istouching
    StructAddr: 0x00A66784 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039CDD0 | Hash: 0xB62CB89C | Function: getspeed
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0598 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013A424 | Hash: 0x1439C75A | Function: getvelocity
    StructAddr: 0x00DE05AC | FunctionAddr: 0x00141948 | Hash: 0xBCDC229E | Function: underwater
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D668 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341F08 | Hash: 0x65F192A6 | Function: isplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE05D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013F758 | Hash: 0xB8F5F3DA | Function: isplayercorpse
    StructAddr: 0x00DE05E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013F878 | Hash: 0xB80A9A41 | Function: islocalplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE05FC | FunctionAddr: 0x0013FB9C | Hash: 0xE00759C4 | Function: isplayertalking
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0610 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013FD14 | Hash: 0x13602D78 | Function: isplayerdead
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0624 | FunctionAddr: 0x001406F0 | Hash: 0x6EB2E8F3 | Function: isplayerfiring
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0638 | FunctionAddr: 0x0014084C | Hash: 0x9640027D | Function: isplayerswimming
    StructAddr: 0x00DE064C | FunctionAddr: 0x00140B1C | Hash: 0x2B43CA0B | Function: isplayerswimmingonsurface
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0660 | FunctionAddr: 0x001409B4 | Hash: 0xB80F451E | Function: isplayerswimmingunderwater
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0674 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013FE6C | Hash: 0xE55FC9B2 | Function: isplayerjumping
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0688 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013FFD8 | Hash: 0x62C59BC7 | Function: isplayerdoublejumping
    StructAddr: 0x00DE069C | FunctionAddr: 0x00140144 | Hash: 0xA38F74A0 | Function: isplayersliding
    StructAddr: 0x00DE06B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x001402B0 | Hash: 0x1CB019EB | Function: isplayerwallrunning
    StructAddr: 0x00DE06C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0014041C | Hash: 0x7A5914A3 | Function: isplayerwallrunningright
    StructAddr: 0x00DE06D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00140584 | Hash: 0xF173009A | Function: isplayersprinting
    StructAddr: 0x00DE06EC | FunctionAddr: 0x00140C84 | Hash: 0xF88429C9 | Function: isinscritpedanim
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D67C | FunctionAddr: 0x003420A0 | Hash: 0xE70AB977 | Function: isai
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0728 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013FA70 | Hash: 0x5CE5C3DB | Function: isrobot
    StructAddr: 0x00DE073C | FunctionAddr: 0x00140ED0 | Hash: 0xF72343A0 | Function: hasdobj
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0750 | FunctionAddr: 0x00140F94 | Hash: 0x3131EE4A | Function: setcompassicon
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0764 | FunctionAddr: 0x001410B8 | Hash: 0xAB262AE5 | Function: enableonradar
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0778 | FunctionAddr: 0x001411AC | Hash: 0x0AB3B9E8 | Function: disableonradar
    StructAddr: 0x00DE078C | FunctionAddr: 0x001421D0 | Hash: 0x8461D2B1 | Function: launchragdoll
    StructAddr: 0x00DE07A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00142344 | Hash: 0x10FE46AA | Function: isragdoll
    StructAddr: 0x00DE07B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0014243C | Hash: 0x48F26766 | Function: show
    StructAddr: 0x00DE07C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00142644 | Hash: 0x50CCEE8D | Function: hide
    StructAddr: 0x00DE07DC | FunctionAddr: 0x00142848 | Hash: 0xEE1F5A49 | Function: ishidden
    StructAddr: 0x00DE07F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00143158 | Hash: 0x884384E0 | Function: setmaterialoverride
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0804 | FunctionAddr: 0x00143228 | Hash: 0x333EABAB | Function: clearmaterialoverride
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0818 | FunctionAddr: 0x001432C4 | Hash: 0xD7EA2748 | Function: setsteptriggersound
    StructAddr: 0x00DE082C | FunctionAddr: 0x00143394 | Hash: 0xF298D1CB | Function: clearsteptriggersound
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0840 | FunctionAddr: 0x00143448 | Hash: 0x07771FBC | Function: getmovementtype
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0854 | FunctionAddr: 0x001437E4 | Hash: 0xAAB890F1 | Function: isinsideheightlock
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0868 | FunctionAddr: 0x00143A2C | Hash: 0xBA8F1D94 | Function: isgrenadedud
    StructAddr: 0x00A51EF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C4558 | Hash: 0xA5F053B3 | Function: isempjammed
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0890 | FunctionAddr: 0x00143BC4 | Hash: 0xABF8DDB8 | Function: isfriendly
    StructAddr: 0x00DE08A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00143D80 | Hash: 0xF9C93CA9 | Function: getdistancefromscreencenter
    StructAddr: 0x00DE08B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00143F68 | Hash: 0x453DB3E5 | Function: gethorizontaloffsetfromscreencenter
    StructAddr: 0x00DE08CC | FunctionAddr: 0x001232DC | Hash: 0xE1BF9B4E | Function: isstreamed
    StructAddr: 0x00DE08E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00123458 | Hash: 0x8FAF64B9 | Function: areMeshesStreamed
    StructAddr: 0x00DE08F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00123570 | Hash: 0xC8E4AA1A | Function: areTexturesStreamed
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0908 | FunctionAddr: 0x00143000 | Hash: 0x419FAC08 | Function: getcharacterindex
    StructAddr: 0x00DE091C | FunctionAddr: 0x00143100 | Hash: 0x8724837D | Function: getplayername
    StructAddr: 0x00A51FD0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BF3CC | Hash: 0x37F7858A | Function: linkto
    StructAddr: 0x00A51FBC | FunctionAddr: 0x002C6B9C | Hash: 0x52FDDBD0 | Function: unlink
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0958 | FunctionAddr: 0x00141CFC | Hash: 0x8BC7895C | Function: isentitylinkedtotag
    StructAddr: 0x00DE096C | FunctionAddr: 0x0012B97C | Hash: 0x07A0E505 | Function: islocalplayerviewlinked
    StructAddr: 0x00A66900 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D840 | Hash: 0x23629963 | Function: getthrottle
    StructAddr: 0x00A667D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039CFBC | Hash: 0x65C3981C | Function: getbrake
    StructAddr: 0x00A66EA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A0C58 | Hash: 0x7197C6B8 | Function: getmaxspeed
    StructAddr: 0x00A668EC | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D7C0 | Hash: 0xC4989EC2 | Function: getsteering
    StructAddr: 0x00DE09D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012B1B0 | Hash: 0x810B6E08 | Function: getmaxreversespeed
    StructAddr: 0x00DE09E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012BB08 | Hash: 0x84F89A39 | Function: islocalclientdriver
    StructAddr: 0x00DE09F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012BD1C | Hash: 0x795BC73B | Function: getlocalclientdriver
    StructAddr: 0x00A66964 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039DE40 | Hash: 0xF1405BC9 | Function: getwheelsurface
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0A20 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012D264 | Hash: 0x0D92F00F | Function: ispeelingout
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0A34 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012C130 | Hash: 0x006A5FB0 | Function: iswheelsliding
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0A48 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012C350 | Hash: 0x0AE6F22C | Function: iswheelpeelingout
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0A5C | FunctionAddr: 0x0012C570 | Hash: 0x62BC9F3D | Function: iswheelcolliding
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0A70 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012C7A8 | Hash: 0x7C1CD5AD | Function: getlocalgunnerangles
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0A84 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012CAD8 | Hash: 0x1B38F67C | Function: setstunned
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0A98 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012B300 | Hash: 0x29F2048E | Function: isdriving
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0AAC | FunctionAddr: 0x0012B444 | Hash: 0xBD96A419 | Function: disablevehiclesounds
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0AC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012B544 | Hash: 0xBAB65D14 | Function: enablevehiclesounds
    StructAddr: 0x00A647F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003788F4 | Hash: 0x788EC1D6 | Function: rotatepitch
    StructAddr: 0x00A64804 | FunctionAddr: 0x00378934 | Hash: 0x21D0DA55 | Function: rotateyaw
    StructAddr: 0x00A64818 | FunctionAddr: 0x00378974 | Hash: 0x5613042D | Function: rotateroll
    StructAddr: 0x00A647DC | FunctionAddr: 0x00378738 | Hash: 0xC0B6566F | Function: rotateto
    StructAddr: 0x00A64750 | FunctionAddr: 0x00378120 | Hash: 0xA96A2721 | Function: moveto
    StructAddr: 0x00A647A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00378238 | Hash: 0xAF0CAA14 | Function: movegravity
    StructAddr: 0x00A64764 | FunctionAddr: 0x00378668 | Hash: 0xD7E3960E | Function: movex
    StructAddr: 0x00A64778 | FunctionAddr: 0x003786A8 | Hash: 0xFDE61077 | Function: movey
    StructAddr: 0x00A6478C | FunctionAddr: 0x003786E8 | Hash: 0x8BDEA13C | Function: movez
    StructAddr: 0x00A64868 | FunctionAddr: 0x003790D4 | Hash: 0xA1B06555 | Function: rotatevelocity
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0B9C | FunctionAddr: 0x0013A848 | Hash: 0xE2AF603E | Function: playrumbleonentity
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0BB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013A888 | Hash: 0x8DEDCA9C | Function: playrumblelooponentity
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0BC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013A8C8 | Hash: 0x8A0BA272 | Function: stoprumble
    StructAddr: 0x00DE03B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00138A3C | Hash: 0xC7016241 | Function: setcontrollerlightbarcolor
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0BEC | FunctionAddr: 0x0013BA88 | Hash: 0x34FBEAFD | Function: startpoisoning
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0C00 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013BAC8 | Hash: 0xBD98C097 | Function: stoppoisoning
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0C14 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013BB08 | Hash: 0x5C10667A | Function: ispoisoned
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0C3C | FunctionAddr: 0x0013A490 | Hash: 0x653BA713 | Function: getstance
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0C50 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013A568 | Hash: 0x43893A6F | Function: getweaponposfrac
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0C64 | FunctionAddr: 0x001446D0 | Hash: 0x8F532E96 | Function: setdamagedirectionindicator
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0C78 | FunctionAddr: 0x001447E4 | Hash: 0x9EC1D29C | Function: addawarenessindicator
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0C8C | FunctionAddr: 0x001442F8 | Hash: 0xA960EA9B | Function: usealternatehud
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0CA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0014440C | Hash: 0xF5E709A8 | Function: setintacticalhud
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0CB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x001444A0 | Hash: 0xB0F8529D | Function: getcybercomtype
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0CC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x001445A8 | Hash: 0x5F6B2268 | Function: getplayercorpse
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0CDC | FunctionAddr: 0x0012B648 | Hash: 0xAE8CA5BB | Function: islocalplayerweaponviewonlylinked
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0D04 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013BB6C | Hash: 0xD22B2A4E | Function: getcampos
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0D18 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013BDB4 | Hash: 0x2BFE6300 | Function: getcamangles
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0D2C | FunctionAddr: 0x0013C004 | Hash: 0x4F87E1B9 | Function: useanimtree
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0D40 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013C230 | Hash: 0x9F258730 | Function: hasanimtree
    StructAddr: 0x00A5232C | FunctionAddr: 0x002CA054 | Hash: 0x3CBACD1F | Function: clearanim
    StructAddr: 0x00A52340 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CA108 | Hash: 0x1A16EEBF | Function: clearanimlimited
    StructAddr: 0x00A52354 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CA5A0 | Hash: 0x1BF01240 | Function: setanim
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0D90 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013DDB8 | Hash: 0xCAC4B126 | Function: setanimlimited
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0DA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013DE00 | Hash: 0xCCDE77B1 | Function: setanimrestart
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0DB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013DE48 | Hash: 0xD05ACA5F | Function: setanimlimitedrestart
    StructAddr: 0x00A523E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CB708 | Hash: 0xC322AE34 | Function: setflaggedanim
    StructAddr: 0x00A523F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CB748 | Hash: 0xCF5998FA | Function: setflaggedanimlimited
    StructAddr: 0x00A52408 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CB788 | Hash: 0x8AE82DA5 | Function: setflaggedanimrestart
    StructAddr: 0x00A5241C | FunctionAddr: 0x002CB7C8 | Hash: 0xD30DC993 | Function: setflaggedanimlimitedrestart
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0E1C | FunctionAddr: 0x0013DFB0 | Hash: 0x5D64F4B4 | Function: animscripted
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0E30 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013DFF8 | Hash: 0x4703D166 | Function: getcurrentanimscriptedname
    StructAddr: 0x00A52430 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CBCCC | Hash: 0x84EEAE44 | Function: setanimknob
    StructAddr: 0x00A52444 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CBD0C | Hash: 0xE8DDD88A | Function: setanimknoblimited
    StructAddr: 0x00A52458 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CBD4C | Hash: 0xC4EC5D75 | Function: setanimknobrestart
    StructAddr: 0x00A5246C | FunctionAddr: 0x002CBD8C | Hash: 0x6191D5E3 | Function: setanimknoblimitedrestart
    StructAddr: 0x00A52480 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CC2F8 | Hash: 0x14D26175 | Function: setanimknoball
    StructAddr: 0x00A52494 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CC338 | Hash: 0x42E86CF9 | Function: setanimknoballlimited
    StructAddr: 0x00A524A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CC378 | Hash: 0x9EA679BA | Function: setanimknoballrestart
    StructAddr: 0x00A524BC | FunctionAddr: 0x002CC3B8 | Hash: 0xC644031E | Function: setanimknoballlimitedrestart
    StructAddr: 0x00A52368 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CAAF8 | Hash: 0x7D9C3F48 | Function: setflaggedanimknob
    StructAddr: 0x00A5237C | FunctionAddr: 0x002CAB38 | Hash: 0x6E27DEBE | Function: setflaggedanimknoblimited
    StructAddr: 0x00A52390 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CAB78 | Hash: 0xEB8E06E9 | Function: setflaggedanimknobrestart
    StructAddr: 0x00A523A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CABB8 | Hash: 0x2F6A2847 | Function: setflaggedanimknoblimitedrestart
    StructAddr: 0x00A523B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CB15C | Hash: 0x7EB4F501 | Function: setflaggedanimknoball
    StructAddr: 0x00A523CC | FunctionAddr: 0x002CB1A4 | Hash: 0x98CAEF56 | Function: setflaggedanimknoballrestart
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0F70 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013E88C | Hash: 0xF2F3368F | Function: getanimtime
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0F84 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013EC78 | Hash: 0x11E7847B | Function: setanimtime
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0F98 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013EF20 | Hash: 0x20A75051 | Function: setanimtimebyname
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0FAC | FunctionAddr: 0x0013EA5C | Hash: 0xF9B75E90 | Function: getanimcurrframecount
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0FC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013F508 | Hash: 0xFDE3533B | Function: setentityanimrate
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0FD4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013F5E8 | Hash: 0x162FAA57 | Function: getentityanimrate
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0FE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0013E44C | Hash: 0x8BF59C47 | Function: animgetchildat
    StructAddr: 0x00DE0FFC | FunctionAddr: 0x0013E6A0 | Hash: 0xF26325FF | Function: animgetnumchildren
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1024 | FunctionAddr: 0x00141F30 | Hash: 0xE525AE24 | Function: setinfraredvisionset
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1038 | FunctionAddr: 0x00142080 | Hash: 0xBF7C8590 | Function: setunderwatervisionset
    StructAddr: 0x00DE104C | FunctionAddr: 0x00142914 | Hash: 0x43CC4179 | Function: getclienttime
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1060 | FunctionAddr: 0x00142988 | Hash: 0x501EB072 | Function: geteye
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1074 | FunctionAddr: 0x00142AAC | Hash: 0x6D1DE06E | Function: geteyeapprox
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1088 | FunctionAddr: 0x00142B44 | Hash: 0x8448E0EE | Function: getlocalclientnumber
    StructAddr: 0x00DE109C | FunctionAddr: 0x00142CB8 | Hash: 0xE7F6DC4E | Function: mapshaderconstant
    StructAddr: 0x00DE10B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00142FCC | Hash: 0x636AC8D4 | Function: setshaderconstant
    Hash: 0x1E2546AD | Function: setviewmodelrenderflag - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00DE10C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0012F330 | Hash: 0xA496540D | Function: setforcenotsimple
    StructAddr: 0x00DE10D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0014415C | Hash: 0x8D2F662F | Function: processclientfieldsasifnew
    StructAddr: 0x00DE10EC | FunctionAddr: 0x00144A5C | Hash: 0xCEFDBEB8 | Function: camera_set_lens_id
    StructAddr: 0x00A5835C | FunctionAddr: 0x002F7D28 | Hash: 0x9DF5CF69 | Function: camerasetposition
    StructAddr: 0x00A58370 | FunctionAddr: 0x002F7F00 | Hash: 0xE3592CF2 | Function: camerasetlookat
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1128 | FunctionAddr: 0x00144C88 | Hash: 0x32542B56 | Function: camerasetupdatecallback
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1150 | FunctionAddr: 0x00144E6C | Hash: 0x21A01BEC | Function: gadgetpulserevealed
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1164 | FunctionAddr: 0x00145100 | Hash: 0xA7643C4E | Function: gadgetpulseresetreveal
    StructAddr: 0x00DE118C | FunctionAddr: 0x001455B0 | Hash: 0x0D272B04 | Function: gettargetlockentity
    StructAddr: 0x00DE11A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x001456C4 | Hash: 0x21C55373 | Function: gettargetlockentityarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A52534 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BF6DC | Hash: 0xD48F2AB3 | Function: gettagorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00A52548 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BF790 | Hash: 0xCD1D99BD | Function: gettagangles
    StructAddr: 0x00DDFAE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00130D80 | Hash: 0x30EE26F7 | Function: getinkillcam
    StructAddr: 0x00DE11F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00145B9C | Hash: 0xD7779E2D | Function: getkillcamentity
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1204 | FunctionAddr: 0x00145CF0 | Hash: 0xF97C0820 | Function: getowner
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1218 | FunctionAddr: 0x00145EEC | Hash: 0x6052CFDB | Function: setrenderinthirdpersonspectate
    StructAddr: 0x00DE122C | FunctionAddr: 0x0012A8B8 | Hash: 0xD432D87A | Function: setwaterdisturbanceparams
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1240 | FunctionAddr: 0x00145FF8 | Hash: 0xEF7256DF | Function: getanimstatecategory
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1254 | FunctionAddr: 0x00146038 | Hash: 0x91A7544B | Function: gethelidamagestate
    StructAddr: 0x00A58B2C | FunctionAddr: 0x002FF10C | Hash: 0x445E3712 | Function: isremotecontrolling
    StructAddr: 0x00DE127C | FunctionAddr: 0x00146370 | Hash: 0x03BDBF7B | Function: overridelightingorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00A596BC | FunctionAddr: 0x003088AC | Hash: 0x88542FCF | Function: hasperk
    StructAddr: 0x00A596D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003089C0 | Hash: 0x316BC7CA | Function: getperks
    StructAddr: 0x00DE12E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x001457B0 | Hash: 0xFF57A1A9 | Function: playersetgroundreferenceent
    StructAddr: 0x00DE12F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00146950 | Hash: 0x9CF04C2E | Function: earthquake
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1308 | FunctionAddr: 0x00146A54 | Hash: 0x52B8AB2B | Function: getlinkedent
    StructAddr: 0x00DE131C | FunctionAddr: 0x00146BC8 | Hash: 0xB17B1065 | Function: setenemyglobalscrambler
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1330 | FunctionAddr: 0x00146C40 | Hash: 0x77A67822 | Function: setenemyscrambleramount
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1344 | FunctionAddr: 0x00146E34 | Hash: 0x5F56A6DE | Function: getenemyscrambleramount
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1358 | FunctionAddr: 0x00146EA0 | Hash: 0x2B2CCC00 | Function: isscrambled
    StructAddr: 0x00DE136C | FunctionAddr: 0x00146D10 | Hash: 0x420B3FB3 | Function: setfriendlyscrambleramount
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1380 | FunctionAddr: 0x00146DD4 | Hash: 0x4ACFA83F | Function: getfriendlyscrambleramount
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1394 | FunctionAddr: 0x00147030 | Hash: 0xEBEEBF7C | Function: addfriendlyscrambler
    StructAddr: 0x00DE13A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00147004 | Hash: 0xA9D1C687 | Function: clearnearestenemyscrambler
    StructAddr: 0x00DE13BC | FunctionAddr: 0x00146F20 | Hash: 0xAE9F75A2 | Function: setnearestenemyscrambler
    StructAddr: 0x00DE13D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x001470BC | Hash: 0x87168E0D | Function: removefriendlyscrambler
    StructAddr: 0x00DE13E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00147108 | Hash: 0xA2523773 | Function: removeallfriendlyscramblers
    StructAddr: 0x00DE13F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00147134 | Hash: 0x312FF1CD | Function: addsensorgrenadearea
    StructAddr: 0x00DE140C | FunctionAddr: 0x0014719C | Hash: 0xA63CCF0C | Function: removesensorgrenadearea
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1420 | FunctionAddr: 0x001471E8 | Hash: 0x3E8A43A8 | Function: removeallsensorgrenadeareas
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1448 | FunctionAddr: 0x00147424 | Hash: 0xF8F96B4A | Function: getparententity
    StructAddr: 0x00DE145C | FunctionAddr: 0x00147524 | Hash: 0x585981E7 | Function: setbodyrenderoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00A5867C | FunctionAddr: 0x002FA738 | Hash: 0x0C744330 | Function: getcharacterbodytype
    StructAddr: 0x00DE14AC | FunctionAddr: 0x00147980 | Hash: 0x7A94BFE2 | Function: setcorpsegibstate
    StructAddr: 0x00DE14C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00147B1C | Hash: 0xF852127D | Function: useweaponhidetags
    StructAddr: 0x00DE14D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00147D4C | Hash: 0x97877619 | Function: useweaponmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DE14E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0014810C | Hash: 0x86AFB7DD | Function: usebuildkitweaponmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DE14FC | FunctionAddr: 0x00148568 | Hash: 0x9C07959D | Function: usealternateaimparams
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1510 | FunctionAddr: 0x00148708 | Hash: 0x16FF8143 | Function: clearalternateaimparams
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1524 | FunctionAddr: 0x001488A8 | Hash: 0x32690BEE | Function: setsonarattachmentenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1538 | FunctionAddr: 0x001488E8 | Hash: 0x5D32B66C | Function: zbarriergetpiece
    StructAddr: 0x00DE154C | FunctionAddr: 0x00148ADC | Hash: 0x5531F423 | Function: getnumzbarrierpieces
    StructAddr: 0x00A525FC | FunctionAddr: 0x002C0188 | Hash: 0x0DE3B506 | Function: asmisterminating
    StructAddr: 0x00DE15B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x001491D0 | Hash: 0xAB271430 | Function: asmisshootlayeractive
    StructAddr: 0x00DE15C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0014937C | Hash: 0xF3314152 | Function: asmisaimlayeractive
    StructAddr: 0x00A525D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BFE44 | Hash: 0xDE6C2CF0 | Function: asmgetstatus
    StructAddr: 0x00DE15EC | FunctionAddr: 0x0012557C | Hash: 0x2E1D7498 | Function: asmgetcurrentstate
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1600 | FunctionAddr: 0x00149548 | Hash: 0x6D350B52 | Function: getaifxname
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1614 | FunctionAddr: 0x001497A4 | Hash: 0xD6622A45 | Function: setentbeastmodeicontype
    StructAddr: 0x00A58884 | FunctionAddr: 0x00309D74 | Hash: 0xDF0CD98D | Function: getmpdialogname
    StructAddr: 0x00DE163C | FunctionAddr: 0x0012AA58 | Hash: 0xFD9D8517 | Function: getplayergibdef
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1650 | FunctionAddr: 0x00149A98 | Hash: 0xAE723020 | Function: finddrfilter
    StructAddr: 0x00A51ABC | FunctionAddr: 0x002C0940 | Hash: 0xDB20C8D6 | Function: hidepart
    StructAddr: 0x00A51AD0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C0C38 | Hash: 0xAD3742B4 | Function: haspart
    StructAddr: 0x00A51AE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C0D7C | Hash: 0x123D36D9 | Function: showpart
    StructAddr: 0x00A51AF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C107C | Hash: 0xD88BA37B | Function: showallparts
    StructAddr: 0x00A647B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003783C8 | Hash: 0xAA2371E1 | Function: moveslide
    StructAddr: 0x00A647C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00378584 | Hash: 0xFDE6CDC9 | Function: stopmoveslide
    StructAddr: 0x00A6482C | FunctionAddr: 0x003789C8 | Hash: 0xE38E074A | Function: vibrate
    StructAddr: 0x00A64840 | FunctionAddr: 0x00378CA8 | Hash: 0x4C1180EC | Function: bobbing
    StructAddr: 0x00A64854 | FunctionAddr: 0x00378F70 | Hash: 0x48C21154 | Function: rotate
    StructAddr: 0x00A6487C | FunctionAddr: 0x0037920C | Hash: 0x8D63F8D0 | Function: setcandamage
    StructAddr: 0x00DE970C | FunctionAddr: 0x00352F3C | Hash: 0x90AE9C97 | Function: setstowedweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9720 | FunctionAddr: 0x00353090 | Hash: 0xC872E89B | Function: getstowedweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9734 | FunctionAddr: 0x00353014 | Hash: 0xAC9294D8 | Function: clearstowedweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9748 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035145C | Hash: 0xC973F2CE | Function: getammocount
    StructAddr: 0x00DE975C | FunctionAddr: 0x003531A0 | Hash: 0x858AC43F | Function: setvisibletoplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9770 | FunctionAddr: 0x00353214 | Hash: 0x64218FFC | Function: setinvisibletoplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9784 | FunctionAddr: 0x003532E4 | Hash: 0xBB863F19 | Function: setvisibletoall
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9798 | FunctionAddr: 0x00353464 | Hash: 0x8C1F7070 | Function: setinvisibletoall
    StructAddr: 0x00DE97AC | FunctionAddr: 0x003534B0 | Hash: 0x1CAFE98B | Function: setvisibletoteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DE97C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003535A0 | Hash: 0x757633A9 | Function: setvisibletoallexceptteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DE97D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035332C | Hash: 0xFEF374CD | Function: setforcenocull
    StructAddr: 0x00DE97E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00353378 | Hash: 0x26F6DEF7 | Function: removeforcenocull
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9824 | FunctionAddr: 0x00353690 | Hash: 0xC7E339D1 | Function: islinkedto
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9838 | FunctionAddr: 0x003537C8 | Hash: 0xCBDFFB4A | Function: allowtacticalinsertion
    StructAddr: 0x00DE984C | FunctionAddr: 0x00353848 | Hash: 0xD656F2BC | Function: allowbottargetting
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9874 | FunctionAddr: 0x00353A28 | Hash: 0xE59527C1 | Function: getorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9888 | FunctionAddr: 0x00353AA8 | Hash: 0x426FBD8F | Function: getangles
    StructAddr: 0x00DE989C | FunctionAddr: 0x00353AFC | Hash: 0xAEB18D50 | Function: getmins
    StructAddr: 0x00DE98B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00353B50 | Hash: 0x48281D9E | Function: getmaxs
    StructAddr: 0x00DE98C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00353BA4 | Hash: 0x34452442 | Function: getabsmins
    StructAddr: 0x00DE98D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00353BF8 | Hash: 0x47D277BC | Function: getabsmaxs
    StructAddr: 0x00DE98EC | FunctionAddr: 0x00353C4C | Hash: 0xBF157F6D | Function: getpointinbounds
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9928 | FunctionAddr: 0x00353E70 | Hash: 0x4FDC0E7D | Function: useby
    StructAddr: 0x00DE993C | FunctionAddr: 0x00357D74 | Hash: 0x52E74066 | Function: setstablemissile
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9978 | FunctionAddr: 0x00354238 | Hash: 0x7363DB39 | Function: istouchingswept
    StructAddr: 0x00DE998C | FunctionAddr: 0x00354460 | Hash: 0xB5016508 | Function: istouchingvolume
    StructAddr: 0x00DE99B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00354B9C | Hash: 0xCA265377 | Function: playsoundwithnotify
    StructAddr: 0x00DE99C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00354D64 | Hash: 0x8B51B0E9 | Function: playsoundontag
    StructAddr: 0x00DE99DC | FunctionAddr: 0x00355078 | Hash: 0x1CDD7BF4 | Function: playsoundtoteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DE99F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00355220 | Hash: 0xBC66B7EC | Function: playbattlechattertoteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9A2C | FunctionAddr: 0x00355698 | Hash: 0x39419AE5 | Function: stopsounds
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9AE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00355D98 | Hash: 0x2B6F0128 | Function: setenemymodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9AF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00356100 | Hash: 0xC3945CD5 | Function: dodamage
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9B08 | FunctionAddr: 0x003560A0 | Hash: 0x29B2D3CD | Function: forcepainon
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9B1C | FunctionAddr: 0x00356660 | Hash: 0x2992720D | Function: kill
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9B30 | FunctionAddr: 0x00355E28 | Hash: 0xD2A2BCCC | Function: getnormalhealth
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9B44 | FunctionAddr: 0x00355F10 | Hash: 0xE17E9C98 | Function: setnormalhealth
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9B58 | FunctionAddr: 0x00356018 | Hash: 0xE7117EB1 | Function: setmaxhealth
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9BA8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003571E0 | Hash: 0x8C8E79FE | Function: ghost
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9BBC | FunctionAddr: 0x00357248 | Hash: 0x1A154E32 | Function: ghostindemo
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9BD0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003572B0 | Hash: 0x310CCAFA | Function: showindemo
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9BE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003570F0 | Hash: 0x762D95B2 | Function: showtoteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9BF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00357170 | Hash: 0x7BCCC9EE | Function: hidefromteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9C0C | FunctionAddr: 0x00357320 | Hash: 0x062A7329 | Function: laseron
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9C20 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035736C | Hash: 0xE01FF155 | Function: laseroff
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9C34 | FunctionAddr: 0x003573BC | Hash: 0x4664A3E2 | Function: showtoplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9C48 | FunctionAddr: 0x00357480 | Hash: 0xA9DCD549 | Function: setcontents
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9C5C | FunctionAddr: 0x0035750C | Hash: 0x4083A98E | Function: solid
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9C70 | FunctionAddr: 0x00357574 | Hash: 0x422037F5 | Function: notsolid
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9C84 | FunctionAddr: 0x003575DC | Hash: 0x7ED62B7E | Function: startfiring
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9C98 | FunctionAddr: 0x00357610 | Hash: 0x90B21FDC | Function: stopfiring
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9CAC | FunctionAddr: 0x00357644 | Hash: 0x0CFEFD8C | Function: shootturret
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9CC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00357678 | Hash: 0xBEB0F764 | Function: stopshootturret
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9CD4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003576AC | Hash: 0x088D8066 | Function: setmode
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9CE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003576E0 | Hash: 0x1A93EB9A | Function: getturretowner
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9CFC | FunctionAddr: 0x00357714 | Hash: 0xC061776F | Function: getturretarclimits
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9D10 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035777C | Hash: 0x45CE24AD | Function: setplayerspread
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9D24 | FunctionAddr: 0x00357748 | Hash: 0xF99D84C0 | Function: setaispread
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9D38 | FunctionAddr: 0x003577B0 | Hash: 0x12613B3A | Function: cleartargetentity
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9D4C | FunctionAddr: 0x003578F8 | Hash: 0x926C1AD9 | Function: maketurretusable
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9D60 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035792C | Hash: 0xB02F1F84 | Function: maketurretunusable
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9D74 | FunctionAddr: 0x00357960 | Hash: 0x041EFA8A | Function: setturretaccuracy
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9D88 | FunctionAddr: 0x00357964 | Hash: 0x8A34AE5A | Function: getturrettarget
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9D9C | FunctionAddr: 0x00357998 | Hash: 0x14C24D9D | Function: disconnectpaths
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9DB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00357A6C | Hash: 0xDE8377BF | Function: connectpaths
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9DC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00357AB8 | Hash: 0xBC5D23EB | Function: enableobstacle
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9DEC | FunctionAddr: 0x00357B48 | Hash: 0xFE722FCF | Function: setstance
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9E00 | FunctionAddr: 0x00357E2C | Hash: 0xE68EE88A | Function: setcursorhint
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9E14 | FunctionAddr: 0x003586E0 | Hash: 0xBD00AE3C | Function: setrevivehintstring
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9E28 | FunctionAddr: 0x00358420 | Hash: 0xF9FDB2B0 | Function: sethintstringforperk
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9E3C | FunctionAddr: 0x00358028 | Hash: 0xD5EB00E3 | Function: sethintstring
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9E50 | FunctionAddr: 0x003581EC | Hash: 0xCB2C15EB | Function: sethintstringforplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9E64 | FunctionAddr: 0x003583CC | Hash: 0xB9ECAF9F | Function: gettriggeraccumulate
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9E78 | FunctionAddr: 0x003585A8 | Hash: 0x297FFAAE | Function: setfovforkillcam
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9E8C | FunctionAddr: 0x00358660 | Hash: 0x622A981A | Function: sethintlowpriority
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9EA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00358890 | Hash: 0x1F80B3D5 | Function: usetriggerrequirelookat
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9EDC | FunctionAddr: 0x00358A98 | Hash: 0x1D5013FA | Function: triggerignoreteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9EF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00358B14 | Hash: 0x175E6B8E | Function: triggerenable
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9F04 | FunctionAddr: 0x00358BB4 | Hash: 0xC5637452 | Function: istriggerenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9F2C | FunctionAddr: 0x003649D8 | Hash: 0xD530B733 | Function: getweaponforwarddir
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9F40 | FunctionAddr: 0x00364A78 | Hash: 0x8FF9D066 | Function: getweaponmuzzlepoint
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9F68 | FunctionAddr: 0x00364970 | Hash: 0x531D5F99 | Function: stopshellshock
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9F7C | FunctionAddr: 0x00364B68 | Hash: 0x0DC5518F | Function: setdepthoffield
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9FB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035E4D8 | Hash: 0x1C5462D1 | Function: spawnnapalmgroundflame
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9FCC | FunctionAddr: 0x0035D7AC | Hash: 0x3C3100E3 | Function: needsrevive
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9FE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035D860 | Hash: 0xE74FA748 | Function: isinsecondchance
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9FF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035E8D8 | Hash: 0x56E96612 | Function: depthinwater
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA008 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035E744 | Hash: 0x21107EB5 | Function: shootup
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA01C | FunctionAddr: 0x0035E970 | Hash: 0x0BD5BCDE | Function: depthofplayerinwater
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA044 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035E9C8 | Hash: 0x825968C1 | Function: walkunderwater
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA058 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035EAD4 | Hash: 0x8213DF59 | Function: isplayerunderwater
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA0BC | FunctionAddr: 0x0035E3C4 | Hash: 0x2936EECE | Function: setwaterdrops
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA0D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035E6DC | Hash: 0xA3A6D526 | Function: isfiringturret
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA0E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035E710 | Hash: 0x83FDA242 | Function: isturretlockedon
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA0F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00364E28 | Hash: 0x060DC9CF | Function: setviewmodeldepthoffield
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA10C | FunctionAddr: 0x00364F2C | Hash: 0x70B358CC | Function: viewkick
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA134 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035EF70 | Hash: 0x6AD24D30 | Function: cylinderdamage
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA148 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035F2D0 | Hash: 0xC1EAF281 | Function: detonate
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA15C | FunctionAddr: 0x0035F6B8 | Hash: 0x007D8E8A | Function: damageconetrace
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA170 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035F700 | Hash: 0x87E955A4 | Function: sightconetrace
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA184 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035F9E4 | Hash: 0x07966C0D | Function: heliturretsighttrace
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA198 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035FB08 | Hash: 0x88FDE87A | Function: heliturretdogtrace
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA1AC | FunctionAddr: 0x0035F758 | Hash: 0x4294BBB0 | Function: playersighttrace
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA1C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035FC30 | Hash: 0xD8B4B5A5 | Function: visionsetlerpratio
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA1D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035FEB0 | Hash: 0x8D71385C | Function: docowardswayanims
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA210 | FunctionAddr: 0x003600A8 | Hash: 0x47920A8B | Function: startbinocs
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA224 | FunctionAddr: 0x00360124 | Hash: 0xB7CB665D | Function: stopbinocs
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA238 | FunctionAddr: 0x003601A8 | Hash: 0x3DA6479D | Function: isflared
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA260 | FunctionAddr: 0x00356D88 | Hash: 0x56A82186 | Function: setcameraspikeactive
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA288 | FunctionAddr: 0x00372B94 | Hash: 0x0116C45F | Function: ismissileinsideheightlock
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA29C | FunctionAddr: 0x00372D3C | Hash: 0x8029A253 | Function: isonground
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA2B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00372E98 | Hash: 0xFC753CB5 | Function: getgroundent
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA2C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00372F30 | Hash: 0x5DB1A1C1 | Function: getmoverent
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA2D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00372FEC | Hash: 0xF3B38C23 | Function: issprinting
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA2EC | FunctionAddr: 0x0037306C | Hash: 0xAD7E8C32 | Function: iswallrunning
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA314 | FunctionAddr: 0x003731DC | Hash: 0x3743A0BE | Function: isdoublejumping
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA328 | FunctionAddr: 0x0037325C | Hash: 0xF9F10A18 | Function: setdoublejumpenergy
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA33C | FunctionAddr: 0x003732E8 | Hash: 0x4316550D | Function: resetdoublejumprechargetime
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA350 | FunctionAddr: 0x00373360 | Hash: 0x5B77CA95 | Function: issliding
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA364 | FunctionAddr: 0x003733E0 | Hash: 0xDC71A8E6 | Function: istraversing
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA378 | FunctionAddr: 0x00373460 | Hash: 0x945169CD | Function: isslamming
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA38C | FunctionAddr: 0x003734E0 | Hash: 0x7E33656B | Function: getpathfindingradius
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA404 | FunctionAddr: 0x00373BD4 | Hash: 0x754A502A | Function: animrelative
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA42C | FunctionAddr: 0x00373B20 | Hash: 0x67F028CC | Function: isplayinganimscripted
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA468 | FunctionAddr: 0x00353138 | Hash: 0x06083923 | Function: getcentroid
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA47C | FunctionAddr: 0x00362024 | Hash: 0xDA46A629 | Function: setlightingonly
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA4A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00358C94 | Hash: 0xB6BB65DA | Function: getentitytype
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA4B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00358CE4 | Hash: 0x03F2411C | Function: enablegrenadetouchdamage
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA4CC | FunctionAddr: 0x00358D74 | Hash: 0x8BCC5297 | Function: disablegrenadetouchdamage
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA4E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003591D4 | Hash: 0x8DAFB866 | Function: enableaimassist
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA4F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00359278 | Hash: 0x80765127 | Function: disableaimassist
    StructAddr: 0x00DE911C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036E8F8 | Hash: 0x2D9878CB | Function: placespawnpoint
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA51C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036F830 | Hash: 0x0648C5FB | Function: setspawnclientflag
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA530 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035FCD8 | Hash: 0x4E05F15D | Function: directionalhitindicator
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA544 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035FDD4 | Hash: 0xE785FE82 | Function: sendkillstreakdamageevent
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA580 | FunctionAddr: 0x00372974 | Hash: 0x494925CA | Function: setplayergravity
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA594 | FunctionAddr: 0x00372A40 | Hash: 0x6C7B39AF | Function: clearplayergravity
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA5A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003652BC | Hash: 0x025F8D08 | Function: sendfaceevent
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA5BC | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AE38 | Hash: 0xDC378587 | Function: setteamfortrigger
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA5D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AED4 | Hash: 0x9B6D5FFB | Function: setexcludeteamfortrigger
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA5E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AF6C | Hash: 0x59CBEB9C | Function: setperkfortrigger
    StructAddr: 0x00A4ACE4 | FunctionAddr: 0xFFFFFFFF | Hash: 0x6C536553 | Function: setignoreentfortrigger
    StructAddr: 0x00C04ACE | FunctionAddr: 0xFFFFFFFF | Hash: 0x2B970F60 | Function: clientclaimtrigger
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA620 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B1C4 | Hash: 0x9DC68321 | Function: clientreleasetrigger
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA634 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B28C | Hash: 0xCAF58DBD | Function: releaseclaimedtrigger
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA648 | FunctionAddr: 0x00367FF0 | Hash: 0xE709594E | Function: isitemlocked
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA65C | FunctionAddr: 0x00367F18 | Hash: 0x1C4CC403 | Function: isitempurchased
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA670 | FunctionAddr: 0x00367E78 | Hash: 0x9E975316 | Function: uploadleaderboards
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA684 | FunctionAddr: 0x00371E24 | Hash: 0xC3034D3F | Function: setnemesisxuid
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA698 | FunctionAddr: 0x00368D68 | Hash: 0x4BE09268 | Function: getloadoutitem
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA6AC | FunctionAddr: 0x00368850 | Hash: 0x846AF2A2 | Function: isbonuscardactive
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA6E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00368DB4 | Hash: 0xCB7863FF | Function: getloadoutitemref
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA6FC | FunctionAddr: 0x0036964C | Hash: 0x767F616F | Function: setplayerstateloadoutbonuscards
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA710 | FunctionAddr: 0x003697B8 | Hash: 0xFB497F80 | Function: setplayerstateloadoutweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA724 | FunctionAddr: 0x003693F0 | Hash: 0x8AF4D36D | Function: getloadoutweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA738 | FunctionAddr: 0x00369890 | Hash: 0x249D3729 | Function: getattachmentcosmeticvariantforweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA74C | FunctionAddr: 0x00369BD8 | Hash: 0xFF83114C | Function: getloadoutperks
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA760 | FunctionAddr: 0x00369E3C | Hash: 0x1135BF93 | Function: getloadoutallocation
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA79C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036A094 | Hash: 0xD6FACC14 | Function: getbgbtokensgained
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA7B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036A164 | Hash: 0x06ED2BF5 | Function: incrementbgbtokensgained
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA7C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036A240 | Hash: 0xA6BE7D49 | Function: getbgbtokensused
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA7D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036A310 | Hash: 0x93DD22F8 | Function: incrementbgbtokensused
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA7EC | FunctionAddr: 0x0036A3EC | Hash: 0xB92C19A6 | Function: getbgbtokensremaining
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA800 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036A510 | Hash: 0x9116AD1F | Function: getbuildkitweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA814 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036A75C | Hash: 0xB47F77BF | Function: getbuildkitweaponoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA828 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036A90C | Hash: 0x33277744 | Function: getbuildkitattachmentcosmeticvariantindexes
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA850 | FunctionAddr: 0x00352E84 | Hash: 0x5A7DD25D | Function: setmovespeedscale
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA864 | FunctionAddr: 0x00352EE8 | Hash: 0x065C5701 | Function: getmovespeedscale
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA878 | FunctionAddr: 0x00358E00 | Hash: 0x7847C931 | Function: missile_settarget
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA88C | FunctionAddr: 0x00358FEC | Hash: 0xF175F855 | Function: missile_gettarget
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA8A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003590AC | Hash: 0x3F994742 | Function: missile_dronesetvisible
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA8B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00358F30 | Hash: 0xA8E72379 | Function: ballsettarget
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA8C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036C84C | Hash: 0x4FD05CD2 | Function: isonladder
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA8DC | FunctionAddr: 0x0036CA84 | Hash: 0xDF991E41 | Function: ismantling
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA8F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036C8E4 | Hash: 0x679DA569 | Function: isonslide
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA904 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036C97C | Hash: 0x6C638239 | Function: bloodimpact
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA918 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036CB24 | Hash: 0xD7A0A9D8 | Function: startragdoll
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA954 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036CD1C | Hash: 0x07D4FB40 | Function: launchvehicle
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA968 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036CEC8 | Hash: 0x10215C6F | Function: applyballistictarget
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA990 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036D120 | Hash: 0x57903B52 | Function: resetmissiledetonationtime
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA9A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036D2A0 | Hash: 0xC718BB8F | Function: giveachievement
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA9B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0037275C | Hash: 0xFA46F244 | Function: setzombiename
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA9CC | FunctionAddr: 0x00372AAC | Hash: 0xEB593C1B | Function: setentgravitytrajectory
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA9E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036D5F8 | Hash: 0xCA711294 | Function: setteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DEA9F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036D660 | Hash: 0xE7353088 | Function: getteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAA08 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036D3A0 | Hash: 0xD610622C | Function: setowner
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAA1C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036D4C0 | Hash: 0x0F454892 | Function: setmissileowner
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAA30 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036D450 | Hash: 0xC51E2ADE | Function: setentityweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAA44 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036D590 | Hash: 0x95FBC8E6 | Function: setturretowner
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAA58 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036D5C4 | Hash: 0xB1F8F94D | Function: setturrettype
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAA6C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036D6B4 | Hash: 0xDCD08AA4 | Function: getcorpseanim
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAA80 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036D79C | Hash: 0x4445660E | Function: itemweaponsetammo
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAAA8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036DA28 | Hash: 0x5A464F13 | Function: setattachmentcosmeticvariants
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAAD0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00352528 | Hash: 0x4870C8F1 | Function: setturretcarried
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAAE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035255C | Hash: 0x772DCCE0 | Function: setturretminimapvisible
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAAF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00352590 | Hash: 0x51280BDF | Function: setmissilecoasting
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAB0C | FunctionAddr: 0x0035265C | Hash: 0xF6AA2402 | Function: setmissilebrake
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAB20 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035272C | Hash: 0x454720A3 | Function: setweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAB34 | FunctionAddr: 0x003527D0 | Hash: 0x6E92E06B | Function: setweaponoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAB48 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035287C | Hash: 0xB1D5CCA0 | Function: setattachmentcosmeticvariantindexes
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAB5C | FunctionAddr: 0x0035291C | Hash: 0xF19072A9 | Function: gib
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAB70 | FunctionAddr: 0x00352D28 | Hash: 0x9CE09198 | Function: setplayercollision
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAB84 | FunctionAddr: 0x00352DD8 | Hash: 0x07F62B7A | Function: reportuser
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAB98 | FunctionAddr: 0x00365978 | Hash: 0x080AED78 | Function: setplayercurrentobjective
    StructAddr: 0x00DEABAC | FunctionAddr: 0x0036597C | Hash: 0xEA323CD9 | Function: setplayercurrentstreak
    StructAddr: 0x00DEABD4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00351758 | Hash: 0x8F111F7A | Function: spawnfromspawner
    StructAddr: 0x00DEABE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00361894 | Hash: 0xC2EA5E7D | Function: predictspawnpoint
    StructAddr: 0x00DEABFC | FunctionAddr: 0x0035BD30 | Hash: 0xBFAEC65D | Function: setdefaultdroppitch
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAC10 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035BD64 | Hash: 0x411E7A54 | Function: setscanningpitch
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAC24 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036C430 | Hash: 0x5E5CDBC0 | Function: launchbomb
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAC38 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036C430 | Hash: 0xA2D9C5B2 | Function: magicmissile
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAC4C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036C290 | Hash: 0xCAC7AECF | Function: magicgrenadeplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAC60 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036C7DC | Hash: 0xF9376476 | Function: makegrenadedud
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAC74 | FunctionAddr: 0x00356BB8 | Hash: 0x172D3F46 | Function: fakefire
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAC88 | FunctionAddr: 0x00356D00 | Hash: 0x9BA69B38 | Function: setfakefire
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAC9C | FunctionAddr: 0x00356E84 | Hash: 0xA2B96083 | Function: makeusable
    StructAddr: 0x00DEACB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00356F30 | Hash: 0x347CC9B2 | Function: makeunusable
    StructAddr: 0x00DEACC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036F8BC | Hash: 0x0390C402 | Function: predictgrenade
    StructAddr: 0x00DEACD8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CA7BC | Hash: 0xC35DFA59 | Function: setdangerous
    StructAddr: 0x00DEACEC | FunctionAddr: 0x006CA870 | Hash: 0x1B11DAC3 | Function: isdangerous
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAD00 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB64 | Hash: 0xB0FB5B6A | Function: getindexforactivecontract
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAD14 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB88 | Hash: 0x16AE4342 | Function: getactivecontractprogress
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAD28 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB8C | Hash: 0x6231CFED | Function: incrementactivecontractprogress
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAD3C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB94 | Hash: 0x96ECB28F | Function: incrementactivecontracttime
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAD50 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB98 | Hash: 0x33C6E418 | Function: isactivecontractcomplete
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAD64 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB9C | Hash: 0xCBAB235A | Function: hasactivecontractexpired
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAD78 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036ABA0 | Hash: 0x49DAF81C | Function: getactivecontracttimepassed
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAD8C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB90 | Hash: 0x1F451F8F | Function: resetactivecontractprogress
    StructAddr: 0x00DEADA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00371B48 | Hash: 0xCE78831B | Function: recordleaguepreloser
    StructAddr: 0x00DEADB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00371B4C | Hash: 0xF027E4DF | Function: luinotifyeventtospectators
    StructAddr: 0x00DEADC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B350 | Hash: 0x26CE3B38 | Function: istestclient
    StructAddr: 0x00DEADF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00373DE4 | Hash: 0x9FE9197E | Function: iszbarrier
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAE04 | FunctionAddr: 0x00373D58 | Hash: 0xAB3FE756 | Function: setclone
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAE2C | FunctionAddr: 0x00373F1C | Hash: 0x3C427221 | Function: getzbarrierpiecestate
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAE40 | FunctionAddr: 0x003740C0 | Hash: 0xF64E9135 | Function: setzbarrierpiecestate
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAE54 | FunctionAddr: 0x003742DC | Hash: 0xE6F1B3B6 | Function: iszbarrieropen
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAE68 | FunctionAddr: 0x003743EC | Hash: 0x89541402 | Function: iszbarrierclosed
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAE7C | FunctionAddr: 0x00374644 | Hash: 0xEE22CD10 | Function: hidezbarrierpiece
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAE90 | FunctionAddr: 0x00374780 | Hash: 0x4D0B6261 | Function: showzbarrierpiece
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAEA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003748C0 | Hash: 0x183F63B3 | Function: zbarrierpieceusedefaultmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAEB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003749FC | Hash: 0xB593B05C | Function: zbarrierpieceusealternatemodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAECC | FunctionAddr: 0x00374C78 | Hash: 0x912CFE6C | Function: zbarrierpieceuseupgradedmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAEE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00374B3C | Hash: 0x479CF0DF | Function: zbarrierpieceuseboxriselogic
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAEF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00374DB8 | Hash: 0x01B642BA | Function: zbarrierpieceuseattachweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAF08 | FunctionAddr: 0x00374EF4 | Hash: 0xB6FF90E2 | Function: getupgradedpiecenumlives
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAF1C | FunctionAddr: 0x00375058 | Hash: 0xEB222CA7 | Function: getzbarrierpieceindicesinstate
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAF30 | FunctionAddr: 0x00375238 | Hash: 0x63F99B7D | Function: getzbarrierpieceanimlengthforstate
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAF44 | FunctionAddr: 0x00375494 | Hash: 0xB43E98B0 | Function: getzbarrierpieceanimstate
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAF58 | FunctionAddr: 0x003755F4 | Hash: 0xBD20FC8C | Function: getzbarrierpieceanimsubstate
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAF6C | FunctionAddr: 0x00375754 | Hash: 0x8EFC1E67 | Function: zbarriersupportszombietaunts
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAF80 | FunctionAddr: 0x0037581C | Hash: 0x828DF1A7 | Function: zbarriersupportszombiereachthroughattacks
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAF94 | FunctionAddr: 0x003758E4 | Hash: 0xBEFD5632 | Function: getzbarriertauntanimstate
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAFA8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003759A0 | Hash: 0x75DDB352 | Function: getzbarrierreachthroughattackanimstate
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAFBC | FunctionAddr: 0x00375A5C | Hash: 0x10440B37 | Function: getzbarriernumattackslots
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAFD0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00375B1C | Hash: 0xDB6566BA | Function: getzbarrierattackslothorzoffset
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAFE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00374504 | Hash: 0x9D653A7D | Function: setzbarriercolmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DEAFF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035B788 | Hash: 0x1C1CF99A | Function: getweaponoptic
    StructAddr: 0x00DEB00C | FunctionAddr: 0x00366D8C | Hash: 0x0CFCB46C | Function: arenabeginmatch
    StructAddr: 0x00DEB020 | FunctionAddr: 0x00366B20 | Hash: 0x7D8D2EE4 | Function: arenaendmatch
    StructAddr: 0x00DEB034 | FunctionAddr: 0x00366FF8 | Hash: 0x688F89C2 | Function: getpathmetric
    StructAddr: 0x00DEB048 | FunctionAddr: 0x00375BD8 | Hash: 0x25B39BE3 | Function: setignorepauseworld
    StructAddr: 0x00DEB05C | FunctionAddr: 0x00375C68 | Hash: 0x92CFA617 | Function: ispaused
    StructAddr: 0x00DE00D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00123688 | Hash: 0xAEBF191D | Function: isstreamerready
    StructAddr: 0x00DEB098 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034F194 | Hash: 0xCE66D431 | Function: setballpassallowed
    Hash: 0xB8F2CECF | Function: reticle - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00A50890 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A08E0 | Hash: 0x16B3AB5E | Function: botdropclient
    StructAddr: 0x00A508A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A0A14 | Hash: 0xD917967F | Function: botinlaststand
    StructAddr: 0x00A508B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A0ADC | Hash: 0x294BB776 | Function: botinlowready
    StructAddr: 0x00A508CC | FunctionAddr: 0x002A0B98 | Hash: 0x26F6BAB1 | Function: botgetjetenergy
    StructAddr: 0x00A508E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A0C40 | Hash: 0x3F50C356 | Function: bottakemanualcontrol
    StructAddr: 0x00A508F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A0CE8 | Hash: 0x7E603F78 | Function: botreleasemanualcontrol
    StructAddr: 0x00A50908 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A0D90 | Hash: 0x89AB1F0B | Function: botundermanualcontrol
    StructAddr: 0x00A5091C | FunctionAddr: 0x002A0E78 | Hash: 0xB4A0B3C5 | Function: botsetgoal
    StructAddr: 0x00A50930 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1018 | Hash: 0x5BD0F250 | Function: botgetgoalPosition
    StructAddr: 0x00A50944 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A10C4 | Hash: 0x08154BA3 | Function: botgetgoalRadius
    StructAddr: 0x00A5096C | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1240 | Hash: 0x4FE3BA2D | Function: botgoalreached
    StructAddr: 0x00A50980 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1310 | Hash: 0x5EE14ACA | Function: botrequestpath
    StructAddr: 0x00A50994 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A13B0 | Hash: 0x7736FAC7 | Function: botcancelpath
    StructAddr: 0x00A509BC | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1588 | Hash: 0x9FA7F8A3 | Function: botlooknone
    StructAddr: 0x00A509D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1628 | Hash: 0x66D6EF34 | Function: botlookforward
    StructAddr: 0x00A509E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A16C8 | Hash: 0xA2AFCC84 | Function: botlookatpoint
    StructAddr: 0x00A509F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A17C8 | Hash: 0x56740E95 | Function: botsetlookangles
    StructAddr: 0x00A50A0C | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1910 | Hash: 0x546ECEE9 | Function: botsetlookanglesfrompoint
    StructAddr: 0x00A50A34 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1B58 | Hash: 0x54FB22AB | Function: botsetmovemagnitude
    StructAddr: 0x00A50A48 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1C40 | Hash: 0xC14CC56C | Function: botsetmoveangle
    StructAddr: 0x00A50A5C | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1D20 | Hash: 0x7B22F8C6 | Function: botsetmoveanglefrompoint
    StructAddr: 0x00A50A70 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1E4C | Hash: 0x6CE1FA57 | Function: bottapbutton
    StructAddr: 0x00A50A84 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1F24 | Hash: 0x5F945E29 | Function: botpressbutton
    StructAddr: 0x00A50A98 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1FFC | Hash: 0xFC0C3727 | Function: botreleasebutton
    StructAddr: 0x00A50AC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A2198 | Hash: 0x0B8C41C6 | Function: botpressbuttonforgadget
    Hash: 0xDA17A557 | Function: botgethreats - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00A50AFC | FunctionAddr: 0x002A273C | Hash: 0x1F415F1A | Function: botsighttrace
    StructAddr: 0x00A50B24 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A28C0 | Hash: 0x38B39161 | Function: botsetdefaultclass
    StructAddr: 0x00A50B38 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A2A48 | Hash: 0xE49EA360 | Function: botclassadditem
    StructAddr: 0x00A50B4C | FunctionAddr: 0x002A2FD8 | Hash: 0xCD93C303 | Function: botclasssetweaponoption
    StructAddr: 0x00A50B60 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A2E00 | Hash: 0x8F244E96 | Function: botclassaddattachment
    StructAddr: 0x00A50B74 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A31F8 | Hash: 0x47743C41 | Function: predictposition
    StructAddr: 0x00A50B88 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A16C8 | Hash: 0xA3A6B513 | Function: lookat
    StructAddr: 0x00A50B9C | FunctionAddr: 0x002A17C8 | Hash: 0x3FBC5CCF | Function: lookdirection
    StructAddr: 0x00A50BB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1910 | Hash: 0xF2940B78 | Function: looktowards
    StructAddr: 0x00A50BC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1628 | Hash: 0x63B5F862 | Function: clearlookat
    StructAddr: 0x00A50BD8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1588 | Hash: 0xD0A5DFF4 | Function: stoplook
    StructAddr: 0x00A50BEC | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1D20 | Hash: 0xACA81ACA | Function: movetowards
    StructAddr: 0x00A50C00 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A1C40 | Hash: 0x70E8B921 | Function: movedirection
    StructAddr: 0x00A50C14 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A08E0 | Hash: 0x88BEC4FB | Function: botleavegame
    StructAddr: 0x00A50C28 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A2410 | Hash: 0x58A7452E | Function: getthreats
    StructAddr: 0x00A50C3C | FunctionAddr: 0x002A273C | Hash: 0xB2AAB34A | Function: botsighttracepassed
    StructAddr: 0x00A50C50 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A31C0 | Hash: 0x358B5B46 | Function: cancelgoal
    StructAddr: 0x00A50C64 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A31C0 | Hash: 0x51FE1E4E | Function: pressdtpbutton
    StructAddr: 0x00A50C78 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A31C0 | Hash: 0xC3CA7C3B | Function: botsetmeleechargeent
    StructAddr: 0x00A50C8C | FunctionAddr: 0x002A31C0 | Hash: 0x1836FB74 | Function: botclearmeleechargeent
    StructAddr: 0x00A50CA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A31C0 | Hash: 0x9DE0EADF | Function: botsetfailsafenode
    StructAddr: 0x00A50CB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A31C4 | Hash: 0x946413EB | Function: throwgrenade
    StructAddr: 0x00A50CC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A33D8 | Hash: 0xCEF3C19F | Function: addgoal
    StructAddr: 0x00A50CDC | FunctionAddr: 0x002A34E0 | Hash: 0x342A0C8F | Function: atgoal
    StructAddr: 0x00A50CF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A35B4 | Hash: 0x33910E9A | Function: hasgoal
    StructAddr: 0x00A50D04 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A3684 | Hash: 0xC5FA66A6 | Function: getgoal
    StructAddr: 0x00A50D18 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A3750 | Hash: 0x5B8CB97F | Function: pressusebutton
    StructAddr: 0x00A50D2C | FunctionAddr: 0x002A37FC | Hash: 0xF784534E | Function: pressattackbutton
    StructAddr: 0x00A50D40 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A38AC | Hash: 0xFB6C8D8A | Function: pressjumpbutton
    StructAddr: 0x00A50D54 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A3958 | Hash: 0xBEA5E515 | Function: pressdoublejumpbutton
    StructAddr: 0x00A50D68 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A3A04 | Hash: 0xCE52801F | Function: releasedoublejumpbutton
    StructAddr: 0x00A50D7C | FunctionAddr: 0x002A3AB4 | Hash: 0x8FA5AEF9 | Function: pressslidebutton
    StructAddr: 0x00A50D90 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A3B68 | Hash: 0x4705A395 | Function: getlookaheaddist
    StructAddr: 0x00A50DA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A3C18 | Hash: 0xCDA70552 | Function: getlookaheaddir
    StructAddr: 0x00A50DB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A3CC4 | Hash: 0xF996BD5C | Function: allowattack
    StructAddr: 0x00A50DCC | FunctionAddr: 0x002A3DB4 | Hash: 0xAF9D0780 | Function: pressads
    StructAddr: 0x00A50DE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002A3EA4 | Hash: 0xD09F9D1A | Function: pressmelee
    StructAddr: 0x00A55790 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DDFF0 | Hash: 0x4B9D0F74 | Function: getclosestenemysqdist
    StructAddr: 0x00A557A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DE5DC | Hash: 0xC7708F99 | Function: setthreatbiasgroup
    StructAddr: 0x00A557B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DE6D8 | Hash: 0x492DAADD | Function: getthreatbiasgroup
    StructAddr: 0x00A557CC | FunctionAddr: 0x002DE798 | Hash: 0x40452018 | Function: setpersonalthreatbias
    StructAddr: 0x00A557E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DE8B4 | Hash: 0x69B75DAC | Function: getpersonalthreatbias
    StructAddr: 0x00A55808 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DEBB0 | Hash: 0x8F454113 | Function: isnotarget
    StructAddr: 0x00A5581C | FunctionAddr: 0x002DEC3C | Hash: 0xFE8201A3 | Function: isbadguy
    StructAddr: 0x00A55830 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DEF78 | Hash: 0x21F41D11 | Function: setentitytarget
    StructAddr: 0x00A55844 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF148 | Hash: 0xDEC5BE9A | Function: clearentitytarget
    StructAddr: 0x00A55858 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DEA90 | Hash: 0xB7CC66C6 | Function: getperfectinfo
    StructAddr: 0x00A5586C | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF21C | Hash: 0x0E56C90A | Function: isposinclaimedlocation
    StructAddr: 0x00A55880 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF2D8 | Hash: 0x169CC712 | Function: setgoal
    StructAddr: 0x00A55894 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF4E8 | Hash: 0xE11CE512 | Function: clearforcedgoal
    StructAddr: 0x00A558A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF2D8 | Hash: 0x156339B6 | Function: setgoalnode
    StructAddr: 0x00A558BC | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF2D8 | Hash: 0xE65887E4 | Function: setgoalpos
    StructAddr: 0x00A558D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF2D8 | Hash: 0xC6F2CCCF | Function: setgoalentity
    StructAddr: 0x00A558E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF2D8 | Hash: 0x86408AA8 | Function: setgoalvolume
    StructAddr: 0x00A558F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF2D8 | Hash: 0x03135F9D | Function: setgoalvolumeauto
    StructAddr: 0x00A5590C | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF348 | Hash: 0xD11917AC | Function: getgoalvolume
    StructAddr: 0x00A55920 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF3C8 | Hash: 0xFB5720F7 | Function: cleargoalvolume
    StructAddr: 0x00A55934 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF434 | Hash: 0x58D10529 | Function: isingoal
    StructAddr: 0x00A55948 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF560 | Hash: 0xFB010E4A | Function: attackedrecently
    StructAddr: 0x00A5595C | FunctionAddr: 0x002DECDC | Hash: 0x76AA5B30 | Function: setignoreent
    StructAddr: 0x00A55970 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DEDB4 | Hash: 0xB64B47AC | Function: getignoreent
    Hash: 0x1431EF90 | Function: addsentienteventlistener - Not Found
    Hash: 0x9BA497B1 | Function: removesentienteventlistener - Not Found
    Hash: 0x099ADA8A | Function: getstealthsightvalue - Not Found
    Hash: 0xFCC2E3C6 | Function: setstealthsightvalue - Not Found
    Hash: 0xA10368F2 | Function: setstealthsightawareness - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00A55998 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DF65C | Hash: 0xFC213376 | Function: getmotionangle
    StructAddr: 0x00A559AC | FunctionAddr: 0x002DE1A0 | Hash: 0x43F446E3 | Function: createthreatbiasgroup
    StructAddr: 0x00A559C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DE1D4 | Hash: 0x94AC3E23 | Function: threatbiasgroupexists
    StructAddr: 0x00A559D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DE21C | Hash: 0x12D05134 | Function: getthreatbias
    StructAddr: 0x00A559E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DE324 | Hash: 0x49E95DC0 | Function: setthreatbias
    StructAddr: 0x00A559FC | FunctionAddr: 0x002DE43C | Hash: 0x0509245A | Function: setthreatbiasagainstall
    StructAddr: 0x00A55A10 | FunctionAddr: 0x002DE4E4 | Hash: 0x67DF0ABC | Function: setignoremegroup
    Hash: 0x11266E67 | Function: setstealthsight - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00A66608 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039BC98 | Hash: 0x5C586B0B | Function: attachpath
    StructAddr: 0x00A6661C | FunctionAddr: 0x0039BF90 | Hash: 0x5BAEE0F6 | Function: getattachpos
    StructAddr: 0x00A66630 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039C120 | Hash: 0xD142A882 | Function: startpath
    StructAddr: 0x00A66644 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039C2B8 | Hash: 0xC1535232 | Function: drivepath
    StructAddr: 0x00A66658 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039C4B4 | Hash: 0x465E2E0F | Function: pathmove
    StructAddr: 0x00A6666C | FunctionAddr: 0x0039C4B8 | Hash: 0x79DC51B6 | Function: pathmoveclear
    StructAddr: 0x00A66680 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039C504 | Hash: 0xF6B29255 | Function: flip180
    StructAddr: 0x00A66694 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039C580 | Hash: 0xF374D9EF | Function: pathfixedoffset
    StructAddr: 0x00A666A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039C5E4 | Hash: 0x22804E16 | Function: pathfixedoffsetclear
    StructAddr: 0x00A666BC | FunctionAddr: 0x0039C648 | Hash: 0x7C2455A1 | Function: pathvariableoffset
    StructAddr: 0x00A666D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039C7C0 | Hash: 0x546ACB2C | Function: pathvariableoffsetclear
    StructAddr: 0x00A666E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039C810 | Hash: 0xE48448A5 | Function: getpathfixedoffset
    StructAddr: 0x00A666F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039C8B0 | Hash: 0x33F22103 | Function: getpathvariableoffset
    StructAddr: 0x00A6670C | FunctionAddr: 0x0039C958 | Hash: 0x66A3677F | Function: setdrivepathphysicsscale
    StructAddr: 0x00A66720 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039CA5C | Hash: 0x9BC7684B | Function: setswitchnode
    StructAddr: 0x00A66734 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039CA60 | Hash: 0xC6021EB7 | Function: switchstartnode
    StructAddr: 0x00A66748 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039CA64 | Hash: 0x0F03481A | Function: recalcsplinepaths
    StructAddr: 0x00A6675C | FunctionAddr: 0x0039CBA8 | Hash: 0x333FD8F0 | Function: setspeed
    StructAddr: 0x00A66770 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039CBF0 | Hash: 0x8F87DE5F | Function: setspeedimmediate
    StructAddr: 0x00A66798 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039CE28 | Hash: 0xEDBE4101 | Function: getspeedmph
    StructAddr: 0x00A667AC | FunctionAddr: 0x0039CE98 | Hash: 0xAC91AD60 | Function: getgoalspeedmph
    StructAddr: 0x00A667C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039CF08 | Hash: 0xC014D7A0 | Function: setbrake
    StructAddr: 0x00A667E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D038 | Hash: 0x9F3B7035 | Function: gethandbrake
    StructAddr: 0x00A667FC | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D0B4 | Hash: 0x6D3203B3 | Function: getscriptbrake
    StructAddr: 0x00A66810 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D138 | Hash: 0x30C5092E | Function: getdefaultacceleration
    StructAddr: 0x00A66824 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D1B8 | Hash: 0x07F79DF7 | Function: setacceleration
    StructAddr: 0x00A66838 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D230 | Hash: 0xA9564502 | Function: setdeceleration
    StructAddr: 0x00A6684C | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D368 | Hash: 0xCB2CBDAA | Function: setmaxspeedscale
    StructAddr: 0x00A66860 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D2A4 | Hash: 0xE9C65C5F | Function: setmaxaccelerationscale
    StructAddr: 0x00A66874 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D438 | Hash: 0x6AE7EEAD | Function: resumespeed
    StructAddr: 0x00A66888 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D518 | Hash: 0xB53EBE89 | Function: setyawspeed
    StructAddr: 0x00A6689C | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D630 | Hash: 0x1491122A | Function: setmaxpitchroll
    StructAddr: 0x00A668B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D950 | Hash: 0x3223577C | Function: setturningability
    StructAddr: 0x00A668C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D9E0 | Hash: 0x724EF16B | Function: setjitterparams
    StructAddr: 0x00A668D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D748 | Hash: 0x225EA2B2 | Function: setairresistance
    StructAddr: 0x00A66914 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039D8B0 | Hash: 0x546A72F3 | Function: setphysangles
    StructAddr: 0x00A66928 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039DADC | Hash: 0x42CDDF81 | Function: sethoverparams
    StructAddr: 0x00A6693C | FunctionAddr: 0x0039DB98 | Hash: 0x7872BA64 | Function: joltbody
    StructAddr: 0x00A66950 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039DD70 | Hash: 0x23009815 | Function: freevehicle
    StructAddr: 0x00A66978 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039E01C | Hash: 0xD1B6FC6A | Function: getvehicleowner
    StructAddr: 0x00A6698C | FunctionAddr: 0x0039AC98 | Hash: 0xD04B5E96 | Function: isremotecontrol
    StructAddr: 0x00A669A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039AC98 | Hash: 0x2DB6FA07 | Function: isvehicleusable
    StructAddr: 0x00A669B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039E088 | Hash: 0x991AD231 | Function: makevehicleusable
    StructAddr: 0x00A669C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039E0D0 | Hash: 0x9ED72B0C | Function: makevehicleunusable
    StructAddr: 0x00A669DC | FunctionAddr: 0x0039E118 | Hash: 0x16337F9E | Function: usevehicle
    StructAddr: 0x00A669F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039E230 | Hash: 0x500DC2F7 | Function: setneargoalnotifydist
    StructAddr: 0x00A66A04 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039E310 | Hash: 0xC985552D | Function: setvehgoalpos
    StructAddr: 0x00A66A18 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039E798 | Hash: 0xADA64136 | Function: clearvehgoalpos
    StructAddr: 0x00A66A2C | FunctionAddr: 0x0039ECC8 | Hash: 0x0C525C74 | Function: setplanegoalpos
    StructAddr: 0x00A66A40 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039EFC0 | Hash: 0x2B970AF6 | Function: setplanebarrelroll
    StructAddr: 0x00A66A54 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F148 | Hash: 0x971F2CEB | Function: setgoalyaw
    StructAddr: 0x00A66A68 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F1B0 | Hash: 0xB0095C0F | Function: getgoalyaw
    StructAddr: 0x00A66A7C | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F200 | Hash: 0xF49E34EA | Function: cleargoalyaw
    StructAddr: 0x00A66A90 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F254 | Hash: 0xE3EFBE09 | Function: settargetyaw
    StructAddr: 0x00A66AA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F2BC | Hash: 0x28BBFF14 | Function: cleartargetyaw
    StructAddr: 0x00A66AB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F310 | Hash: 0x6F3974E9 | Function: setmindesiredturnyaw
    StructAddr: 0x00A66ACC | FunctionAddr: 0x003A03F0 | Hash: 0xDF42C640 | Function: setlookatent
    StructAddr: 0x00A66AE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A0660 | Hash: 0xB4518657 | Function: setlookatorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00A66AF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A053C | Hash: 0x8D87B0F9 | Function: clearlookatent
    StructAddr: 0x00A66B08 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A08E0 | Hash: 0x55E445CC | Function: setvehiclefordropdeploy
    StructAddr: 0x00A66B1C | FunctionAddr: 0x003A094C | Hash: 0xE3E867B0 | Function: resetvehiclefromdropdeploy
    StructAddr: 0x00A66B30 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A0D5C | Hash: 0xC6A7810E | Function: takeplayercontrol
    StructAddr: 0x00A66B44 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A0E08 | Hash: 0x34EF7D07 | Function: returnplayercontrol
    StructAddr: 0x00A66B58 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F52C | Hash: 0x13022100 | Function: setturrettargetvec
    StructAddr: 0x00A66B6C | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F610 | Hash: 0x3488D445 | Function: setturrettargetent
    StructAddr: 0x00A66B80 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F810 | Hash: 0xD013F7FA | Function: setturrettargetrelativeangles
    StructAddr: 0x00A66B94 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F900 | Hash: 0x5C475E9E | Function: getturretlimitsyaw
    StructAddr: 0x00A66BA8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039FA14 | Hash: 0x62B52961 | Function: clearturrettarget
    StructAddr: 0x00A66BBC | FunctionAddr: 0x0039FB98 | Hash: 0x6521EB5D | Function: setgunnertargetvec
    StructAddr: 0x00A66BD0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039FCF0 | Hash: 0x6E7CF0C4 | Function: getturrettargetvec
    StructAddr: 0x00A66BE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039FDA0 | Hash: 0xD24A7EA9 | Function: getgunnertargetvec
    StructAddr: 0x00A66BF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039FE58 | Hash: 0x9AF49228 | Function: setgunnertargetent
    StructAddr: 0x00A66C0C | FunctionAddr: 0x003A00CC | Hash: 0xBB5F9FAA | Function: cleargunnertarget
    StructAddr: 0x00A66C20 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A0208 | Hash: 0x6E075BDF | Function: setgunnerturretontargetrange
    StructAddr: 0x00A66C34 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A02E4 | Hash: 0xF88045DC | Function: getgunnertargetent
    StructAddr: 0x00A66C48 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A124C | Hash: 0x3F3534A8 | Function: setvehweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A66C5C | FunctionAddr: 0x003A12B8 | Hash: 0x90AD4ED1 | Function: fireweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A66C70 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039AD08 | Hash: 0x8748F439 | Function: stopfireweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A66C84 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A15A4 | Hash: 0xFF87DDC4 | Function: isturretready
    StructAddr: 0x00A66C98 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039AD70 | Hash: 0xE0A794CF | Function: setvehmaxspeed
    StructAddr: 0x00A66CAC | FunctionAddr: 0x0039AF0C | Hash: 0xA7EBE3E4 | Function: getvehoccupants
    StructAddr: 0x00A66CC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039AFB4 | Hash: 0xB4980289 | Function: getseatoccupant
    StructAddr: 0x00A66CD4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039B038 | Hash: 0x6F256229 | Function: getoccupantseat
    StructAddr: 0x00A66CE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039B0B4 | Hash: 0x917F75AC | Function: setseatoccupied
    StructAddr: 0x00A66CFC | FunctionAddr: 0x0039B190 | Hash: 0x6BF94056 | Function: seatgetweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A66D10 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039B3E4 | Hash: 0xDD0AAC5F | Function: getseatfiringorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00A66D24 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039B4A0 | Hash: 0x63EE40C1 | Function: getseatfiringangles
    StructAddr: 0x00A66D38 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039B54C | Hash: 0x52EDE9F5 | Function: isgunnerfiring
    StructAddr: 0x00A66D4C | FunctionAddr: 0x0039B5D8 | Hash: 0x6E9C95FF | Function: disablegunnerfiring
    StructAddr: 0x00A66D60 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039B6A4 | Hash: 0xCC377BBA | Function: isdriverfiring
    StructAddr: 0x00A66D74 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039B704 | Hash: 0x5E9446B8 | Function: disabledriverfiring
    StructAddr: 0x00A66D88 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A1658 | Hash: 0xF41BCE9B | Function: finishvehicledamage
    StructAddr: 0x00A66D9C | FunctionAddr: 0x003A1CD8 | Hash: 0xC8FBA501 | Function: finishvehicleradiusdamage
    StructAddr: 0x00A66DB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039B788 | Hash: 0x6BCE5B2C | Function: isvehicleimmunetodamage
    StructAddr: 0x00A66DC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F36C | Hash: 0x7CE0FFC4 | Function: setdefaultpitch
    StructAddr: 0x00A66DD8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F3D4 | Hash: 0xDFBBB3BB | Function: cleardefaultpitch
    StructAddr: 0x00A66DEC | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F428 | Hash: 0x39790BB6 | Function: getangularvelocity
    StructAddr: 0x00A66E00 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F47C | Hash: 0xD064AA4A | Function: setangularvelocity
    StructAddr: 0x00A66E14 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039F4D4 | Hash: 0x5BA4A2FD | Function: setvehvelocity
    StructAddr: 0x00A66E28 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A0790 | Hash: 0x8642A7FE | Function: cancelaimove
    StructAddr: 0x00A66E3C | FunctionAddr: 0x003A0A44 | Hash: 0x13193225 | Function: setvehicletype
    StructAddr: 0x00A66E50 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A0AB4 | Hash: 0x72FDE853 | Function: getphysacceleration
    StructAddr: 0x00A66E64 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A0B08 | Hash: 0x04F3C597 | Function: setphysacceleration
    StructAddr: 0x00A66E78 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A0B94 | Hash: 0x64847110 | Function: drawtrajectory
    StructAddr: 0x00A66E8C | FunctionAddr: 0x003A0BC0 | Hash: 0x81164BFA | Function: setrotorspeed
    StructAddr: 0x00A66EB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A0CF8 | Hash: 0x2E5BF5B0 | Function: setbuoyancyoffset
    StructAddr: 0x00A66EC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039B864 | Hash: 0x164B4F69 | Function: setmantleenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00A66EDC | FunctionAddr: 0x0039BA10 | Hash: 0x7E56B50D | Function: setvehicleavoidance
    StructAddr: 0x00A66EF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039BBC8 | Hash: 0x3472F3A1 | Function: getvehicleavoidance
    StructAddr: 0x00A66F04 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A2058 | Hash: 0x4246BC05 | Function: vehcansee
    StructAddr: 0x00A66F18 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A21A8 | Hash: 0x6D424C6F | Function: vehseenrecently
    StructAddr: 0x00A66F2C | FunctionAddr: 0x003A2288 | Hash: 0x0F4ADB5F | Function: vehclearenemy
    StructAddr: 0x00A66F40 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A2368 | Hash: 0xBE4E84FA | Function: getturretheatvalue
    StructAddr: 0x00A66F54 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A2430 | Hash: 0xBAEF232B | Function: isvehicleturretoverheating
    StructAddr: 0x00A66F68 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A2518 | Hash: 0xCC185A14 | Function: setpathtransitiontime
    StructAddr: 0x00A66F7C | FunctionAddr: 0x003A2578 | Hash: 0xE7AE0CF8 | Function: getvehicleavoidancenodes
    StructAddr: 0x00A66F90 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039B8EC | Hash: 0xC99EC6CE | Function: setvehiclemanualcontrol
    StructAddr: 0x00A66FA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039B99C | Hash: 0xF4EEB260 | Function: isvehiclemanualcontrol
    StructAddr: 0x00A66FB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003A25A0 | Hash: 0x66909EBB | Function: vehdriveraimatcrosshairs
    StructAddr: 0x00A66FCC | FunctionAddr: 0x003A2620 | Hash: 0x8639C416 | Function: getvehdamagemultiplier
    StructAddr: 0x00A5BF64 | FunctionAddr: 0x00319C38 | Hash: 0xF6181ACA | Function: settext
    StructAddr: 0x00A5BF78 | FunctionAddr: 0x00319D00 | Hash: 0x9BEFB288 | Function: setshader
    StructAddr: 0x00A5BF8C | FunctionAddr: 0x00319E98 | Hash: 0xA8E6D0D7 | Function: settargetent
    StructAddr: 0x00A5BFA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00319F38 | Hash: 0xB038925A | Function: cleartargetent
    StructAddr: 0x00A5BFB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031A38C | Hash: 0xE1754D76 | Function: settimer
    StructAddr: 0x00A5BFC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031A3D4 | Hash: 0xD59B9EFD | Function: settimerup
    StructAddr: 0x00A5BFDC | FunctionAddr: 0x0031A41C | Hash: 0x0ABB5ADA | Function: settenthstimer
    StructAddr: 0x00A5BFF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031A464 | Hash: 0x5FBEA909 | Function: settenthstimerup
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C004 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031A4AC | Hash: 0x8E003A57 | Function: setclock
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C018 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031A4F4 | Hash: 0xEA690F38 | Function: setclockup
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C02C | FunctionAddr: 0x0031A53C | Hash: 0xEE69B16E | Function: setvalue
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C040 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031A5E4 | Hash: 0x26B3BD1E | Function: setwaypoint
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C054 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031A7D0 | Hash: 0xBA7F003E | Function: fadeovertime
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C068 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031AAE0 | Hash: 0xFF9C38DC | Function: scaleovertime
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C07C | FunctionAddr: 0x0031AC90 | Hash: 0x9B81E487 | Function: moveovertime
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C090 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031AE00 | Hash: 0x011424FA | Function: reset
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C0A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031AE68 | Hash: 0x89CD542D | Function: destroy
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C0B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031B140 | Hash: 0x9A704E80 | Function: setpulsefx
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C0CC | FunctionAddr: 0x0031B324 | Hash: 0xDE0948D6 | Function: setcod7decodefx
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C0E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031B4A0 | Hash: 0x2C8660D2 | Function: setredactfx
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C0F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031B660 | Hash: 0x00F61B64 | Function: settypewriterfx
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C108 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031B7E0 | Hash: 0xF0A13CA2 | Function: gettextwidth
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C11C | FunctionAddr: 0x0031A72C | Hash: 0x45F8C36E | Function: setperks
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C130 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031AEE8 | Hash: 0xE75AF502 | Function: setplayernamestring
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C144 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031B07C | Hash: 0xDF7FBF29 | Function: setmapnamestring
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C158 | FunctionAddr: 0x0031AFB0 | Hash: 0x98C4C44E | Function: setgametypestring
    StructAddr: 0x00A5C16C | FunctionAddr: 0x00319E94 | Hash: 0xDB86EB4D | Function: setwargamedata
    StructAddr: 0x00A51990 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BA668 | Hash: 0x10686B8A | Function: setdamagestage
    StructAddr: 0x00A519A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BA200 | Hash: 0x92CC1E27 | Function: setheliheightlock
    StructAddr: 0x00A519B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BA31C | Hash: 0xE4783446 | Function: setheliheightCap
    StructAddr: 0x00A519CC | FunctionAddr: 0x002BA438 | Hash: 0xD1ED9B4B | Function: getheliheightlock
    StructAddr: 0x00A519E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BA498 | Hash: 0xD5605529 | Function: isinsideheliheightlock
    StructAddr: 0x00A519F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BA6D0 | Hash: 0x8D974E5A | Function: getheliheightlockheight
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFA68 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B72E0 | Hash: 0xB52918BF | Function: startcoverarrival
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFA90 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B7D58 | Hash: 0x61973174 | Function: reacquirestep
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFAA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B7E14 | Hash: 0xD8F22A29 | Function: findreacquirenode
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFAB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B7E90 | Hash: 0x981F787C | Function: getreacquirenode
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFACC | FunctionAddr: 0x006B7F1C | Hash: 0xAC4C1D37 | Function: usereacquirenode
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFAE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B7FEC | Hash: 0x5485E3E3 | Function: findreacquiredirectpath
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFAF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B816C | Hash: 0xE890C1A3 | Function: trimpathtoattack
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFB08 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B81B0 | Hash: 0xEAC0C741 | Function: reacquiremove
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFB1C | FunctionAddr: 0x006B80AC | Hash: 0x18E10FA5 | Function: findreacquireproximatepath
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFB30 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B81DC | Hash: 0x6A59C02C | Function: flagenemyunattackable
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFB44 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B8258 | Hash: 0x0EF6A6E9 | Function: clearpitchorient
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFB58 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B82DC | Hash: 0xA9079010 | Function: setpitchorient
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFB6C | FunctionAddr: 0x006B85D0 | Hash: 0x75754E3A | Function: cansee
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFB80 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B86F0 | Hash: 0xEA9DD9E6 | Function: seerecently
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFB94 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B87FC | Hash: 0x5AE20C85 | Function: lastknowntime
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFBA8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B88D4 | Hash: 0x1D3D63FC | Function: lastknownpos
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFBBC | FunctionAddr: 0x006B8D44 | Hash: 0xDD4EF762 | Function: maymovetopoint
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFBD0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B8F30 | Hash: 0xA0CBEF1E | Function: maymovefrompointtopoint
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFBE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B90D0 | Hash: 0xF58FCCB8 | Function: teleport
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFBF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B963C | Hash: 0xFC481AB7 | Function: ispathdirect
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFC0C | FunctionAddr: 0x006B96F8 | Hash: 0x50B996B3 | Function: isstanceallowed
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFC20 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BA790 | Hash: 0x0814A7BE | Function: traversemode
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFC34 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BA890 | Hash: 0xDDEC54C7 | Function: animmode
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFC48 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BAAAC | Hash: 0x13FFB22B | Function: orientmode
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFC5C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BAC00 | Hash: 0x3A337541 | Function: getorientmode
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFC70 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BB13C | Hash: 0x164F336D | Function: shouldfacemotion
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFC84 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BB1C8 | Hash: 0xE59C5C89 | Function: getanglestolikelyenemypath
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFC98 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BB270 | Hash: 0x80F41E43 | Function: lerpposition
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFCAC | FunctionAddr: 0x006BB460 | Hash: 0x2FBF4779 | Function: gethitenttype
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFCC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BB554 | Hash: 0x9316D183 | Function: gethityaw
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFCD4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BB634 | Hash: 0x92E87FDD | Function: getgroundenttype
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFCE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BB728 | Hash: 0xED581F61 | Function: isdeflected
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFCFC | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD958 | Hash: 0x1FB5A457 | Function: animcustom
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFD10 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BB7AC | Hash: 0xAD1A940B | Function: canattackenemynode
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFD24 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BB8BC | Hash: 0x62B40292 | Function: getpathlength
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFD38 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BB96C | Hash: 0xF9707BFF | Function: calcpathlength
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFD4C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BBA70 | Hash: 0xACD19053 | Function: checkprone
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFD60 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BBBAC | Hash: 0xB4AECD8E | Function: pushplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFD74 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BBC54 | Hash: 0x1762804B | Function: pushactors
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFD88 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC0CC | Hash: 0x71FD849B | Function: nearnode
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFD9C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC178 | Hash: 0xB6D4CDE9 | Function: nearclaimnode
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFDB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC204 | Hash: 0xCACE146D | Function: nearclaimnodeandangle
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFDC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC290 | Hash: 0x60EFD0CA | Function: atdangerousnode
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFDD8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC358 | Hash: 0x4B03D9F9 | Function: getenemyinfo
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFDEC | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC3F8 | Hash: 0xC15140D4 | Function: clearenemy
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFE00 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC648 | Hash: 0xEDE9BF13 | Function: setpotentialthreat
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFE14 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC704 | Hash: 0x2D4BB54E | Function: clearpotentialthreat
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFE28 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC898 | Hash: 0xE3E93627 | Function: setflashbangimmunity
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFE3C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC7B0 | Hash: 0x6535C002 | Function: setflashbanged
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFE50 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC928 | Hash: 0xC322DB69 | Function: getflashbangedstrength
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFE64 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC9A8 | Hash: 0x63EEB515 | Function: isknownenemyinradius
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFE78 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BCA90 | Hash: 0xE4401699 | Function: isknownenemyinvolume
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFE8C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BCC04 | Hash: 0x67806688 | Function: settalktospecies
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFEA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BCD4C | Hash: 0x3309EFEF | Function: allowpitchangle
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFEB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BA6DC | Hash: 0xF367CD72 | Function: knockback
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFEC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BCDFC | Hash: 0x59D63C2F | Function: getdeltaturnyaw
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFEDC | FunctionAddr: 0x006BCB60 | Hash: 0x1159E080 | Function: setrepairpaths
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFEF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BCE90 | Hash: 0x2C68393C | Function: finishactordamage
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFF04 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD830 | Hash: 0x2D7D7EEC | Function: calclookaheadpos
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFF18 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD8CC | Hash: 0xB7F9B625 | Function: isinscriptedstate
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFF2C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD9CC | Hash: 0x58ED1553 | Function: isactorshooting
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFF40 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B7678 | Hash: 0x84D43A8E | Function: meleewithoffset
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFF7C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BBD30 | Hash: 0x18893C32 | Function: setfixednodesafevolume
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFF90 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BBDF4 | Hash: 0x943EF5EE | Function: getfixednodesafevolume
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFFA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BBE9C | Hash: 0x2D56B327 | Function: clearfixednodesafevolume
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFFB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BBF34 | Hash: 0xD124B0E3 | Function: useposition
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFFCC | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC050 | Hash: 0xA3A66630 | Function: clearuseposition
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFFE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B792C | Hash: 0x75ECF7CB | Function: getnodeoffsetposition
    StructAddr: 0x00AAFFF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B79F0 | Hash: 0x0D3D5EF6 | Function: getnodeoffsetangles
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0008 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B7C64 | Hash: 0x8926FC97 | Function: usecovernode
    StructAddr: 0x00AB001C | FunctionAddr: 0x006B78A0 | Hash: 0x8A4BA3DB | Function: findbestcovernode
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0030 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B7ABC | Hash: 0x96DBACFA | Function: findbestcovernodes
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0044 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B773C | Hash: 0x0DAF64FB | Function: findcovernodeatlocation
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0058 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD6FC | Hash: 0x6199FCAA | Function: getdroptofloorposition
    StructAddr: 0x00AB006C | FunctionAddr: 0x006B98D4 | Hash: 0xD890549B | Function: issuppressionwaiting
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0080 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B9960 | Hash: 0x2EB94967 | Function: issuppressed
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0094 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B99EC | Hash: 0x80C9CE7C | Function: ismovesuppressed
    StructAddr: 0x00AB00A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B94E4 | Hash: 0x9869AB67 | Function: forceteleport
    StructAddr: 0x00AB00BC | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC598 | Hash: 0x41E2B60F | Function: setentityowner
    StructAddr: 0x00AB00D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BC500 | Hash: 0x7DBA8BDA | Function: clearentityowner
    StructAddr: 0x00AB00E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BA230 | Hash: 0x389F13C9 | Function: aithrowgrenade
    StructAddr: 0x00AB00F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BA230 | Hash: 0x5C5C08E3 | Function: grenadethrow
    StructAddr: 0x00AB010C | FunctionAddr: 0x006B9A80 | Hash: 0x04BE845A | Function: isgrenadepossafe
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0120 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B9C00 | Hash: 0x25BD2319 | Function: checkgrenadethrow
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0134 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B9B68 | Hash: 0xF77E0760 | Function: issafefromgrenade
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0148 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B8354 | Hash: 0x55D7881A | Function: canshoot
    StructAddr: 0x00AB015C | FunctionAddr: 0x006B84C0 | Hash: 0x7BEDE136 | Function: canshootenemy
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0170 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B9D90 | Hash: 0x46FD1229 | Function: checkgrenadethrowpos
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0184 | FunctionAddr: 0x006B9F40 | Hash: 0xDFEE2BD7 | Function: canthrowgrenade
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0198 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BA0A0 | Hash: 0x9C152763 | Function: canthrowgrenadepos
    StructAddr: 0x00AB01AC | FunctionAddr: 0x006BA654 | Hash: 0x5E1EF84D | Function: pickupgrenade
    StructAddr: 0x00AB01C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BE464 | Hash: 0xE0F94C3C | Function: hasvalidinterrupt
    StructAddr: 0x00AB01D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BE34C | Hash: 0x2BEDBA4B | Function: getbehaviortreestatus
    StructAddr: 0x00AB01E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BE3D8 | Hash: 0x3E40F8AE | Function: iscurrentbtactionlooping
    StructAddr: 0x00AB01FC | FunctionAddr: 0x006BE5AC | Hash: 0x92C90EF1 | Function: shouldholdgroundagainstenemy
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0210 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BDB0C | Hash: 0x73A5EA40 | Function: getenemyvelocity
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0224 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BDBDC | Hash: 0x0B88235B | Function: isatgoal
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0238 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BDC68 | Hash: 0x41A0382B | Function: isposatgoal
    StructAddr: 0x00AB024C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BDD1C | Hash: 0x0553F87A | Function: isapproachinggoal
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0260 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BDEC0 | Hash: 0xA8FEA69E | Function: shouldusecovernode
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0274 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BDE34 | Hash: 0x839D99D7 | Function: isatcovernode
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0288 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BDDA8 | Hash: 0xC7A3D044 | Function: isatcovernodestrict
    StructAddr: 0x00AB029C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BDF4C | Hash: 0x3B93FBA6 | Function: isflankedatcovernode
    StructAddr: 0x00AB02B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BDFD8 | Hash: 0xC54EF1CF | Function: shouldstartarrival
    StructAddr: 0x00AB02C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BE064 | Hash: 0xEED3B1F6 | Function: shouldstarttraversal
    StructAddr: 0x00AB02D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BE0F0 | Hash: 0xF695853E | Function: finishtraversal
    StructAddr: 0x00AB02EC | FunctionAddr: 0x006BE170 | Hash: 0xCB4291F3 | Function: setstairsexittransform
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0300 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD958 | Hash: 0x8791394F | Function: setanimstate
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0314 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD958 | Hash: 0xE488E531 | Function: setanimstatefromasd
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0328 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD958 | Hash: 0x20D86EA9 | Function: hasanimstatefromasd
    StructAddr: 0x00AB033C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD958 | Hash: 0x8E261ED5 | Function: getanimstatefromasd
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0350 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD958 | Hash: 0x9E139A8F | Function: getanimsubstatefromasd
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0364 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD958 | Hash: 0x909469CE | Function: getanimsubstatecountfromasd
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0378 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD958 | Hash: 0xF23D3D98 | Function: getanimfromasd
    StructAddr: 0x00AB038C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD958 | Hash: 0x3553EA2C | Function: getanimlengthfromasd
    StructAddr: 0x00AB03A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BD958 | Hash: 0x0CFEA9DB | Function: getanimhasnotetrackfromasd
    StructAddr: 0x00AB03B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BE668 | Hash: 0x4FE250B9 | Function: setphysparams
    StructAddr: 0x00AB03C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BE740 | Hash: 0x663B7EA3 | Function: setsteeringmode
    StructAddr: 0x00AB03DC | FunctionAddr: 0x006BE874 | Hash: 0x67F2354D | Function: predictpath
    StructAddr: 0x00AB03F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BEA30 | Hash: 0xAF3811A7 | Function: predictarrival
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0404 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BEDBC | Hash: 0x19457D68 | Function: predictExit
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0418 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BEB24 | Hash: 0xA8699D83 | Function: getturnexityaw
    StructAddr: 0x00AB042C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BECE0 | Hash: 0x104AF502 | Function: getfinalpathpos
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0440 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BEEA4 | Hash: 0xE05CB81D | Function: updatetrackedblackboardattribute
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0454 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BEEA0 | Hash: 0xD0DB9F97 | Function: trackblackboardattribute
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0468 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BEEA8 | Hash: 0x89398C57 | Function: finalizetrackedblackboardattributes
    StructAddr: 0x00AB047C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BEEAC | Hash: 0xDF2053CA | Function: haspath
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0490 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BEF38 | Hash: 0x650157C5 | Function: clearpath
    StructAddr: 0x00AB04A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BEFB4 | Hash: 0x899C771B | Function: generateradioevent
    StructAddr: 0x00AB04B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BF098 | Hash: 0xD6537A56 | Function: getaimlimitsfromentry
    StructAddr: 0x00AB04CC | FunctionAddr: 0x006BDA64 | Hash: 0x4DB1EF36 | Function: setfreecameralockonallowed
    StructAddr: 0x00AB04E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BADE0 | Hash: 0x86E828E1 | Function: pathmode
    StructAddr: 0x00AB04F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BAF68 | Hash: 0xE6C2D65B | Function: getpathmode
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0508 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BB060 | Hash: 0xAFC8139F | Function: damagemode
    StructAddr: 0x00AB051C | FunctionAddr: 0x006BE508 | Hash: 0x0E407564 | Function: iscovervalid
    StructAddr: 0x00AB0530 | FunctionAddr: 0x006BF26C | Hash: 0x52E4091C | Function: isinanybadplace
    StructAddr: 0x00A51A58 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C9C60 | Hash: 0xE40DB749 | Function: detachall
    StructAddr: 0x00A51A6C | FunctionAddr: 0x002C9CC4 | Hash: 0xB6009D8B | Function: getattachsize
    StructAddr: 0x00A51A80 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C9D58 | Hash: 0xE6DCB6D2 | Function: getattachmodelname
    StructAddr: 0x00A51A94 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C9E40 | Hash: 0x9FD57871 | Function: getattachtagname
    StructAddr: 0x00A51AA8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C9F18 | Hash: 0xC09E367E | Function: getattachignorecollision
    StructAddr: 0x00A51B0C | FunctionAddr: 0x002C63EC | Hash: 0xB8862210 | Function: playsoundtoplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00A51B20 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C6508 | Hash: 0xA6B3F466 | Function: playsoundtoallbutplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00A51B34 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C1140 | Hash: 0x9E1C25C2 | Function: allowedstances
    StructAddr: 0x00A51B48 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C11C4 | Hash: 0x5A25914E | Function: areallmissionsatscore
    StructAddr: 0x00A51B5C | FunctionAddr: 0x002C13C4 | Hash: 0xDED40FF6 | Function: isstartingclassdefault
    StructAddr: 0x00A51B70 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C13C8 | Hash: 0x7BEFA15A | Function: getnumchallengescomplete
    StructAddr: 0x00A51B84 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C1520 | Hash: 0xB22DA42F | Function: hascompletedallgamechallenges
    StructAddr: 0x00A51B98 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C17D4 | Hash: 0xB2CBAF20 | Function: hascollectedallcollectibles
    StructAddr: 0x00A51BAC | FunctionAddr: 0x002C1878 | Hash: 0x84368297 | Function: getdstat
    StructAddr: 0x00A51BC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C19F8 | Hash: 0x39DEDD77 | Function: getdstatarraycount
    StructAddr: 0x00A51BE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C1D24 | Hash: 0x8F67433B | Function: setdstat
    StructAddr: 0x00A51BFC | FunctionAddr: 0x002C4BE0 | Hash: 0xAB8716A0 | Function: adddstat
    StructAddr: 0x00A51C60 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C5DF4 | Hash: 0x1F4288C0 | Function: addweaponstat
    StructAddr: 0x00A51C74 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C5708 | Hash: 0x14744597 | Function: addbonuscardstat
    StructAddr: 0x00A51CB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C19F4 | Hash: 0xDA42691F | Function: getsessstat
    StructAddr: 0x00A51CC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C1B74 | Hash: 0xA702B6CF | Function: getsessstatarraycount
    StructAddr: 0x00A51CD8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C21D8 | Hash: 0x45821F8B | Function: setsessstat
    StructAddr: 0x00A51CEC | FunctionAddr: 0x002C4D34 | Hash: 0xB331E48E | Function: addsessstat
    StructAddr: 0x00A51D3C | FunctionAddr: 0x002C4E2C | Hash: 0xE5E45AD4 | Function: getdecorations
    StructAddr: 0x00A51D50 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C5178 | Hash: 0xF07412C0 | Function: givedecoration
    StructAddr: 0x00A51D64 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C4870 | Hash: 0xAA67C13B | Function: addplayerstat
    StructAddr: 0x00A51D78 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C4B60 | Hash: 0x1BA616A5 | Function: addplayerstatwithgametype
    StructAddr: 0x00A51D8C | FunctionAddr: 0x002C4BA0 | Hash: 0xA5077F76 | Function: addgametypestat
    StructAddr: 0x00A51DA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C4608 | Hash: 0xD195CF4A | Function: addmissionstat
    StructAddr: 0x00A51DB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C5560 | Hash: 0xBC8E235E | Function: getcurrentgunrank
    StructAddr: 0x00A51DC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C8DAC | Hash: 0x90C48E4A | Function: trackheropoweravailable
    StructAddr: 0x00A51DDC | FunctionAddr: 0x002C8E88 | Hash: 0x34F9B12E | Function: trackheropoweractivated
    StructAddr: 0x00A51DF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C8F64 | Hash: 0x3591FCDC | Function: trackheropowerexpired
    StructAddr: 0x00A51E04 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C90E4 | Hash: 0x05C35C47 | Function: trackweaponfirenative
    StructAddr: 0x00A51E18 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C2540 | Hash: 0x9E74B5AD | Function: updatestatratio
    StructAddr: 0x00A51E2C | FunctionAddr: 0x002C3094 | Hash: 0x1D7AEDA8 | Function: addunlocktoken_weapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A51E40 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C30D8 | Hash: 0x4A1DB313 | Function: addunlocktoken_attachment
    StructAddr: 0x00A51E54 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C311C | Hash: 0x9320359D | Function: giveunlocktoken
    StructAddr: 0x00A51E7C | FunctionAddr: 0x002C33F8 | Hash: 0x37B6567C | Function: addrankxp
    StructAddr: 0x00A51E90 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C3FB0 | Hash: 0xDDE1AC37 | Function: addrankxpvalue
    StructAddr: 0x00A51EB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C42C8 | Hash: 0x031CC1BB | Function: hasseasonpass
    StructAddr: 0x00A51ECC | FunctionAddr: 0x002C43A8 | Hash: 0xF5A47289 | Function: isstarterpack
    StructAddr: 0x00A51EE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C443C | Hash: 0x6185F4D9 | Function: setempjammed
    StructAddr: 0x00A51F08 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C683C | Hash: 0x514A8393 | Function: setgrapplabletype
    StructAddr: 0x00A51F1C | FunctionAddr: 0x002BEF84 | Hash: 0x5B7E454A | Function: luinotifyevent
    StructAddr: 0x00A51F30 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C6650 | Hash: 0xDBC82B90 | Function: launch
    StructAddr: 0x00A51F44 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C6940 | Hash: 0xB0B70ABB | Function: setmovingplatformenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00A51F58 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C69F0 | Hash: 0x375FC44E | Function: ismovingplatform
    StructAddr: 0x00A51F6C | FunctionAddr: 0x002C6A64 | Hash: 0x6B69EDE6 | Function: setdrawinfrared
    StructAddr: 0x00A51F80 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C6AFC | Hash: 0x9A300B9E | Function: setassassinationenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00A51F94 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C295C | Hash: 0x0F9F33D2 | Function: gamehistorystartmatch
    StructAddr: 0x00A51FA8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C2A48 | Hash: 0xED9310CB | Function: gamehistoryfinishmatch
    StructAddr: 0x00A51FE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BF40C | Hash: 0x7949A3CC | Function: linktoblendtotag
    StructAddr: 0x00A51FF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C6C78 | Hash: 0x8F279593 | Function: enablelinkto
    StructAddr: 0x00A5200C | FunctionAddr: 0x002C6D74 | Hash: 0x11293224 | Function: linktoupdateoffset
    StructAddr: 0x00A52020 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C7294 | Hash: 0x87B6CDA1 | Function: playerlinkto
    StructAddr: 0x00A52034 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C7480 | Hash: 0xA157E4AE | Function: playerlinktoblend
    StructAddr: 0x00A52048 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C72D4 | Hash: 0xED594D21 | Function: playerlinktodelta
    StructAddr: 0x00A5205C | FunctionAddr: 0x002C7314 | Hash: 0x9297504C | Function: playerlinkweaponviewtodelta
    StructAddr: 0x00A52070 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C78E8 | Hash: 0xF7477112 | Function: playerlinktoabsolute
    StructAddr: 0x00A52084 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C7AD8 | Hash: 0x3F292EE0 | Function: playercamlinkto
    StructAddr: 0x00A52098 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C7B60 | Hash: 0xF9324BCE | Function: playercamunlink
    StructAddr: 0x00A520AC | FunctionAddr: 0x002C7CA8 | Hash: 0x3A8DC32F | Function: lerpviewangleclamp
    StructAddr: 0x00A520C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C81B8 | Hash: 0xBDCD10BE | Function: setviewangleresistance
    StructAddr: 0x00A520D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C81BC | Hash: 0x291AB381 | Function: playerlinkedoffsetenable
    StructAddr: 0x00A520E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C8284 | Hash: 0xC608FB18 | Function: playerlinkedoffsetdisable
    StructAddr: 0x00A520FC | FunctionAddr: 0x002C8350 | Hash: 0x2DDBF95F | Function: playerlinkedsetusebaseangleforviewclamp
    StructAddr: 0x00A52110 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C8458 | Hash: 0xC05708B5 | Function: dontinterpolate
    StructAddr: 0x00A52124 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BF450 | Hash: 0xECF27A98 | Function: magicgrenadetype
    StructAddr: 0x00A52138 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C8500 | Hash: 0x8BF586F7 | Function: startfadingblur
    StructAddr: 0x00A5214C | FunctionAddr: 0x002C86B8 | Hash: 0xD3197299 | Function: localtoworldcoords
    StructAddr: 0x00A52160 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C87EC | Hash: 0x7A465687 | Function: worldtolocalcoords
    StructAddr: 0x00A52174 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C88E4 | Hash: 0x2BF2CCCB | Function: setturretspinning
    StructAddr: 0x00A52188 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C7F00 | Hash: 0xDDAE69EC | Function: attachshieldmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00A5219C | FunctionAddr: 0x002C8114 | Hash: 0xF2FE79AA | Function: detachshieldmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00A521B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C89CC | Hash: 0xAC26F113 | Function: setscriptmoverflag
    StructAddr: 0x00A521C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C8080 | Hash: 0xF955959E | Function: refreshshieldattachment
    StructAddr: 0x00A521D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BF658 | Hash: 0xD6B927F9 | Function: markdestructibledestroyed
    StructAddr: 0x00A521EC | FunctionAddr: 0x002BF5F4 | Hash: 0x5A5A8B2C | Function: resetdestructible
    StructAddr: 0x00A52200 | FunctionAddr: 0x006C54BC | Hash: 0x04A26559 | Function: findpath
    StructAddr: 0x00A52214 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BFAD0 | Hash: 0x2A8372CC | Function: canpath
    StructAddr: 0x00A52228 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CBDC8 | Hash: 0xD1C41093 | Function: getnodeindexonpath
    StructAddr: 0x00A5223C | FunctionAddr: 0x006CBEB4 | Hash: 0x0F79399C | Function: getnexttraversalnodeonpath
    StructAddr: 0x00A52250 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BFBC0 | Hash: 0x8790DC2E | Function: getclosestpointonnavvolume
    StructAddr: 0x00A52264 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BFCCC | Hash: 0xA310D598 | Function: getrandompointonnavvolume
    Hash: 0xA690C58E | Function: getinterestpoolvalue - Not Found
    Hash: 0xD03E7614 | Function: geteventpointofinterest - Not Found
    Hash: 0xAB0D3AC6 | Function: getcurrenteventtype - Not Found
    Hash: 0x5A7C780B | Function: getcurrenteventtypename - Not Found
    Hash: 0x3E69AF2D | Function: getcurrenteventid - Not Found
    Hash: 0xDF5E5CFB | Function: getcurrenteventname - Not Found
    Hash: 0x637B5398 | Function: getcurrenteventoriginator - Not Found
    Hash: 0xA9CF17B5 | Function: addtointerestpool - Not Found
    Hash: 0x97C2F7DA | Function: getinterestpoolawareness - Not Found
    Hash: 0xCEEA0FCF | Function: propagatecurrentevent - Not Found
    Hash: 0xA8D4019B | Function: generatescriptevent - Not Found
    Hash: 0x48513D6A | Function: serviceevent - Not Found
    Hash: 0x2D2D31B6 | Function: serviceeventsinradius - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00A52278 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CD32C | Hash: 0xBAEB4BE7 | Function: setavoidancemask
    StructAddr: 0x00A5228C | FunctionAddr: 0x002CD4DC | Hash: 0x247D2D14 | Function: setavoidanceproperty
    Hash: 0x3E109614 | Function: iseventserviced - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00A522A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C8A98 | Hash: 0x236D1EE9 | Function: setvisionsetforplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00A522B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C8C0C | Hash: 0x356981C1 | Function: useservervisionset
    StructAddr: 0x00A522C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C8CDC | Hash: 0xE5727A6C | Function: setinfraredvision
    StructAddr: 0x00A522DC | FunctionAddr: 0x002C9FFC | Hash: 0xD974DE0F | Function: getcontrollertype
    StructAddr: 0x00A522F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C9ADC | Hash: 0x86775358 | Function: getactorweaponoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00A52304 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C99C8 | Hash: 0xFCE65C7E | Function: setactorweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A52318 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CA000 | Hash: 0x368F616B | Function: resetfov
    StructAddr: 0x00A524D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CC3F8 | Hash: 0x3DF62599 | Function: setanimforcenew
    StructAddr: 0x00A524E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CC400 | Hash: 0xDAFE90E0 | Function: magicgrenade
    StructAddr: 0x00A524F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CC750 | Hash: 0xFDDD8F7A | Function: magicgrenademanual
    StructAddr: 0x00A5250C | FunctionAddr: 0x002CC940 | Hash: 0x5F90B785 | Function: magicgrenademanualplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00A52520 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CCCA0 | Hash: 0xBEECAB0A | Function: getaimangles
    StructAddr: 0x00A5255C | FunctionAddr: 0x002CD1EC | Hash: 0x0CC086DF | Function: getshootatpos
    StructAddr: 0x00A52570 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BF864 | Hash: 0xEC30FA7E | Function: makefakeai
    StructAddr: 0x00A52584 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BF9A0 | Hash: 0x0D1D5545 | Function: makesentient
    StructAddr: 0x00A52598 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CD2B0 | Hash: 0xDA0CEAB6 | Function: makepathfinder
    StructAddr: 0x00A525AC | FunctionAddr: 0x002CD5E4 | Hash: 0x1A1F3973 | Function: getdebugeye
    StructAddr: 0x00A525C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BFD80 | Hash: 0x72A98D9C | Function: asmrequestsubstate
    StructAddr: 0x00A525E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BFEE4 | Hash: 0x81845A05 | Function: asmgetcurrentdeltaanimation
    StructAddr: 0x00A52610 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C0048 | Hash: 0x90BB33BC | Function: asmistransitionrunning
    StructAddr: 0x00A52624 | FunctionAddr: 0x002BFFA8 | Hash: 0x78807650 | Function: asmissubstatepending
    StructAddr: 0x00A52638 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C00E8 | Hash: 0xAE9F93AD | Function: asmistransdecrunning
    StructAddr: 0x00A5264C | FunctionAddr: 0x002CD6B8 | Hash: 0x84BA6A5C | Function: animmappingsearch
    StructAddr: 0x00A52660 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CD84C | Hash: 0xA7C533E3 | Function: astsearch
    StructAddr: 0x00A52674 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C0228 | Hash: 0xE777B5AF | Function: asmchangeanimmappingtable
    StructAddr: 0x00A52688 | FunctionAddr: 0x002C02F4 | Hash: 0x22BEDFA6 | Function: asmsetanimationrate
    StructAddr: 0x00A5269C | FunctionAddr: 0x002CDC1C | Hash: 0xC58FF987 | Function: actorikenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00A526B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CDD14 | Hash: 0x873AD9F2 | Function: lookatentity
    StructAddr: 0x00A526C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CDF1C | Hash: 0x0FBB2CEF | Function: lookatpos
    StructAddr: 0x00A526D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CE0CC | Hash: 0x4C985C0F | Function: aimatposik
    StructAddr: 0x00A526EC | FunctionAddr: 0x002CE200 | Hash: 0xD075288E | Function: aimatentityik
    StructAddr: 0x00A52700 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CE380 | Hash: 0xD2036119 | Function: gadgetflickering
    StructAddr: 0x00A52714 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CE9FC | Hash: 0xD1693908 | Function: gadgetcharging
    StructAddr: 0x00A52728 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CE530 | Hash: 0x0822AA28 | Function: gadgetpowerchange
    StructAddr: 0x00A5273C | FunctionAddr: 0x002CE6C0 | Hash: 0xA0B29C50 | Function: gadgetpowerset
    StructAddr: 0x00A52750 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CE900 | Hash: 0x5C93D934 | Function: gadgetpowerget
    StructAddr: 0x00A52764 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CEB34 | Hash: 0x7620E707 | Function: gadgetisactive
    StructAddr: 0x00A52778 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CEC38 | Hash: 0x43F982FA | Function: gadgetisprimed
    StructAddr: 0x00A527A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CEF3C | Hash: 0x610FA17E | Function: gadgetsetentity
    StructAddr: 0x00A527B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CEE40 | Hash: 0xC6A94C5B | Function: gadgetsetactivatetime
    StructAddr: 0x00A527C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CF080 | Hash: 0x92A1048D | Function: gadgetpowerreset
    StructAddr: 0x00A527DC | FunctionAddr: 0x002CF184 | Hash: 0x76145BB7 | Function: gadgetgetslot
    StructAddr: 0x00A527F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CF278 | Hash: 0x069E6CA8 | Function: gadgetstatechange
    StructAddr: 0x00A52804 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CF410 | Hash: 0xC0C5359E | Function: gadgetactivate
    StructAddr: 0x00A52818 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CF554 | Hash: 0x868603C7 | Function: gadgetdeactivate
    StructAddr: 0x00A5282C | FunctionAddr: 0x002CE824 | Hash: 0x18959191 | Function: gadgettargetresult
    StructAddr: 0x00A52840 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CF6D4 | Hash: 0xCDB8EDC5 | Function: flashbackfinish
    StructAddr: 0x00A52854 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CF774 | Hash: 0x069C334C | Function: flashbackstart
    StructAddr: 0x00A52868 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CF8C0 | Hash: 0x33E810D5 | Function: startresurrectviewangletransition
    StructAddr: 0x00A52890 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CFAB0 | Hash: 0x65453879 | Function: settargetentity
    StructAddr: 0x00A528A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002CFDD8 | Hash: 0x63F13A8E | Function: settargetorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00A528B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x002D000C | Hash: 0x7FE1FC12 | Function: gettargetorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00A528CC | FunctionAddr: 0x002D011C | Hash: 0xF82F9FE5 | Function: gettargetentity
    StructAddr: 0x00A528E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x002D02D4 | Hash: 0x2EA2374C | Function: setontargetangle
    StructAddr: 0x00A528F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x002D03E0 | Hash: 0x1D5161AD | Function: getenemies
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7E20 | FunctionAddr: 0x00351BDC | Hash: 0xCBED290E | Function: spawncollision
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7E34 | FunctionAddr: 0x00352158 | Hash: 0xA550CAA1 | Function: spawntimedfx
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7E48 | FunctionAddr: 0x00361688 | Hash: 0x99D28301 | Function: spawnactor
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7E5C | FunctionAddr: 0x00351D9C | Hash: 0xEE83FF72 | Function: spawnvehicle
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7E84 | FunctionAddr: 0x003523A4 | Hash: 0xBC2B3A7C | Function: spawnturret
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7EAC | FunctionAddr: 0x003523D8 | Hash: 0x053559BD | Function: spawnhelicopter
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7ED4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003514F0 | Hash: 0xA4F8DB97 | Function: getbrushmodelcenter
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7EE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003513C4 | Hash: 0x9C48E5F3 | Function: getdemofileid
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7F10 | FunctionAddr: 0x003512C0 | Hash: 0x8D6989AC | Function: countplayers
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7F24 | FunctionAddr: 0x0037CF38 | Hash: 0x8E1DA51E | Function: getdamageableentarray
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7F38 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036DE04 | Hash: 0x5425883B | Function: mayspawnfakeentity
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7F4C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036DE5C | Hash: 0xBECEADBC | Function: mayspawnentity
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7FB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003598D8 | Hash: 0x98125A5A | Function: objective_icon
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7FC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00359A40 | Hash: 0x0E8FF844 | Function: objective_position
    StructAddr: 0x00DE7FEC | FunctionAddr: 0x00359BD8 | Hash: 0xDC9790A1 | Function: objective_clearentity
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8000 | FunctionAddr: 0x00359C64 | Hash: 0xFE955F9F | Function: objective_setvisibletoplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8014 | FunctionAddr: 0x00359D48 | Hash: 0xE09B765C | Function: objective_setinvisibletoplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8028 | FunctionAddr: 0x00359E04 | Hash: 0x1523CDF0 | Function: objective_setvisibletoplayerbyindex
    StructAddr: 0x00DE803C | FunctionAddr: 0x00359EC0 | Hash: 0x29483715 | Function: objective_setinvisibletoplayerbyindex
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8050 | FunctionAddr: 0x00359F7C | Hash: 0x18B56CF9 | Function: objective_setvisibletoall
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8064 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035A014 | Hash: 0xDAEBB750 | Function: objective_setinvisibletoall
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8078 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035A878 | Hash: 0x5834F0C4 | Function: objective_setsize
    StructAddr: 0x00DE808C | FunctionAddr: 0x0035AA28 | Hash: 0xBFEAC9B8 | Function: objective_setcolor
    StructAddr: 0x00DE80A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035A308 | Hash: 0x2AC014C2 | Function: objective_setprogress
    StructAddr: 0x00DE80B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035A3D8 | Hash: 0x73ACA9B9 | Function: objective_setgamemodeflags
    StructAddr: 0x00DE80C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035A510 | Hash: 0x47646DA5 | Function: objective_setflag
    StructAddr: 0x00DE80DC | FunctionAddr: 0x0035A7A8 | Hash: 0xAF0E4A8D | Function: objective_getgamemodeflags
    StructAddr: 0x00DE80F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035A0AC | Hash: 0xF76ABA7C | Function: objective_setplayerusing
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8104 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035A18C | Hash: 0x38BF5CF5 | Function: objective_clearplayerusing
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8118 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035A250 | Hash: 0xA1FA229F | Function: objective_clearallusing
    StructAddr: 0x00DE812C | FunctionAddr: 0x0035AD24 | Hash: 0x4CCBE3A6 | Function: objective_set3d
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8140 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035AEFC | Hash: 0xF5E3FECA | Function: objective_team
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8154 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035AF98 | Hash: 0x83AC4011 | Function: objective_visibleteams
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8168 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035B034 | Hash: 0x78931F1B | Function: objective_setuimodelvalue
    StructAddr: 0x00DE817C | FunctionAddr: 0x0032D2B0 | Hash: 0x1F91979D | Function: missile_createattractorent
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8190 | FunctionAddr: 0x0032D470 | Hash: 0x62CFB35C | Function: missile_createattractororigin
    StructAddr: 0x00DE81A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0032D628 | Hash: 0x41346CF7 | Function: missile_createrepulsorent
    StructAddr: 0x00DE81B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0032D7D8 | Hash: 0x90F3892E | Function: missile_createrepulsororigin
    StructAddr: 0x00DE81CC | FunctionAddr: 0x0032DA44 | Hash: 0x89191F29 | Function: missile_deleteattractor
    StructAddr: 0x00DE81F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035C2D8 | Hash: 0x0CBC4F0B | Function: groundtrace
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8208 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035C638 | Hash: 0x7178C13C | Function: bullettracepassed
    StructAddr: 0x00DE821C | FunctionAddr: 0x0035CB1C | Hash: 0xE7865C4B | Function: sighttracepassed
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8230 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035CE98 | Hash: 0xFAFCD7F7 | Function: physicstrace
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8244 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035D48C | Hash: 0x2B8164FC | Function: playerphysicstrace
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8258 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035D56C | Hash: 0x2166DA79 | Function: playerphysicstraceignoreent
    StructAddr: 0x00DE826C | FunctionAddr: 0x0035D668 | Hash: 0x651D7B5E | Function: playergrappletrace
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8280 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035C868 | Hash: 0x28F5A01D | Function: playerbullettrace
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8294 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035CC78 | Hash: 0xA4B4E872 | Function: worldtrace
    StructAddr: 0x00DE82A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035D288 | Hash: 0x7A435FDF | Function: playerpositionvalid
    StructAddr: 0x00DE82BC | FunctionAddr: 0x0035D380 | Hash: 0xC5939C40 | Function: playerpositionvalidignoreent
    StructAddr: 0x00DE82D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003602E8 | Hash: 0x4ABB1F0A | Function: getmovedelta
    StructAddr: 0x00DE82E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003604C8 | Hash: 0xC4F62C56 | Function: getangledelta
    StructAddr: 0x00DE82F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00360604 | Hash: 0x75B668B9 | Function: getnorthyaw
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8348 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035E860 | Hash: 0x41D22555 | Function: getwaterheight
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8398 | FunctionAddr: 0x003615E0 | Hash: 0xF5655F71 | Function: fxblocksight
    StructAddr: 0x00DE83AC | FunctionAddr: 0x00361654 | Hash: 0x0359019E | Function: resetglass
    StructAddr: 0x00DE83E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00362448 | Hash: 0x8F0C1EED | Function: physicsjolt
    StructAddr: 0x00DE83FC | FunctionAddr: 0x003626C0 | Hash: 0x7E9FC59B | Function: physicsjetthrust
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8410 | FunctionAddr: 0x00361CE0 | Hash: 0x82AEA45F | Function: createstreamerhint
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8424 | FunctionAddr: 0x00361CA8 | Hash: 0x09141F82 | Function: aretexturesloaded
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8438 | FunctionAddr: 0x00362A38 | Hash: 0xA3C3DB68 | Function: setexpfog
    StructAddr: 0x00DE844C | FunctionAddr: 0x00362C28 | Hash: 0xCE109086 | Function: setvolfog
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8460 | FunctionAddr: 0x00362FC4 | Hash: 0xFF5E52FB | Function: setculldist
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8474 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035EBF0 | Hash: 0x5FB9F971 | Function: grenadeexplosioneffect
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8488 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036BE10 | Hash: 0x87F3C622 | Function: magicbullet
    StructAddr: 0x00DE849C | FunctionAddr: 0x0035EF08 | Hash: 0xEAC31668 | Function: radiusdamage
    StructAddr: 0x00DE84B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035F434 | Hash: 0x32BD3B73 | Function: setplayerignoreradiusdamage
    StructAddr: 0x00DE84C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035F198 | Hash: 0xBE97ADEE | Function: glassradiusdamage
    StructAddr: 0x00DE84D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00363ABC | Hash: 0xA1099351 | Function: getnumparts
    StructAddr: 0x00DE84EC | FunctionAddr: 0x00363B08 | Hash: 0x0E15B819 | Function: getpartname
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8514 | FunctionAddr: 0x003644B0 | Hash: 0x4D3E98ED | Function: screenshake
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8528 | FunctionAddr: 0x00363C00 | Hash: 0x49FBBFA8 | Function: bulletspread
    StructAddr: 0x00DE853C | FunctionAddr: 0x00316E58 | Hash: 0x0C49DDE5 | Function: newhudelem
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8550 | FunctionAddr: 0x00317078 | Hash: 0xAD13099A | Function: newclienthudelem
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8564 | FunctionAddr: 0x00316F64 | Hash: 0x71DF8D81 | Function: newdamageindicatorhudelem
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8578 | FunctionAddr: 0x003172A8 | Hash: 0xEDB2E310 | Function: newteamhudelem
    StructAddr: 0x00DE858C | FunctionAddr: 0x0031718C | Hash: 0x11306159 | Function: newscorehudelem
    StructAddr: 0x00DE85A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00316F30 | Hash: 0x84C0E150 | Function: newdebughudelem
    StructAddr: 0x00DE85B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034E1D4 | Hash: 0x5254E3EB | Function: resettimeout
    StructAddr: 0x00DE85C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035BA9C | Hash: 0x4504CFD4 | Function: getattachmentnames
    StructAddr: 0x00DE85DC | FunctionAddr: 0x0035BB08 | Hash: 0x7A23A070 | Function: getwatcherweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00DE85F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035BBCC | Hash: 0xB57572DD | Function: getretrievableweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8604 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035BC90 | Hash: 0x3A874BCD | Function: islaseron
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8618 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035BCFC | Hash: 0x4C142596 | Function: isturretfiring
    StructAddr: 0x00DE862C | FunctionAddr: 0x0035B67C | Hash: 0x0B318B40 | Function: weaponhasattachment
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8640 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035B8C8 | Hash: 0x1F124A13 | Function: getweaponattachments
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8654 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035BD98 | Hash: 0x7A159F2F | Function: isitemrestricted
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8668 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035BE00 | Hash: 0x65848894 | Function: getequipmentheadobjective
    StructAddr: 0x00DE867C | FunctionAddr: 0x0035BE68 | Hash: 0xA68E7EF3 | Function: getcrateheadobjective
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8690 | FunctionAddr: 0x003631C4 | Hash: 0x56C7EB1D | Function: isplayernumber
    StructAddr: 0x00DE86A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00363224 | Hash: 0xB6CA9F1E | Function: setwinningplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE86B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003632F4 | Hash: 0x96998596 | Function: setwinningteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DE86CC | FunctionAddr: 0x003633C0 | Hash: 0xB37C7904 | Function: announcement
    StructAddr: 0x00DE86E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00363470 | Hash: 0x5B478AD5 | Function: clientannouncement
    StructAddr: 0x00DE86F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00363540 | Hash: 0xA7DCA17E | Function: getteamscore
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8708 | FunctionAddr: 0x00363598 | Hash: 0xF9944FF2 | Function: setteamscore
    StructAddr: 0x00DE871C | FunctionAddr: 0x00363634 | Hash: 0x48A94128 | Function: TeamOpsShowHUD
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8730 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036369C | Hash: 0xCF51FCAA | Function: TeamOpsStart
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8744 | FunctionAddr: 0x00363758 | Hash: 0x24CAAC88 | Function: TeamOpsUpdateProgress
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8758 | FunctionAddr: 0x003637E8 | Hash: 0x7C73E78E | Function: setclientnamemode
    StructAddr: 0x00DE876C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036386C | Hash: 0x07697395 | Function: updateclientnames
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8780 | FunctionAddr: 0x00363968 | Hash: 0x9C657009 | Function: getteamplayersalive
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8794 | FunctionAddr: 0x00363A20 | Hash: 0x324734AE | Function: getdroppedweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00DE87A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034DA28 | Hash: 0x13D1455F | Function: artilleryiconlocation
    StructAddr: 0x00DE87BC | FunctionAddr: 0x0035B1F8 | Hash: 0x014EB892 | Function: logprint
    StructAddr: 0x00DE87D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035B2BC | Hash: 0x7554ABDD | Function: worldentnumber
    StructAddr: 0x00DE87F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034DC4C | Hash: 0x5654605F | Function: reviveobituary
    StructAddr: 0x00DE880C | FunctionAddr: 0x0035B3FC | Hash: 0xE20F5403 | Function: adddemobookmark
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8820 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035B4B8 | Hash: 0x0BA336B7 | Function: positionwouldtelefrag
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8834 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035B558 | Hash: 0xD8BFAC91 | Function: boundswouldtelefrag
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8848 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035B5C0 | Hash: 0x240F8754 | Function: recordusedspawnpoint
    StructAddr: 0x00DE885C | FunctionAddr: 0x003654CC | Hash: 0xEE3907F0 | Function: testspawnpoint
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8870 | FunctionAddr: 0x0035B644 | Hash: 0x8E2E4306 | Function: getstarttime
    StructAddr: 0x00DE88AC | FunctionAddr: 0x00365698 | Hash: 0xFDED4D6E | Function: missionfailed
    StructAddr: 0x00DE88C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036583C | Hash: 0x7D3CAC7D | Function: exitlevel
    StructAddr: 0x00DE88D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003658FC | Hash: 0xB2E858FC | Function: killserver
    StructAddr: 0x00DE88E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00365938 | Hash: 0x478B766B | Function: addtestclient
    StructAddr: 0x00DE88FC | FunctionAddr: 0x003659E0 | Hash: 0xE4AD3940 | Function: setobjectivepointstatus
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8910 | FunctionAddr: 0x003659E4 | Hash: 0xA8E8355A | Function: setbombtimer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8924 | FunctionAddr: 0x00365AF0 | Hash: 0x9E53F601 | Function: setroundsplayed
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8938 | FunctionAddr: 0x00365B28 | Hash: 0xFEB1B9C2 | Function: setinitialplayersconnected
    StructAddr: 0x00DE894C | FunctionAddr: 0x00365CF4 | Hash: 0x9D2F1D78 | Function: setmatchflag
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8960 | FunctionAddr: 0x00365B3C | Hash: 0xD299F7A6 | Function: setmatchtalkflag
    Hash: 0x1242830F | Function: setarchive - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8988 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036601C | Hash: 0x2683D92B | Function: allclientsprint
    StructAddr: 0x00DE899C | FunctionAddr: 0x003664CC | Hash: 0x12B79D45 | Function: clientprint
    StructAddr: 0x00DE89B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00366074 | Hash: 0x67A3A1DD | Function: mapexists
    StructAddr: 0x00DE89C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003660D4 | Hash: 0x24643D77 | Function: isvalidgametype
    StructAddr: 0x00DE89D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00366858 | Hash: 0xE00EDCBF | Function: skillupdate
    StructAddr: 0x00DE89EC | FunctionAddr: 0x0036684C | Hash: 0xC00DCB58 | Function: recordleaguewinner
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8A00 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B7EC | Hash: 0xB0BC3094 | Function: setteamspyplane
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8A14 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B880 | Hash: 0xBC90A6A0 | Function: getteamspyplane
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8A28 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B8E0 | Hash: 0x2621D19F | Function: setteamsatellite
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8A3C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B974 | Hash: 0xD028B82B | Function: getteamsatellite
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8A50 | FunctionAddr: 0x00367D14 | Hash: 0x26278C20 | Function: getassignedteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8A64 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036ADBC | Hash: 0xB52547EA | Function: getdefaultclassslot
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8A78 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AC80 | Hash: 0x0DAC874D | Function: getitemattachment
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8A8C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AD04 | Hash: 0xB2F6689C | Function: getitemattachmentallocationcost
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8AA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003680A4 | Hash: 0x17FDC725 | Function: getreffromitemindex
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8AB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036812C | Hash: 0x0F85C59E | Function: getitemgroupfromitemindex
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8AC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003681B4 | Hash: 0x54D2DE57 | Function: getbaseweaponitemindex
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8ADC | FunctionAddr: 0x00368290 | Hash: 0x3A11A7AF | Function: getgametypeenumfromname
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8AF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00371D90 | Hash: 0x07AFDE52 | Function: setscoreboardcolumns
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8B2C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B9D4 | Hash: 0x377F740F | Function: recordnumzombierounds
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8B40 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036BA44 | Hash: 0xE73290AF | Function: recordgameresult
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8B54 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036BABC | Hash: 0xDB4939D1 | Function: finalizeMatchRecord
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8B7C | FunctionAddr: 0x00354588 | Hash: 0x7B2B845A | Function: gettouchingvolume
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8BA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036BB04 | Hash: 0xD1039DDE | Function: recordmatchsummaryzombieendgamedata
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8BB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036BD00 | Hash: 0xEA498744 | Function: matchrecorderincrementheaderstat
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8BCC | FunctionAddr: 0x0036BC98 | Hash: 0x95232ECB | Function: recordmatchinit
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8BE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036BBD8 | Hash: 0x8106C620 | Function: recordzombieroundstart
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8BF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036BC38 | Hash: 0x58503FF3 | Function: recordzombieroundend
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8C08 | FunctionAddr: 0x00367E1C | Hash: 0x7998DAC8 | Function: getcustomteamname
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8C44 | FunctionAddr: 0x00367260 | Hash: 0x6E910EE6 | Function: recordplayerstats
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8C58 | FunctionAddr: 0x003673C4 | Hash: 0x98B36A07 | Function: recordplayermatchend
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8C6C | FunctionAddr: 0x00367448 | Hash: 0x875AC970 | Function: recordmatchbegin
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8C80 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036746C | Hash: 0xEDA3E315 | Function: recordbreadcrumbdataforplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8C94 | FunctionAddr: 0x00367C48 | Hash: 0xD6E665CC | Function: matchrecordnewplayer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8CE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00366134 | Hash: 0x3F438728 | Function: setvotestring
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8CF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003661FC | Hash: 0x9BAB17EC | Function: setvotetime
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8D0C | FunctionAddr: 0x003662B0 | Hash: 0xBBC9686D | Function: setvoteyescount
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8D20 | FunctionAddr: 0x00366338 | Hash: 0x9A69CC83 | Function: setvotenocount
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8D34 | FunctionAddr: 0x00366388 | Hash: 0xFBD79C1D | Function: reportmtu
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8D5C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036645C | Hash: 0x7C633CEC | Function: ban
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8D98 | FunctionAddr: 0x00366674 | Hash: 0x7EDF1AD8 | Function: playrumblelooponposition
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8DAC | FunctionAddr: 0x0036671C | Hash: 0x0082F90C | Function: stopallrumbles
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8DC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003549C8 | Hash: 0x7F28F5FA | Function: soundexists
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8DD4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00354A14 | Hash: 0x799102F2 | Function: soundgetplaybacktime
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8DE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00354A58 | Hash: 0x1D278C1A | Function: soundgetalias
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8E10 | FunctionAddr: 0x003667EC | Hash: 0xF9566050 | Function: islocalgame
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8E24 | FunctionAddr: 0x00366820 | Hash: 0x0A2A0DB8 | Function: isglobalstatsserver
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8E38 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B600 | Hash: 0x59C04A9C | Function: setminimap
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8E4C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B304 | Hash: 0x877B12B0 | Function: setmapcenter
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8E60 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B34C | Hash: 0x9EB6E484 | Function: setdemointermissionpoint
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8E74 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B3E8 | Hash: 0xDC61703F | Function: setgameendtime
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8E88 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B428 | Hash: 0xB8D9AD6E | Function: setslowmotion
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8E9C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B564 | Hash: 0xBEA2B721 | Function: setpauseworld
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8EB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036B5B4 | Hash: 0x143FC4A5 | Function: isworldpaused
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8EC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034E1A8 | Hash: 0x56C1D507 | Function: numremoteclients
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8EEC | FunctionAddr: 0x00363100 | Hash: 0x9AA169F1 | Function: visionsetlaststand
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8F00 | FunctionAddr: 0x00352C9C | Hash: 0x37DD400F | Function: setgravity
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8F14 | FunctionAddr: 0x00352CE4 | Hash: 0x241A9D8F | Function: SetWaveWaterGeneratorAmplitude
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8F28 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036BD80 | Hash: 0xD14A0054 | Function: endlobby
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8F64 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036DF3C | Hash: 0xB172141C | Function: clientsysregister
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8F8C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036E218 | Hash: 0x93FE01E4 | Function: getsnapshotindexarray
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8FA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036E30C | Hash: 0xFA31F305 | Function: snapshotacknowledged
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8FB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036E578 | Hash: 0x1FA31B7C | Function: getaitriggerflags
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8FC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036E5D0 | Hash: 0xBE896334 | Function: getmaxvehicles
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8FDC | FunctionAddr: 0x0036E5FC | Hash: 0x3FE6FF34 | Function: disabledestructiblepieces
    StructAddr: 0x00DE8FF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036E670 | Hash: 0xFBF5A1C2 | Function: enablealldestructiblepieces
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9018 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036E5A4 | Hash: 0xD4A3AEF4 | Function: getvehicletriggerflags
    StructAddr: 0x00DE902C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036E4E8 | Hash: 0x93237922 | Function: getentnavmaterial
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9040 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036FF78 | Hash: 0x9D12B640 | Function: collisiontestpointsinsphere
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9054 | FunctionAddr: 0x003701B8 | Hash: 0xD1A20A05 | Function: collisiontestpointsincylinder
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9068 | FunctionAddr: 0x003705F0 | Hash: 0xBBAF6D7E | Function: collisiontestpointsinpill
    StructAddr: 0x00DE907C | FunctionAddr: 0x00370B80 | Hash: 0xF685DDC6 | Function: collisiontestpointsincone
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9090 | FunctionAddr: 0x00371140 | Hash: 0x7889226E | Function: collisiontestpointsinbox
    StructAddr: 0x00DE90A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00371790 | Hash: 0x1865335E | Function: qsortscoredspawnpointsascending
    StructAddr: 0x00DE90B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003718C0 | Hash: 0xC599A193 | Function: matrix4x4transformpoints
    StructAddr: 0x00DE90F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036E7E8 | Hash: 0xFB18AC4E | Function: setspawnpointrandomvariation
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9108 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036E770 | Hash: 0x06BC0D94 | Function: clearspawnpoints
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9130 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036ED58 | Hash: 0x159B2A8E | Function: addspawnpoints
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9144 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036F584 | Hash: 0x04BC3D80 | Function: getbestspawnpoint
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9158 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036E81C | Hash: 0x0E177507 | Function: clearspawnpointsbaseweight
    StructAddr: 0x00DE916C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036E850 | Hash: 0xE56E5846 | Function: setspawnpointsbaseweight
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9180 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036F764 | Hash: 0xD3EDF2F2 | Function: getplayerspawnid
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9194 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036F768 | Hash: 0x5A8347DE | Function: isspawnpointvisible
    StructAddr: 0x00DE91A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036F948 | Hash: 0xDA5E9997 | Function: addinfluencer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE91BC | FunctionAddr: 0x0036FA18 | Hash: 0xD372200E | Function: addentityinfluencer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE91D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036FAE0 | Hash: 0xC1CB72E3 | Function: addorientedinfluencer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE91E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036FCFC | Hash: 0xA27F6840 | Function: removeinfluencer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE91F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036FD58 | Hash: 0x4189CC7D | Function: enableinfluencer
    StructAddr: 0x00DE920C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036FDE0 | Hash: 0xF9395EB9 | Function: setinfluencerteammask
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9220 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036FE68 | Hash: 0xE2DB071B | Function: setinfluencertimeout
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9234 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036FF24 | Hash: 0x73565C41 | Function: getinfluencertimeoutremaining
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9248 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036FF68 | Hash: 0xAF8821A9 | Function: setdebugsideswitch
    StructAddr: 0x00DE925C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036FBD4 | Hash: 0x6D0BF873 | Function: getinfluencerpreset
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9270 | FunctionAddr: 0x00384A18 | Hash: 0x7A078777 | Function: target_set
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9284 | FunctionAddr: 0x00384DDC | Hash: 0x4FE12C26 | Function: target_setoffset
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9298 | FunctionAddr: 0x00384F50 | Hash: 0x538115BA | Function: target_getoffset
    StructAddr: 0x00DE92AC | FunctionAddr: 0x003850EC | Hash: 0x1C5DED41 | Function: target_remove
    StructAddr: 0x00DE92C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0038451C | Hash: 0xFD724520 | Function: target_setshader
    StructAddr: 0x00DE92D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00384688 | Hash: 0xD8545805 | Function: target_setoffscreenshader
    StructAddr: 0x00DE92E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00385B44 | Hash: 0x4B2E4242 | Function: target_isinrect
    StructAddr: 0x00DE92FC | FunctionAddr: 0x003858A8 | Hash: 0x7A924494 | Function: target_isincircle
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9310 | FunctionAddr: 0x00385320 | Hash: 0x44F45099 | Function: target_scaleminmaxradius
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9324 | FunctionAddr: 0x00385940 | Hash: 0x3895F026 | Function: target_originisincircle
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9338 | FunctionAddr: 0x00385C18 | Hash: 0xF1C8B64B | Function: target_boundingisunderreticle
    StructAddr: 0x00DE934C | FunctionAddr: 0x00385E30 | Hash: 0xD376A4F3 | Function: target_startreticlelockon
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9360 | FunctionAddr: 0x00385ECC | Hash: 0xFCE31B9E | Function: target_clearreticlelockon
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9374 | FunctionAddr: 0x003847F4 | Hash: 0xE7CF1ABE | Function: target_getarray
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9388 | FunctionAddr: 0x00384890 | Hash: 0xDE3DC90A | Function: target_istarget
    StructAddr: 0x00DE939C | FunctionAddr: 0x00386020 | Hash: 0x2D67C466 | Function: target_setattackmode
    StructAddr: 0x00DE93B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003861DC | Hash: 0x0170CBB2 | Function: target_setjavelinonly
    StructAddr: 0x00DE93C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00384918 | Hash: 0x38A2C2C2 | Function: target_setturretaquire
    StructAddr: 0x00DE93D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00386368 | Hash: 0x3083BB83 | Function: Target_SetAllowHighSteering
    StructAddr: 0x00DE93EC | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB38 | Hash: 0x0D41B872 | Function: getmaxactivecontracts
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9400 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB68 | Hash: 0x231EA44F | Function: getcontractstattype
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9414 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB6C | Hash: 0x8325A95A | Function: getcontractstatname
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9428 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB70 | Hash: 0xC38B1B18 | Function: getcontractrewardxp
    StructAddr: 0x00DE943C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB74 | Hash: 0x5AEDB311 | Function: getcontractrewardcp
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9450 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB78 | Hash: 0xA7B4B2B9 | Function: getcontractrequirements
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9464 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB7C | Hash: 0xF634AD8C | Function: getcontractname
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9478 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB80 | Hash: 0x3B943DAB | Function: getcontractrequiredcount
    StructAddr: 0x00DE948C | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AB84 | Hash: 0x9A3BE0F0 | Function: getcontractresetconditions
    StructAddr: 0x00DE94A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036ABA4 | Hash: 0x6BE72EEA | Function: getfogsettings
    StructAddr: 0x00DE94DC | FunctionAddr: 0x00371BD8 | Hash: 0x97A88AB2 | Function: pixmarker
    StructAddr: 0x00DE94F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00371BDC | Hash: 0x0168DC4E | Function: changeadvertisedstatus
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9504 | FunctionAddr: 0x00371C20 | Hash: 0x6D783A5E | Function: setqosgamedatapayload
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9518 | FunctionAddr: 0x00371C24 | Hash: 0x8EA39A4F | Function: resetqosgamedatapayload
    StructAddr: 0x00DE952C | FunctionAddr: 0x00371C28 | Hash: 0x8554C1B8 | Function: incrementcounter
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9540 | FunctionAddr: 0x00371C2C | Hash: 0x289546ED | Function: getcountertotal
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9554 | FunctionAddr: 0x0036AC20 | Hash: 0x35F19EA9 | Function: enableoccluder
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9568 | FunctionAddr: 0x00371FB8 | Hash: 0x38B4D4A9 | Function: sethostmigrationstatus
    StructAddr: 0x00DE957C | FunctionAddr: 0x00372010 | Hash: 0x56D1B8F3 | Function: starthostmigration
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9590 | FunctionAddr: 0x00352918 | Hash: 0xF7B23602 | Function: gamerepthresholdexceeded
    StructAddr: 0x00DE95A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00352B2C | Hash: 0x220BB7A2 | Function: zerogravityvolumeon
    StructAddr: 0x00DE95B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00352BE0 | Hash: 0x0DE81D08 | Function: zerogravityvolumeoff
    StructAddr: 0x00DE95CC | FunctionAddr: 0x00372044 | Hash: 0xBABC1DDB | Function: getutc
    StructAddr: 0x00DE95E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00371F48 | Hash: 0xC6FA3AE8 | Function: isusingt7melee
    StructAddr: 0x00DE95F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00372078 | Hash: 0x4E21B348 | Function: registerskipto
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9630 | FunctionAddr: 0x0037233C | Hash: 0x3F5625B4 | Function: setskiptos
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9644 | FunctionAddr: 0x00372550 | Hash: 0x53A8EBCC | Function: aiprofile_beginentry
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9658 | FunctionAddr: 0x00372554 | Hash: 0x41A10930 | Function: aiprofile_endentry
    StructAddr: 0x00DE966C | FunctionAddr: 0x00361E08 | Hash: 0xACB4609C | Function: streamermodelhint
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9680 | FunctionAddr: 0x003620C8 | Hash: 0xD4F82627 | Function: streamerrequest
    StructAddr: 0x00DE9694 | FunctionAddr: 0x00372558 | Hash: 0xF586AE95 | Function: getcybercomweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DE1574 | FunctionAddr: 0x00148D8C | Hash: 0xB5A28A10 | Function: getcybercomabilityname
    StructAddr: 0x00DE96BC | FunctionAddr: 0x003726A8 | Hash: 0xBDA2A10E | Function: cloneandremoveentity
    Hash: 0x2A400F9D | Function: loadsentienteventparameters - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00DE96D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00355790 | Hash: 0x5FA3EB49 | Function: hkaigettimertestpathfindstartpos
    StructAddr: 0x00DE96E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003557C8 | Hash: 0x57F0FF74 | Function: hkaigettimertestpathfindendpos
    StructAddr: 0x00DE96F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00355800 | Hash: 0x2AE33B22 | Function: hkaisettimertestent
    StructAddr: 0x00A360F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006EEE4 | Hash: 0x59422DED | Function: getallcharacterbodies
    StructAddr: 0x00A36104 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006EF84 | Hash: 0x84A260F6 | Function: getallcharacterheads
    StructAddr: 0x00A36118 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006F024 | Hash: 0xD1CCB69C | Function: getcharacterbodymodelcount
    StructAddr: 0x00A3612C | FunctionAddr: 0x0006F0D0 | Hash: 0xDB206895 | Function: getcharacterbodymodelcolorcount
    StructAddr: 0x00A36140 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006F1B8 | Hash: 0x4E534F37 | Function: getcharacterhelmetmodelcount
    StructAddr: 0x00A36154 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006F264 | Hash: 0xACF93918 | Function: getcharacterhelmetmodelcolorcount
    StructAddr: 0x00A36168 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006F44C | Hash: 0xB8C5C41E | Function: getanimforcharacter
    StructAddr: 0x00A3617C | FunctionAddr: 0x0006F508 | Hash: 0xE242C814 | Function: getxcamforcharacter
    StructAddr: 0x00A36190 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006F5C4 | Hash: 0x1C021EAD | Function: getspawnstructforcharacter
    StructAddr: 0x00A361A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006F67C | Hash: 0x02221234 | Function: getweaponmodelforcharacter
    StructAddr: 0x00A361CC | FunctionAddr: 0x0006F34C | Hash: 0xA66127EB | Function: getcharacterfields
    StructAddr: 0x00A361E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006F824 | Hash: 0x8CE32D2B | Function: getcharacterdisplayname
    StructAddr: 0x00A361F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006F8FC | Hash: 0xFC19EFDD | Function: getcharacterassetname
    StructAddr: 0x00A36208 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006F9AC | Hash: 0x2069579F | Function: getcharacterbodymodel
    StructAddr: 0x00A3621C | FunctionAddr: 0x0006FA90 | Hash: 0x1C26398A | Function: getcharacterhelmetmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00A36244 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006FC20 | Hash: 0xC7171631 | Function: getcharacterheadmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00A36258 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006FCB8 | Hash: 0xDE9665D2 | Function: getcharacterbodyrenderoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00A3626C | FunctionAddr: 0x0006FD78 | Hash: 0xE05E857B | Function: getcharacterhelmetrenderoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00A36280 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006FE38 | Hash: 0x40DBD9D4 | Function: getcharacterheadrenderoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00A36294 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006FE80 | Hash: 0xFCC693E5 | Function: getcharactermoderenderoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00A362A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0006FEC8 | Hash: 0xE3DEE4F2 | Function: getxmodelcenteroffset
    StructAddr: 0x00A362BC | FunctionAddr: 0x00070094 | Hash: 0x0242738E | Function: getnextmap
    StructAddr: 0x00A362D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00070264 | Hash: 0x59C5CA75 | Function: getmaporder
    StructAddr: 0x00A362E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000701D8 | Hash: 0xF4AFDFCC | Function: getmapatindex
    StructAddr: 0x00A362F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00070354 | Hash: 0x01A7F8D9 | Function: getmapintromovie
    StructAddr: 0x00A3630C | FunctionAddr: 0x00070480 | Hash: 0x4EAFB564 | Function: getmapoutromovie
    StructAddr: 0x00A36320 | FunctionAddr: 0x000705AC | Hash: 0x2758BCF4 | Function: getmapfields
    StructAddr: 0x00A36334 | FunctionAddr: 0x00070724 | Hash: 0xEDDB9D0F | Function: setupfieldopskitloadouts
    StructAddr: 0x00A36348 | FunctionAddr: 0x00070788 | Hash: 0x27C72C1B | Function: sessionmodeiscampaignzombiesgame
    StructAddr: 0x00DDBFD0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00071D78 | Hash: 0x60AD95CD | Function: log
    StructAddr: 0x00DDBFE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00071DC8 | Hash: 0x3C191891 | Function: sin
    StructAddr: 0x00DDBFF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00071E30 | Hash: 0xEF0A72B2 | Function: cos
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC00C | FunctionAddr: 0x00071EA0 | Hash: 0xBD2BC6BE | Function: tan
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC020 | FunctionAddr: 0x00071F68 | Hash: 0x4FC18F38 | Function: asin
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC034 | FunctionAddr: 0x00072040 | Hash: 0x88C629B7 | Function: acos
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC048 | FunctionAddr: 0x00072110 | Hash: 0x56CDC0E7 | Function: atan
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC05C | FunctionAddr: 0x00072170 | Hash: 0x69C2F683 | Function: abs
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC070 | FunctionAddr: 0x000721B4 | Hash: 0x95D0212B | Function: min
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC084 | FunctionAddr: 0x00072218 | Hash: 0xAAEEC8C5 | Function: max
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC098 | FunctionAddr: 0x0007227C | Hash: 0x0ED96839 | Function: floor
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC0AC | FunctionAddr: 0x000722C4 | Hash: 0x49C4D072 | Function: ceil
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC0C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0007230C | Hash: 0xCCC6AAFB | Function: sqrt
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC0D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00072350 | Hash: 0x0ACA9299 | Function: pow
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC0E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00071A88 | Hash: 0x2EBD5084 | Function: lerpfloat
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC0FC | FunctionAddr: 0x00071500 | Hash: 0xC7118D57 | Function: lerpvector
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC110 | FunctionAddr: 0x000709C8 | Hash: 0xEAA48678 | Function: getminbitcountfornum
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC124 | FunctionAddr: 0x000723C8 | Hash: 0x34BF0601 | Function: mapfloat
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC138 | FunctionAddr: 0x000724B8 | Hash: 0x8E503881 | Function: difftrack
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC14C | FunctionAddr: 0x00072564 | Hash: 0x16E1291E | Function: difftrackangle
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC160 | FunctionAddr: 0x00072628 | Hash: 0xF0997D2C | Function: packrgba
    Hash: 0x0B6B79A0 | Function: int - Not Found
    Hash: 0x33724181 | Function: float - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC19C | FunctionAddr: 0x000729A0 | Hash: 0x316422D1 | Function: distance2dsquared
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC1B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00070E18 | Hash: 0x87E716C1 | Function: anglelerp
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC1C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00070F90 | Hash: 0x163C99D6 | Function: rotatepoint
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC1D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00070878 | Hash: 0x4A12C219 | Function: vectorfromlinetopoint
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC1EC | FunctionAddr: 0x000715D8 | Hash: 0xC8B79B9C | Function: pointonsegmentnearesttopoint
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC200 | FunctionAddr: 0x0007176C | Hash: 0x7D15E2F8 | Function: distance
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC214 | FunctionAddr: 0x000717F8 | Hash: 0x087EA89A | Function: distance2d
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC228 | FunctionAddr: 0x00071874 | Hash: 0xCB3D1C9B | Function: distancesquared
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC23C | FunctionAddr: 0x000718F4 | Hash: 0x73B84F4D | Function: length
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC250 | FunctionAddr: 0x00071954 | Hash: 0xF781860C | Function: lengthsquared
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC264 | FunctionAddr: 0x000719B0 | Hash: 0x6D40E57F | Function: closer
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC278 | FunctionAddr: 0x00071294 | Hash: 0x5F9A4869 | Function: vectordot
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC28C | FunctionAddr: 0x00071310 | Hash: 0x2E582ECC | Function: vectorcross
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC2A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000713B0 | Hash: 0xF679A325 | Function: vectornormalize
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC2B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0007144C | Hash: 0x13422F93 | Function: vectorprojection
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC2C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00071224 | Hash: 0xBDCDC423 | Function: vectortoangles
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC2DC | FunctionAddr: 0x00070EE0 | Hash: 0x2049593F | Function: vectorlerp
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC2F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00070A3C | Hash: 0xABA60185 | Function: anglestoup
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC304 | FunctionAddr: 0x00070AB4 | Hash: 0x298B8148 | Function: anglestoright
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC318 | FunctionAddr: 0x00070B2C | Hash: 0xBC7CE905 | Function: anglestoforward
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC32C | FunctionAddr: 0x00070BA4 | Hash: 0x35495468 | Function: combineangles
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC340 | FunctionAddr: 0x00070C80 | Hash: 0x3DFA27B4 | Function: angleclamp180
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC354 | FunctionAddr: 0x00070D28 | Hash: 0x89A42B0A | Function: absangleclamp180
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC368 | FunctionAddr: 0x00070DC4 | Hash: 0x64DBCBF2 | Function: absangleclamp360
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC37C | FunctionAddr: 0x000710C4 | Hash: 0x51DE81E7 | Function: forwardrotatearoundupbyangle
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC390 | FunctionAddr: 0x00071180 | Hash: 0x56BEDEB6 | Function: rotatepointaroundaxis
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC3B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00073028 | Hash: 0x6F1EBE57 | Function: getdvarstring
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC3CC | FunctionAddr: 0x00073148 | Hash: 0x4BD0142F | Function: getdvarint
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC3E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00073298 | Hash: 0xF3087FAA | Function: getdvarfloat
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC3F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000733E4 | Hash: 0x19FA9E01 | Function: getdvarvector
    Hash: 0xBC4DB703 | Function: throw - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC430 | FunctionAddr: 0x000736A4 | Hash: 0xBD42C9D1 | Function: associativearray
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC444 | FunctionAddr: 0x00073838 | Hash: 0x81403B2F | Function: arrayremovevalue
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC458 | FunctionAddr: 0x00073958 | Hash: 0x6C668988 | Function: arrayremoveindex
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC46C | FunctionAddr: 0x00073B54 | Hash: 0x1C2BEB2B | Function: arrayinsert
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC480 | FunctionAddr: 0x00073C50 | Hash: 0x525AE497 | Function: arraycombine
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC494 | FunctionAddr: 0x00073DF4 | Hash: 0x41F575C3 | Function: arraycopy
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC4A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00073F08 | Hash: 0x7F41C8E7 | Function: isinarray
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC4BC | FunctionAddr: 0x00073FFC | Hash: 0x391512DA | Function: getarraykeys
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC4D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0007410C | Hash: 0xEFAEBE7F | Function: getfirstarraykey
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC4E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000741D0 | Hash: 0x93BE6580 | Function: getnextarraykey
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC4F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000742AC | Hash: 0x2D848C4F | Function: getlastarraykey
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC50C | FunctionAddr: 0x00074370 | Hash: 0x4E671960 | Function: getprevarraykey
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC520 | FunctionAddr: 0x0007444C | Hash: 0x6F8792EB | Function: arrayintersect
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC534 | FunctionAddr: 0x000745D0 | Hash: 0xE7BDC1A1 | Function: arraygetclosest
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC548 | FunctionAddr: 0x000746F0 | Hash: 0xF270B41D | Function: arraygetfarthest
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC55C | FunctionAddr: 0x00074808 | Hash: 0xE8EF6CB0 | Function: getstructfield
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC570 | FunctionAddr: 0x00074910 | Hash: 0x508479ED | Function: isfunctionptr
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC584 | FunctionAddr: 0x00074968 | Hash: 0x02477AC2 | Function: isstring
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC598 | FunctionAddr: 0x00074A44 | Hash: 0x6E2770D8 | Function: isarray
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC5AC | FunctionAddr: 0x00074ABC | Hash: 0x2D525639 | Function: isweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC5C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00074B9C | Hash: 0x0520A934 | Function: isint
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC5D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00074B50 | Hash: 0x2DF9DA95 | Function: isfloat
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC5E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00074BE8 | Hash: 0x4451C715 | Function: isvec
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC5FC | FunctionAddr: 0x000749B4 | Hash: 0xA35F16DF | Function: isclass
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC610 | FunctionAddr: 0x00074C34 | Hash: 0x483C3C51 | Function: istring
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC624 | FunctionAddr: 0x00074DA0 | Hash: 0x5DBF7ECA | Function: issubstr
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC638 | FunctionAddr: 0x00074E18 | Hash: 0xF45850EC | Function: getsubstr
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC64C | FunctionAddr: 0x00074F50 | Hash: 0x57B2BE45 | Function: tolower
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC660 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075024 | Hash: 0x5FD83932 | Function: toupper
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC674 | FunctionAddr: 0x000750F8 | Hash: 0xD6DF1F20 | Function: strtok
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC688 | FunctionAddr: 0x000754C8 | Hash: 0x4D1B4DA2 | Function: strtok2
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC69C | FunctionAddr: 0x000757FC | Hash: 0x39C15145 | Function: strstartswith
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC6B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0007586C | Hash: 0x77FDB408 | Function: strendswith
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC6C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000758DC | Hash: 0x8B47DCC5 | Function: strisnumber
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC6D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000759A8 | Hash: 0xB495A958 | Function: strisfloat
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC6EC | FunctionAddr: 0x00075A80 | Hash: 0x680650D9 | Function: strisint
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC700 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075B34 | Hash: 0x5A2FDDE0 | Function: strstrip
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC714 | FunctionAddr: 0x00076060 | Hash: 0x5C8C8601 | Function: makelocalizedstring
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC728 | FunctionAddr: 0x00076110 | Hash: 0xBD5A6A8D | Function: sprintf
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC73C | FunctionAddr: 0x00075CE4 | Hash: 0xD4CC1345 | Function: tablelookup
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC750 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075D08 | Hash: 0x5E4FE4F9 | Function: tablelookupistring
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC764 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075C9C | Hash: 0x008F1EF9 | Function: tablelookuprownum
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC778 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075CC0 | Hash: 0x5A31CE6C | Function: tablelookupcolumnforrow
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC78C | FunctionAddr: 0x00075C78 | Hash: 0xA6DF0337 | Function: tablelookupfindcoreasset
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC7A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075D2C | Hash: 0x1556496C | Function: tablelookuprowcount
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC7B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075D50 | Hash: 0xF42ADF2C | Function: tablelookupcolumncount
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC7C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075D74 | Hash: 0xD1439E4F | Function: tablelookuprow
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC7DC | FunctionAddr: 0x00075D98 | Hash: 0xE967A021 | Function: getitemindexfromref
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC7F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075DFC | Hash: 0xE0E8D954 | Function: getattachmenttableindex
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC804 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075E48 | Hash: 0x5F2D88F7 | Function: openfile
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC818 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075E4C | Hash: 0x76AE2169 | Function: closefile
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC82C | FunctionAddr: 0x00075E50 | Hash: 0x73AB5C8C | Function: fprintln
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC840 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075E54 | Hash: 0xA2B29765 | Function: fprintfields
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC854 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075E58 | Hash: 0x2B4CA53F | Function: freadln
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC868 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075E5C | Hash: 0x77F17085 | Function: fgetarg
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC87C | FunctionAddr: 0x00075FE0 | Hash: 0xDD31229F | Function: debugbreak
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC890 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075E60 | Hash: 0x0A7EE953 | Function: assert
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC8A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075F10 | Hash: 0x94739542 | Function: assertmsg
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC8B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00075F78 | Hash: 0x95D3DAF8 | Function: errormsg
    StructAddr: 0x00DDC8CC | FunctionAddr: 0x00076010 | Hash: 0x8810FF0A | Function: ispc
    StructAddr: 0x00A368BC | FunctionAddr: 0x0007643C | Hash: 0x769DB7B8 | Function: enumerateweapons
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CDE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003469D4 | Hash: 0x4C9624C6 | Function: record3dtext
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CDF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003469D8 | Hash: 0x32990EDC | Function: recordenttext
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CE0C | FunctionAddr: 0x003469DC | Hash: 0x8AFD7E24 | Function: recordline
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CE20 | FunctionAddr: 0x003469E0 | Hash: 0x5CB41422 | Function: recordstar
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CE34 | FunctionAddr: 0x003469E8 | Hash: 0xA1FD4E99 | Function: recordsphere
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CE48 | FunctionAddr: 0x003469EC | Hash: 0x162E1B0A | Function: recordcircle
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CE5C | FunctionAddr: 0x003469F0 | Hash: 0x28124B77 | Function: recordcone
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CE70 | FunctionAddr: 0x003469E4 | Hash: 0x58F8DA89 | Function: recordent
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CE84 | FunctionAddr: 0x003469F4 | Hash: 0xB9FB37D0 | Function: recorderplayback
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CF24 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034103C | Hash: 0x899FA18B | Function: linelist
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CF60 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034104C | Hash: 0x80FB8913 | Function: sphericalcone
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CF9C | FunctionAddr: 0x00340B88 | Hash: 0x4B192207 | Function: getenterbutton
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CFB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00344190 | Hash: 0xF926D8E8 | Function: arraysort
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CFC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00344330 | Hash: 0x057EFBE1 | Function: arraysortclosest
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D000 | FunctionAddr: 0x0037CD08 | Hash: 0xCA448A30 | Function: getentarrayfromarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D014 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341AC0 | Hash: 0xC1F5DCBD | Function: isnavvolumeloaded
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D028 | FunctionAddr: 0x0033EA98 | Hash: 0xA972A8D5 | Function: generatepointsaroundcenter
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D078 | FunctionAddr: 0x006C839C | Hash: 0xB4CB3503 | Function: getnode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D08C | FunctionAddr: 0x006C858C | Hash: 0xFE0CFD2E | Function: getnodearray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D0A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006C9680 | Hash: 0xF1EC6341 | Function: getnodearraysorted
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D0B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006C9A90 | Hash: 0x908ED3B6 | Function: getanynodearray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D0C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006C9950 | Hash: 0x6734CBE7 | Function: getcovernodearray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D0DC | FunctionAddr: 0x006C9BC4 | Hash: 0xCBC90467 | Function: getallnodes
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D0F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CA1C8 | Hash: 0xC0545F55 | Function: getnodesinradius
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D104 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CA1EC | Hash: 0x406081BA | Function: getnodesinradiussorted
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D118 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CA280 | Hash: 0x6D5B92C7 | Function: getnearestnode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D12C | FunctionAddr: 0x006CA374 | Hash: 0x655A9447 | Function: getvisiblenode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D140 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CA454 | Hash: 0xD7EF9B02 | Function: nodesvisible
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D154 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CA91C | Hash: 0x86D8303F | Function: canclaimnode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D168 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CA584 | Hash: 0x7D9668CB | Function: getnoderegion
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D17C | FunctionAddr: 0x006CAA68 | Hash: 0x4D08ED62 | Function: getvalidcoverpeekouts
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D190 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CA638 | Hash: 0x5984583E | Function: getvisiblenodes
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D1A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CAB98 | Hash: 0xD224409E | Function: setenablenode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D1B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CACA0 | Hash: 0x681FB820 | Function: linknodes
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D1CC | FunctionAddr: 0x006CB164 | Hash: 0xA9A0FDE7 | Function: unlinknodes
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D1E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CAED4 | Hash: 0x47D28A09 | Function: linktraversal
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D1F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CB088 | Hash: 0x9AB58E36 | Function: unlinktraversal
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D208 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CB350 | Hash: 0x9DC74EED | Function: nodesarelinked
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D21C | FunctionAddr: 0x006CB4D8 | Hash: 0xDDE1CE51 | Function: dropnodetofloor
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D230 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CB56C | Hash: 0xE2633EF3 | Function: spawnpathnode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D244 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CB9F0 | Hash: 0x98BCF281 | Function: deletepathnode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D258 | FunctionAddr: 0x006C56D4 | Hash: 0xE98CCAC5 | Function: setturretnode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D26C | FunctionAddr: 0x006C57D0 | Hash: 0x35D9E592 | Function: unsetturretnode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D280 | FunctionAddr: 0x006C51D4 | Hash: 0x1BEE8693 | Function: setnodepriority
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D294 | FunctionAddr: 0x006C534C | Hash: 0x4EB15419 | Function: isnodeoccupied
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D2A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006C5404 | Hash: 0x9290C708 | Function: getnodeowner
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D2BC | FunctionAddr: 0x006CBA7C | Hash: 0x5F432BB4 | Function: iswallrunnode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D2D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CBB40 | Hash: 0x38CEE3A2 | Function: iscovernode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D2E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x006C55B4 | Hash: 0x2A1FAE39 | Function: pathdistance
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D2F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x006C564C | Hash: 0xAA733848 | Function: getnearestpathpoint
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D30C | FunctionAddr: 0x006CBBF0 | Hash: 0xB8D90348 | Function: isnodeenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D320 | FunctionAddr: 0x006CBCA8 | Hash: 0x993A1F11 | Function: getothernodeinnegotiationpair
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D334 | FunctionAddr: 0x0033F3F0 | Hash: 0xEED6DAB7 | Function: getclosestpointonnavmesh
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D348 | FunctionAddr: 0x0033F710 | Hash: 0xF828B991 | Function: tracepassedonnavmesh
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D384 | FunctionAddr: 0x0033ECF8 | Hash: 0x54F69DE9 | Function: positionquery_source_navigation
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D398 | FunctionAddr: 0x0033F060 | Hash: 0x088B06E3 | Function: positionquery_filter_sight
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D3AC | FunctionAddr: 0x0033F20C | Hash: 0xDCCCE89A | Function: positionquery_filter_directness
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D3C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0033F2E0 | Hash: 0x9D329E33 | Function: positionquery_filter_distancetogoal
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D3D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0033F364 | Hash: 0x282D20F5 | Function: positionquery_filter_inclaimedlocation
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D3E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0033F938 | Hash: 0x4575BAA7 | Function: navpointsightfilter
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D3FC | FunctionAddr: 0x0033F520 | Hash: 0x12EDEE4E | Function: ispointonnavmesh
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D410 | FunctionAddr: 0x0033FE70 | Hash: 0x0875EE58 | Function: ispointonstairs
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D424 | FunctionAddr: 0x0033FF7C | Hash: 0x863D6BB0 | Function: setclearanceceiling
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D438 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341AF4 | Hash: 0x6D9DE587 | Function: getnavmeshfacenormal
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D44C | FunctionAddr: 0x00341B80 | Hash: 0xAE51B7ED | Function: getnavfaceregion
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D460 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341C08 | Hash: 0x6E5D6588 | Function: enablenavmeshtrigger
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D474 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341C68 | Hash: 0xA7FB0A13 | Function: getnavmeshtriggersforpoint
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D488 | FunctionAddr: 0x0033FEE8 | Hash: 0xB62BB1C5 | Function: ispointinnavvolume
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D49C | FunctionAddr: 0x0033EA88 | Hash: 0xD2EE87AD | Function: getreflectionlocs
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D4B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0033EA8C | Hash: 0xC30E8AE6 | Function: getreflectionorigin
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D4C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00607820 | Hash: 0x3AEDD0A2 | Function: bbprint
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D4D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341058 | Hash: 0x91E6C614 | Function: bbpostdemostreamstatsforround
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D4EC | FunctionAddr: 0x003410A4 | Hash: 0x59B5106B | Function: recordcomscoreevent
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D500 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039979C | Hash: 0x243BB261 | Function: getvehiclenode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D514 | FunctionAddr: 0x003997A0 | Hash: 0x8F8FB3B0 | Function: getvehiclenodearray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D528 | FunctionAddr: 0x003997C8 | Hash: 0xD359D917 | Function: getallvehiclenodes
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D53C | FunctionAddr: 0x003997F8 | Hash: 0xC6632977 | Function: gettimefromvehiclenodetonode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D550 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039982C | Hash: 0x7AF9CE03 | Function: reconnectvehiclenodes
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D564 | FunctionAddr: 0x00399830 | Hash: 0xBEEFFA12 | Function: createtrack
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D578 | FunctionAddr: 0x0039A938 | Hash: 0x84C1996E | Function: getnumvehicles
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D58C | FunctionAddr: 0x0039A96C | Hash: 0xBCB42FEB | Function: setheliheightpatchenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D5A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341580 | Hash: 0x2AA13CA3 | Function: doesweaponreplacespawnweapon
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D5B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341510 | Hash: 0x1C8ADCB0 | Function: getweaponworldmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D5C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341054 | Hash: 0xB3C0448E | Function: adddebugcommand
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D5DC | FunctionAddr: 0x003416B4 | Hash: 0xFD096044 | Function: isentity
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D618 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341898 | Hash: 0x329C21F4 | Function: isactorcorpse
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D62C | FunctionAddr: 0x00341920 | Hash: 0x51E3F0A4 | Function: isactorspawner
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D640 | FunctionAddr: 0x003419A8 | Hash: 0xB7AB1931 | Function: isvehiclespawner
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D654 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341A30 | Hash: 0xEDDAD593 | Function: isspawner
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D690 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341F90 | Hash: 0x8D0347B8 | Function: isactor
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D6A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00342018 | Hash: 0x85E4C3B3 | Function: isvehicle
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D6B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00342140 | Hash: 0x5CFB84BB | Function: issentient
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D6CC | FunctionAddr: 0x003421C8 | Hash: 0x242B7AF4 | Function: ispathfinder
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D6E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034224C | Hash: 0xB0395C1B | Function: isairborne
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D6F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003422F4 | Hash: 0xF70E279C | Function: isusingnavvolume
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D708 | FunctionAddr: 0x00342380 | Hash: 0x29E06050 | Function: isgodmode
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D71C | FunctionAddr: 0x00340114 | Hash: 0xEC812C78 | Function: hasasm
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D758 | FunctionAddr: 0x00342DD4 | Hash: 0xD131A6E0 | Function: gettime
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D80C | FunctionAddr: 0x00344678 | Hash: 0x7861B06E | Function: sessionmodeabbreviation
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D834 | FunctionAddr: 0x003446D8 | Hash: 0xD9630298 | Function: isdedicated
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D898 | FunctionAddr: 0x00342444 | Hash: 0x6896D21F | Function: setgametypesetting
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D8AC | FunctionAddr: 0x0034482C | Hash: 0xE08AAB83 | Function: gamemodeisarena
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D8C0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00344868 | Hash: 0xD2250E2F | Function: checkpointcreate
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D8D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034488C | Hash: 0x297D2D7C | Function: checkpointcommit
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D8E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003448B0 | Hash: 0x4216042E | Function: checkpointclear
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D8FC | FunctionAddr: 0x003448D4 | Hash: 0xADA65D6B | Function: checkpointrestore
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D910 | FunctionAddr: 0x003448F8 | Hash: 0xBA933D27 | Function: savegame_create
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D960 | FunctionAddr: 0x00343774 | Hash: 0x37CBCF1A | Function: playsoundatposition
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D974 | FunctionAddr: 0x003401C8 | Hash: 0xE71B2232 | Function: setlocalprofilevar
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D988 | FunctionAddr: 0x003439A0 | Hash: 0xF5951E91 | Function: setlocalprofilearrayvar
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D99C | FunctionAddr: 0x00343804 | Hash: 0xAFEDF5EE | Function: getlocalprofileint
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D9B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003438C0 | Hash: 0x0D0D2911 | Function: getlocalprofilearrayint
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D9C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00343864 | Hash: 0xAC38D303 | Function: getlocalprofilefloat
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D9D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00343940 | Hash: 0x4368352C | Function: getlocalprofilestring
    StructAddr: 0x00A5D9EC | FunctionAddr: 0x00343AA8 | Hash: 0x2F40DE54 | Function: execdevgui
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DA00 | FunctionAddr: 0x003432C0 | Hash: 0x9A7ED193 | Function: uploadstats
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DA14 | FunctionAddr: 0x003434C8 | Hash: 0xCADA4DEE | Function: registerxp
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DA28 | FunctionAddr: 0x00343364 | Hash: 0x59C8A979 | Function: ismature
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DA3C | FunctionAddr: 0x00342E4C | Hash: 0x8D0F083B | Function: camanimscripted
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DA50 | FunctionAddr: 0x003430A0 | Hash: 0xD59A1980 | Function: endcamanimscripted
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DA64 | FunctionAddr: 0x00343110 | Hash: 0xBBEE2B9F | Function: extracamanimscripted
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DA78 | FunctionAddr: 0x00343114 | Hash: 0x48869F1A | Function: endextracamanimscripted
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DA8C | FunctionAddr: 0x00343118 | Hash: 0x5F3E774C | Function: getcamanimtime
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DAA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003431D8 | Hash: 0x7C6EA1CD | Function: iscamanimlooping
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DAB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003468FC | Hash: 0x9CFAA68E | Function: getclassindexfromname
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DAC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034493C | Hash: 0x0C20C2E8 | Function: getaiarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DADC | FunctionAddr: 0x003458B8 | Hash: 0x9CB37000 | Function: getvehiclearray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DAF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00344964 | Hash: 0x2BA4336D | Function: getactorarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DB04 | FunctionAddr: 0x00344DD4 | Hash: 0x24E95264 | Function: getaispeciesarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DB18 | FunctionAddr: 0x00344F9C | Hash: 0x33222815 | Function: getaiarchetypearray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DB2C | FunctionAddr: 0x00344908 | Hash: 0x37142CA1 | Function: getfreeactorcount
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DB40 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034498C | Hash: 0xB8494651 | Function: getaiteamarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DB54 | FunctionAddr: 0x00344ADC | Hash: 0x846256F4 | Function: getactorteamarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DB7C | FunctionAddr: 0x00345994 | Hash: 0x2D2DDFD9 | Function: getvehicleteamarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DB90 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034510C | Hash: 0x2673C3F8 | Function: getscriptmoverarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DBA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x003451D0 | Hash: 0x96BFC2DB | Function: getzbarrierarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DBB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00345294 | Hash: 0xBB8807D9 | Function: getitemarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DBCC | FunctionAddr: 0x00345358 | Hash: 0xBD90138E | Function: getcorpsearray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DBE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003450E4 | Hash: 0xD35375B8 | Function: getspawnerarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DBF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00345890 | Hash: 0x6643D7E6 | Function: getvehiclespawnerarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DC08 | FunctionAddr: 0x003450BC | Hash: 0x8A06A11D | Function: getactorspawnerarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DC1C | FunctionAddr: 0x00345478 | Hash: 0xE215B4C1 | Function: getspawnerteamarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DC30 | FunctionAddr: 0x00345618 | Hash: 0xF68840C4 | Function: getactorspawnerteamarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DC44 | FunctionAddr: 0x003457A4 | Hash: 0xF55EEC3F | Function: getvehiclespawnerteamarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DC58 | FunctionAddr: 0x003458DC | Hash: 0xF077A9CE | Function: getgrappletargetarray
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DC6C | FunctionAddr: 0x00342660 | Hash: 0x0BAA5973 | Function: badplace_delete
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DC80 | FunctionAddr: 0x003426D0 | Hash: 0x0BEB2C49 | Function: badplace_box
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DC94 | FunctionAddr: 0x00342890 | Hash: 0x48A41DF0 | Function: badplace_cylinder
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DCA8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00342A40 | Hash: 0x56A3D940 | Function: physicstraceex
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DCD0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00345AA8 | Hash: 0xBEF6A4E6 | Function: profilelog_begintiming
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DCE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00345AAC | Hash: 0x506BA7EA | Function: profilelog_endtiming
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DCF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00345D38 | Hash: 0xB84A1F6C | Function: getnotetracksindelta
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DD0C | FunctionAddr: 0x00345DFC | Hash: 0x26F1E6DA | Function: isanimleaf
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DD34 | FunctionAddr: 0x00345F00 | Hash: 0x95F2EDB9 | Function: isanimloaded
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DD5C | FunctionAddr: 0x00346080 | Hash: 0xEEFECD78 | Function: getanimframecount
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DD70 | FunctionAddr: 0x00346160 | Hash: 0x4A177CF3 | Function: animhasnotetrack
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DD84 | FunctionAddr: 0x00346238 | Hash: 0xD8959C32 | Function: getnotetracktimes
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DDC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00346308 | Hash: 0x22DD92A9 | Function: disablegrenadesuicide
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DDD4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034631C | Hash: 0x3A40BD4A | Function: enablegrenadesuicide
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DDE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00345AB0 | Hash: 0xC6F841C8 | Function: activateclientexploder
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DDFC | FunctionAddr: 0x00345B08 | Hash: 0x55DB2421 | Function: deactivateclientexploder
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DE10 | FunctionAddr: 0x00345B60 | Hash: 0x71287D97 | Function: activateclientradiantexploder
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DE24 | FunctionAddr: 0x00345BBC | Hash: 0x836DD938 | Function: deactivateclientradiantexploder
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DE38 | FunctionAddr: 0x00345C18 | Hash: 0x8511D33A | Function: killclientradiantexploder
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DE4C | FunctionAddr: 0x00345C74 | Hash: 0xEE13CCB6 | Function: getmissileowner
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DE60 | FunctionAddr: 0x003467B0 | Hash: 0x48BF7696 | Function: precacheleaderboards
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DE74 | FunctionAddr: 0x00346894 | Hash: 0x350E6980 | Function: isassetloaded
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DE88 | FunctionAddr: 0x00346940 | Hash: 0xBE995E75 | Function: deployriotshield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DE9C | FunctionAddr: 0x00340868 | Hash: 0x4441FF8D | Function: getnumexpectedplayers
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DEB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034090C | Hash: 0x6C6E7B10 | Function: getnumconnectedplayers
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DED8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00346330 | Hash: 0xE33E3551 | Function: getatrloaded
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DEEC | FunctionAddr: 0x003463E4 | Hash: 0x832411D1 | Function: findanimbyname
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DF00 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034655C | Hash: 0x968045EB | Function: animhasimportantnotifies
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DF3C | FunctionAddr: 0x00346C98 | Hash: 0xAB6D39B5 | Function: codesetclientfield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DF64 | FunctionAddr: 0x003474C8 | Hash: 0xA4158394 | Function: codeincrementclientfield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DF78 | FunctionAddr: 0x00346ECC | Hash: 0xC3956143 | Function: codesetplayerstateclientfield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DFA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0034706C | Hash: 0x3A751559 | Function: codeincrementuimodelclientfield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DFB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00347208 | Hash: 0x69AFE676 | Function: codesetuimodelclientfield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DFDC | FunctionAddr: 0x003476F4 | Hash: 0x35D4B2B8 | Function: codeincrementplayerstateclientfield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5DFF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003473A0 | Hash: 0x71AF1C79 | Function: codesetworldclientfield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E018 | FunctionAddr: 0x00347890 | Hash: 0x162B4F86 | Function: codeincrementworldclientfield
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E068 | FunctionAddr: 0x00348888 | Hash: 0x9B8EEE2C | Function: getweaponaccuracy
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E07C | FunctionAddr: 0x003483DC | Hash: 0x72DDEE44 | Function: getattachmentcosmeticvariantindexes
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E0A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00348AA8 | Hash: 0x2CE503CE | Function: setailimit
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E0B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00348B24 | Hash: 0x2D30C3BA | Function: getailimit
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E0CC | FunctionAddr: 0x00348B5C | Hash: 0xE4EAB046 | Function: getaicount
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E0E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00348BD8 | Hash: 0x143071FD | Function: resetailimit
    Hash: 0xF377AC89 | Function: awarenessupdatepoolthresholds - Not Found
    Hash: 0x9C07C43D | Function: awarenesssetweaponshotdistance - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E108 | FunctionAddr: 0x00348BEC | Hash: 0x5563B53F | Function: switchmap_preload
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E11C | FunctionAddr: 0x00348CA8 | Hash: 0xAD95A4A4 | Function: switchmap_load
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E130 | FunctionAddr: 0x00348D64 | Hash: 0xA63AEE74 | Function: switchmap_switch
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E144 | FunctionAddr: 0x00348D88 | Hash: 0x6DF659A8 | Function: switchmap_setloadingmovie
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E1A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x003492EC | Hash: 0x7DDCD415 | Function: ismapsublevel
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E1BC | FunctionAddr: 0x003493C8 | Hash: 0x9065D6EA | Function: getrootmapname
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E1D0 | FunctionAddr: 0x003494A0 | Hash: 0x04794DDA | Function: getmissionname
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E1E4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00349578 | Hash: 0xC4158488 | Function: missionhasaccolades
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E1F8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00349720 | Hash: 0x7BB9F252 | Function: missionhascollectibles
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E220 | FunctionAddr: 0x00349800 | Hash: 0xFB697979 | Function: getmissionuniqueid
    StructAddr: 0x00A360DC | FunctionAddr: 0x0006ED64 | Hash: 0xFDEEDC89 | Function: getcharacterbodystyleindex
    Hash: 0xA9380013 | Function: getplayercharacterattribute - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E25C | FunctionAddr: 0x00349A7C | Hash: 0x25C75042 | Function: ratrecordmessage
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E270 | FunctionAddr: 0x00349A80 | Hash: 0x6F515A70 | Function: ratreportcommandresult
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E284 | FunctionAddr: 0x00342E40 | Hash: 0x7F58E39E | Function: gethostmigrationvalue
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E298 | FunctionAddr: 0x00342E44 | Hash: 0x36FA6BEF | Function: gethostmigrationarraycount
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E2AC | FunctionAddr: 0x00342E48 | Hash: 0xAB36F31A | Function: sethostmigrationvalue
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E374 | FunctionAddr: 0x00349B1C | Hash: 0x1CE2843B | Function: videoprime
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E388 | FunctionAddr: 0x00349B54 | Hash: 0xACDFE1FE | Function: videostart
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E39C | FunctionAddr: 0x00349C04 | Hash: 0x9062F7BC | Function: videopause
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E3B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00349C38 | Hash: 0x35BE2AB3 | Function: videounpause
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E3C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x00349BD0 | Hash: 0x4A0FB95E | Function: videostop
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E3D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x00349C6C | Hash: 0x9E3608E3 | Function: hidemiscmodels
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E3EC | FunctionAddr: 0x00349D2C | Hash: 0x6DDD4FA4 | Function: showmiscmodels
    Hash: 0xE10D852F | Function: applycheatcode - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E428 | FunctionAddr: 0x00349E1C | Hash: 0xE35EB412 | Function: updatenavtriggers
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDBC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009C160 | Hash: 0xFD4BA5E1 | Function: playfx
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDBD8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009ECC0 | Hash: 0xDA6ACFD2 | Function: playfxontag
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDC00 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009C5C8 | Hash: 0x2E9C26EF | Function: playfxoncamera
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDC14 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009FAC8 | Hash: 0x5D7ADFC4 | Function: playloopedfx
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDC28 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009CD1C | Hash: 0xD555A113 | Function: stopfx
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDC3C | FunctionAddr: 0x0009CDBC | Hash: 0x835A2F7B | Function: killfx
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDC50 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009CE5C | Hash: 0x2FD9ADDF | Function: isfxplaying
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDC64 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009CF0C | Hash: 0x7A6170FB | Function: setfxoutdoor
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDC78 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009D4B4 | Hash: 0x5475F2F6 | Function: bullettracer
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDC8C | FunctionAddr: 0x0009FE48 | Hash: 0xA065C695 | Function: triggerfx
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDCA0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009CAE4 | Hash: 0x667CBA7E | Function: setfxteam
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDCB4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009D548 | Hash: 0xA12DF3FD | Function: registerrewindfx
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDCC8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009D60C | Hash: 0x6AF43DCB | Function: setfxignorepause
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDCDC | FunctionAddr: 0x0009F204 | Hash: 0x345E285B | Function: playradiantexploder
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDCF0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009F2A0 | Hash: 0x6407BC0D | Function: stopradiantexploder
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDD04 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009F340 | Hash: 0xE0B56725 | Function: killradiantexploder
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDD18 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009F3E8 | Hash: 0xD9571391 | Function: beamlaunch
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDD2C | FunctionAddr: 0x0009F5F0 | Hash: 0x2213E078 | Function: beamkill
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDD40 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009F698 | Hash: 0x6A90DA04 | Function: visionsetnaked
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDD54 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009F7A0 | Hash: 0xA106AC5F | Function: visionsetnakedlerp
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDD68 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009F8A0 | Hash: 0xB39BDB6E | Function: getvisionsetnaked
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDD7C | FunctionAddr: 0x0009D358 | Hash: 0x6D5612B6 | Function: getfxfromsurfacetable
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDD90 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009F91C | Hash: 0x7C63DADA | Function: setripplewave
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDDA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009FFC4 | Hash: 0x138D4551 | Function: playviewmodelfx
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDDB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A00F0 | Hash: 0xF3D89C3A | Function: playfxondynent
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDDCC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A0758 | Hash: 0x94D5197C | Function: spawnfx
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDDE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A02F8 | Hash: 0x28573E36 | Function: deletefx
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDDF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A03E8 | Hash: 0x7861A0F8 | Function: setrimintensity
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDE08 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A04D8 | Hash: 0xFABEAB99 | Function: setgenericscenevalue
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDE1C | FunctionAddr: 0x0009D6D8 | Hash: 0x6C7D1149 | Function: startwatersheetingfx
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDE30 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009D7D0 | Hash: 0xD92493FB | Function: stopwatersheetingfx
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDE44 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009CFB0 | Hash: 0x6EDD51C4 | Function: addboltedfxexclusionvolume
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDE58 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009D1B8 | Hash: 0x07D3589E | Function: addfxexclusionvolume
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDE6C | FunctionAddr: 0x0009D2BC | Hash: 0x3356408F | Function: removefxexclusionvolume
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDE80 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A1130 | Hash: 0xC7C08DD4 | Function: playmaincamxcam
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDE94 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A1208 | Hash: 0x40AE388A | Function: stopmaincamxcam
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDEA8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A12C4 | Hash: 0xAE96B2F3 | Function: setallowxcamrightstickrotation
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDEBC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A1340 | Hash: 0xC0F9F92A | Function: getweaponxcam
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDED0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A1430 | Hash: 0x4F525632 | Function: setclientvolumetricfog
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDEE4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A19BC | Hash: 0x56F8C331 | Function: switchtoservervolumetricfog
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDEF8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A1B88 | Hash: 0x2A9ECFCD | Function: switchtoclientvolumetricfog
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDF0C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A17C4 | Hash: 0xE988A9A2 | Function: setservervolumetricfogdensity
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDF20 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A1710 | Hash: 0xB0E11B26 | Function: getservervolumetricfogdensity
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDF34 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A1D00 | Hash: 0x2F183A94 | Function: setexposureactivebank
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDF48 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A1D9C | Hash: 0xACFB32FF | Function: setexposureignoreteleport
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDF5C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A1E38 | Hash: 0x27490CFB | Function: setexposureinstantsnap
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDF70 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A2024 | Hash: 0x39416758 | Function: setlutvolumeactivebank
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDF84 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A20C0 | Hash: 0xB92B89C5 | Function: setlutscriptindex
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDF98 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A2160 | Hash: 0xC1DC0657 | Function: setworldfogactivebank
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDFAC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A21FC | Hash: 0xAC0FFD19 | Function: getworldfogscriptid
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDFC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009D894 | Hash: 0xA51E1A37 | Function: findstaticmodelindex
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDFD4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009D988 | Hash: 0xDE7504EA | Function: findstaticmodelindexarray
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDFE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009DA84 | Hash: 0x201670BE | Function: hidestaticmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DDDFFC | FunctionAddr: 0x0009DAB8 | Hash: 0x28AAC069 | Function: unhidestaticmodel
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE010 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009DAEC | Hash: 0x244F59E6 | Function: findvolumedecalindexarray
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE024 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009DB6C | Hash: 0x0733DB26 | Function: hidevolumedecal
    StructAddr: 0x00DA1697 | FunctionAddr: 0xFFFFFFFF | Hash: 0xC879924D | Function: unhidevolumedecal
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CE98 | FunctionAddr: 0x00340BD4 | Hash: 0x3BC5B442 | Function: print
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CEFC | FunctionAddr: 0x00340D78 | Hash: 0x8F3E0F73 | Function: print3d
    StructAddr: 0x000D623F | FunctionAddr: 0x807E000C | Hash: 0x00895B00 | Function: println
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CEC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x00340C24 | Hash: 0xD0EAF029 | Function: PrintTopRightln
    StructAddr: 0x00A58F3C | FunctionAddr: 0x00302134 | Hash: 0x2E4B8C78 | Function: iprintlnbold
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CF10 | FunctionAddr: 0x00340EC8 | Hash: 0x4E418837 | Function: line
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CF38 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341040 | Hash: 0x30077D70 | Function: box
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CF74 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341044 | Hash: 0x617F6EBA | Function: debugstar
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CF4C | FunctionAddr: 0x00341048 | Hash: 0xF090A335 | Function: circle
    StructAddr: 0x00A5CF88 | FunctionAddr: 0x00341050 | Hash: 0x2D3EAA0E | Function: sphere
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE114 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A2658 | Hash: 0x42A54D6E | Function: isstereoon
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE128 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009DFAC | Hash: 0xA092897A | Function: getsurfacestrings
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE13C | FunctionAddr: 0x0009E020 | Hash: 0x02246035 | Function: issplitscreenhost
    StructAddr: 0x00A59770 | FunctionAddr: 0x002FEAAC | Hash: 0x33D0D4D7 | Function: issplitscreen
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE164 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A1424 | Hash: 0xCA48E0C8 | Function: setlitfogbank
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE178 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A1F70 | Hash: 0x3A876950 | Function: setukkoscriptindex
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE18C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A1ED4 | Hash: 0x4C5BFEC4 | Function: setpbgactivebank
    Hash: 0x87772842 | Function: mapmaterial - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE1A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A2698 | Hash: 0xAC560C9D | Function: setfilterpassmaterial
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE1B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A2814 | Hash: 0x2375D572 | Function: setfilterpasscodetexture
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE1C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A2A34 | Hash: 0x4249AAE5 | Function: setfilterpassenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE1DC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A2C6C | Hash: 0x7800463A | Function: setfilterpassquads
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE1F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A2DAC | Hash: 0xA7A4F1AE | Function: setfilterpassconstant
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE204 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A2F0C | Hash: 0xA373CCF4 | Function: setfilterbitflag
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE218 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A32DC | Hash: 0x87083818 | Function: setoverlayenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE22C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A304C | Hash: 0xBFABF23E | Function: setoverlaymaterial
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE240 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A31C4 | Hash: 0x158E5C55 | Function: setoverlayconstant
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE254 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A33B4 | Hash: 0x13EC514F | Function: enablethermaldraw
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE268 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A343C | Hash: 0x48D9EB23 | Function: createscenecodeimage
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE27C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A3494 | Hash: 0x80929AEB | Function: freecodeimage
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE290 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A34EC | Hash: 0xD58D1BC4 | Function: captureframe
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE2A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A3554 | Hash: 0x3D6D06AE | Function: mapmaterialindex
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE2B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A38B4 | Hash: 0x027882E8 | Function: zombieshooterspotted
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE2CC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A3698 | Hash: 0x4D476D00 | Function: tmodestatus
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE2E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A374C | Hash: 0xE5CF97AE | Function: evstatus
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE2F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A396C | Hash: 0xEAF442D2 | Function: igcactive
    StructAddr: 0x00DDE31C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A3A24 | Hash: 0xC6BC5674 | Function: enablefrontendstreamingoverlay
    StructAddr: 0x00A5E400 | FunctionAddr: 0x00349DEC | Hash: 0xBAB1FF00 | Function: umbragate_set
    Hash: 0x0AB113C2 | Function: umbra_setdistancescale - Not Found
    Hash: 0xAB0F08F3 | Function: umbra_setaccurateocclusionthreshold - Not Found
    Hash: 0x1B85BD1E | Function: umbra_setminimumcontributionthreshold - Not Found
    StructAddr: 0x00A39110 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A4068 | Hash: 0x4B5FBD9C | Function: oed_nightvision_reset
    StructAddr: 0x00A39124 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A40A8 | Hash: 0x04D0C924 | Function: oed_nightvision_settexturelevel
    StructAddr: 0x00A39138 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A3F50 | Hash: 0x1E599646 | Function: oed_nightvision_enable
    StructAddr: 0x00A3914C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A4878 | Hash: 0xB16B83D6 | Function: oed_sitrepscan_enable
    StructAddr: 0x00A39160 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A4A74 | Hash: 0x6C501BF0 | Function: oed_sitrepscan_setdesat
    StructAddr: 0x00A39174 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A4C0C | Hash: 0x137C01BE | Function: oed_sitrepscan_setsolid
    StructAddr: 0x00A39188 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A4DA4 | Hash: 0x9B098331 | Function: oed_sitrepscan_setoutline
    StructAddr: 0x00A3919C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A4F3C | Hash: 0x449E9025 | Function: oed_sitrepscan_setlinewidth
    StructAddr: 0x00A391B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A50D4 | Hash: 0x4DCDAE87 | Function: oed_sitrepscan_setradius
    StructAddr: 0x00A391C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A526C | Hash: 0x13F17361 | Function: oed_sitrepscan_setfalloff
    StructAddr: 0x00A391D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A41B8 | Hash: 0x7E819202 | Function: randomfade
    StructAddr: 0x00A391EC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A42EC | Hash: 0xDDB95859 | Function: weakpoint_enable
    StructAddr: 0x00A39200 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A4500 | Hash: 0x471A18C7 | Function: tmodeenable
    StructAddr: 0x00A39228 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A4824 | Hash: 0x6A4CA91D | Function: eacpathset
    StructAddr: 0x00A3923C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5404 | Hash: 0x0D2505E4 | Function: motionpulse_enable
    StructAddr: 0x00A39250 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A551C | Hash: 0xFEB18AF6 | Function: motionpulse_setdesat
    StructAddr: 0x00A39264 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5628 | Hash: 0xFD06B710 | Function: motionpulse_setsolid
    StructAddr: 0x00A39278 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5734 | Hash: 0x62A94163 | Function: motionpulse_setoutline
    StructAddr: 0x00A3928C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5840 | Hash: 0xE0337C67 | Function: motionpulse_setlinewidth
    StructAddr: 0x00A392A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A594C | Hash: 0x20A49FCD | Function: motionpulse_setradius
    StructAddr: 0x00A392B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5A58 | Hash: 0x7713DA2B | Function: motionpulse_setfalloff
    StructAddr: 0x00A392C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5B64 | Hash: 0xC58AF9DB | Function: motionpulse_setfadeout
    StructAddr: 0x00A392DC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5C78 | Hash: 0x763A0B18 | Function: setblur
    StructAddr: 0x00A392F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5EB8 | Hash: 0x69B16290 | Function: setextracam
    StructAddr: 0x00A39304 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5EBC | Hash: 0x0A41474B | Function: setextracamfocallength
    StructAddr: 0x00A39318 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5EC0 | Hash: 0x9DE0788F | Function: clearextracam
    StructAddr: 0x00A3932C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5EC4 | Hash: 0xE438EAAD | Function: playextracamxcam
    StructAddr: 0x00A39340 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5EC8 | Hash: 0x208A96B7 | Function: stopextracamxcam
    StructAddr: 0x00A39354 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5ECC | Hash: 0x53033123 | Function: setweaponrenderoptions
    StructAddr: 0x00A39368 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A5FEC | Hash: 0x1127662C | Function: setattachmentcosmeticvariantindex
    StructAddr: 0x00A3937C | FunctionAddr: 0x0009E124 | Hash: 0xE82057DE | Function: addduplicaterenderoption
    StructAddr: 0x00A39390 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009E374 | Hash: 0xAF53122E | Function: disableduplicaterendering
    StructAddr: 0x00A393A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009E4E8 | Hash: 0x9E4B9F5A | Function: setarmpulse
    StructAddr: 0x00A393B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009E6E4 | Hash: 0xF5FAA2DB | Function: setarmpulseposition
    StructAddr: 0x00A393CC | FunctionAddr: 0x0009E844 | Hash: 0xA8A5BC26 | Function: sethotzone
    StructAddr: 0x00A393E0 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009E974 | Hash: 0xCAE0C618 | Function: tmodesetflag
    StructAddr: 0x00A393F4 | FunctionAddr: 0x0009EAE0 | Hash: 0x752FADA3 | Function: tmodeclearflag
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A4B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A63B4 | Hash: 0x26299103 | Function: randomint
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A4C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A6428 | Hash: 0x62E4226E | Function: randomfloat
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A4DC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A6484 | Hash: 0xDC99997A | Function: randomintrange
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A4F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A6518 | Hash: 0x72A94F05 | Function: randomfloatrange
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A504 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A65B0 | Hash: 0x90E12A80 | Function: project2dto3d
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A518 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A674C | Hash: 0x95186518 | Function: project3dto2d
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A540 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A68F0 | Hash: 0xB46A69C4 | Function: getanglefrombits
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A554 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A69A0 | Hash: 0x725D26D9 | Function: getbitsforangle
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A5FC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A71C8 | Hash: 0x921A1574 | Function: playsound
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A610 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A6A48 | Hash: 0x76285577 | Function: getsoundfromsurfacetable
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A624 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7D10 | Hash: 0xCF7E7120 | Function: soundplaying
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A638 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7D5C | Hash: 0xA69510C2 | Function: setsoundvolume
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A64C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7DF0 | Hash: 0xAF55E03E | Function: setsoundpitch
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A660 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7E84 | Hash: 0x009D2E5C | Function: setsoundvolumerate
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A674 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7F18 | Hash: 0x96BE8328 | Function: setsoundpitchrate
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A688 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A82AC | Hash: 0x356A1C2A | Function: stopsound
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A69C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7FAC | Hash: 0x3586FB08 | Function: getrealtime
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A6B0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7FEC | Hash: 0x307E65A3 | Function: getplaybacktime
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A6C4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A8038 | Hash: 0x5AF34C2C | Function: getknownlength
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A6D8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A80A0 | Hash: 0xF6C076A8 | Function: setgroupsnapshot
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A6EC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A8148 | Hash: 0x05F6F04B | Function: setglobalfutz
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A700 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A80F8 | Hash: 0xC66F0311 | Function: setambientsnapshot
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A714 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A8188 | Hash: 0x50319265 | Function: sethealthsnapshot
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A728 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A8220 | Hash: 0x88CB1F11 | Function: setlevelfadesnapshot
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A73C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A765C | Hash: 0x2913B292 | Function: soundsetmusicstate
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A750 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A768C | Hash: 0x09C128EE | Function: soundloopemitter
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A764 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7704 | Hash: 0xD2E71C8B | Function: soundrattlesetup
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A778 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A778C | Hash: 0xCA76FF24 | Function: soundrattle
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A78C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7830 | Hash: 0x1645025B | Function: soundplayautofx
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A7A0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A73B4 | Hash: 0x23E91425 | Function: setsoundcontext
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A7B4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A79AC | Hash: 0xC0384F26 | Function: soundstoploopemitter
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A7C8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7A14 | Hash: 0xAD32F53E | Function: soundlineemitter
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A7DC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7AA0 | Hash: 0x3B615636 | Function: soundstoplineemitter
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A7F0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7B2C | Hash: 0x5537096F | Function: soundupdatelineemitter
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A804 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7C00 | Hash: 0xFEC4D93F | Function: stoplocalsound
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A818 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7CE0 | Hash: 0x82326B7D | Function: soundtimescale
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A82C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7414 | Hash: 0x3BF4650F | Function: allocatesoundrandoms
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A840 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A7514 | Hash: 0x254751DB | Function: createsoundrandom
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A87C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A8620 | Hash: 0xC2931A36 | Function: playloopsound
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A890 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A8B60 | Hash: 0xEAA69754 | Function: stoploopsound
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A8A4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A8958 | Hash: 0x4A1ECB6C | Function: stopallloopsounds
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A8B8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A8D68 | Hash: 0x149386D4 | Function: isplayingloopsound
    StructAddr: 0x00A3A8CC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A857C | Hash: 0x1D2BB2B0 | Function: setsoundentcontext
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AA84 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A90B8 | Hash: 0x59C094FD | Function: luiload
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AA98 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9174 | Hash: 0xD5F0E8A0 | Function: luienable
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AAAC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A924C | Hash: 0xB9B5ECBB | Function: luidisable
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AAC0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9324 | Hash: 0x06A8CFD8 | Function: isluienabled
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AAD4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A93DC | Hash: 0x5307AB20 | Function: createLUIMenu
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AAE8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9590 | Hash: 0x2F6B6A4C | Function: openLUIMenu
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AAFC | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9B3C | Hash: 0x0E9022FE | Function: getLUIMenu
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AB10 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9778 | Hash: 0x3A9588EA | Function: setLUIMenuData
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AB24 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9974 | Hash: 0x23C5960E | Function: getLUIMenuData
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AB38 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9D84 | Hash: 0xB57BF4D1 | Function: openLUIPopup
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AB4C | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9C98 | Hash: 0x2B74B70A | Function: closeLUIMenu
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AB60 | FunctionAddr: 0x000A9EAC | Hash: 0xD762FB1A | Function: populateScriptDebugMenu
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AB74 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AA148 | Hash: 0x5821ABB6 | Function: createUIModel
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AB88 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AA234 | Hash: 0x5FBA3E50 | Function: freeUIModel
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AB9C | FunctionAddr: 0x000AA2D4 | Hash: 0xC9741013 | Function: getGlobalUIModel
    StructAddr: 0x00A3ABB0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AA32C | Hash: 0x557EB98C | Function: getUIModel
    StructAddr: 0x00A3ABC4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AA418 | Hash: 0x0DD1BD95 | Function: getUIModelForController
    StructAddr: 0x00A3ABD8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AA4D0 | Hash: 0x938048A7 | Function: getUIModelValue
    StructAddr: 0x00A3ABEC | FunctionAddr: 0x000AA600 | Hash: 0xBD3F2B3B | Function: setUIModelValue
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AC00 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AA7D8 | Hash: 0xB1B17AB5 | Function: setExtraCamRenderReady
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AF7C | FunctionAddr: 0x000AA9F8 | Hash: 0x8A6B0F6C | Function: reportstubusage
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AF90 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AAC00 | Hash: 0xC22BFA61 | Function: pixbeginevent
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AFA4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AAC04 | Hash: 0x7905CB51 | Function: pixendevent
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AFB8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AAC08 | Hash: 0x7C367AF3 | Function: hasdlcavailable
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AFCC | FunctionAddr: 0x000AB2F8 | Hash: 0x45E7DC7F | Function: ismaturecontentenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AFE0 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AB32C | Hash: 0x40DF8999 | Function: isshowbloodenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00A3AFF4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AB360 | Hash: 0x20F6DBEA | Function: isshowgibsenabled
    StructAddr: 0x00A3B008 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AACA8 | Hash: 0x5430E74C | Function: splitargs
    StructAddr: 0x00A3B01C | FunctionAddr: 0x000AAF3C | Hash: 0xE730CFF4 | Function: clienthassnapshot
    StructAddr: 0x00A3B030 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AADA4 | Hash: 0xB67632F3 | Function: getsystemtime
    StructAddr: 0x00A3B044 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AAE74 | Hash: 0xD9502965 | Function: getservertime
    StructAddr: 0x00A3B058 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AAFE8 | Hash: 0x7A72DD8C | Function: getmapcenter
    StructAddr: 0x00A3B06C | FunctionAddr: 0x000AAA20 | Hash: 0x64BC5310 | Function: getskiptoname
    StructAddr: 0x00A3B080 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AAA6C | Hash: 0x0FA0BEB8 | Function: getskiptos
    StructAddr: 0x00A3B094 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AB018 | Hash: 0x6C1294B8 | Function: setdvar
    StructAddr: 0x00A3B0A8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AB134 | Hash: 0xAA332733 | Function: setsaveddvar
    StructAddr: 0x00A3B0BC | FunctionAddr: 0x000AB394 | Hash: 0xA54C7962 | Function: getlightingstate
    StructAddr: 0x00A3B0D4 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AA850 | Hash: 0x0CE2B5F5 | Function: buttonpressed
    StructAddr: 0x00A3B0E8 | FunctionAddr: 0x000AA878 | Hash: 0xF1AB8DB6 | Function: getcontrollerposition
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  2. prodigy

    prodigy Trusted Seller since 2014 :)

    Jul 7, 2014
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    Boston, Ma
    Ty Smoke great job will come in handy once I'm finished with my recovery tool thanks.
  3. ma

    mariobarbera Newbie

    Nov 5, 2015
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  4. piotrp27

    piotrp27 Newbie

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Thanks for this
  5. piotrp27

    piotrp27 Newbie

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Thanks for this
  6. mu

    mumo Newbie

    Oct 17, 2015
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    thanks for this m8 :D
  7. st

    star2000 Newbie

    Nov 6, 2015
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    thx m8
  8. mp

    mpg1983 Rookie

    Nov 23, 2013
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    Thanks thanks
  9. ik

    ikaro88 Newbie

    May 13, 2014
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    ehm....what exactly do this?
  10. we

    weissi77 Newbie

    Nov 6, 2015
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  11. alientronik

    alientronik Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    thx thx :dribble: :dribble:
  12. bu

    burc2004 Newbie

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    mrcalladine123 Newbie

    Jun 15, 2013
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    iriemanjah Newbie

    Dec 5, 2012
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    very cool
  15. ga

    gamezone2015 Newbie

    Apr 10, 2015
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    Thanks :D
  16. Sn

    Snottypuke Newbie

    Sep 28, 2013
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    80ris Newbie

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    GaviaoBDM Newbie

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    Trashwanst Newbie

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    darcus Newbie

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