Battlefield 4: Dragon's Teeth DLC Release Date Leaked

Bullet Jul 4, 2014

  1. Bu

    Bullet Guest

    A recent Tweet by Origin has revealed that the 'Dragons Teeth' expansion pack will launch 2 weeks early for Battlefield premium members with a release date of July the 15th.
    This means that the Battlefield premium pack has a general release date of July the 29th'
    The tweet which read "Save 20% on #BF4 Premium right now, then jump into #DragonsTeeth 2 weeks early on July 15th" was posted earlier today but was quickly edited to show the tweet you can see below:

    The DLC will contain four new multiplayer maps which are set in Asian cities where players can “wreak havoc” in a floating restaurant and battle it out in the modern high rises of Sunken Dragon.

    In the Propaganda map, players can fight “among the huge monuments of despots”, shoot each other in busy alleyways and on the rooftops of Pearl Market.

    Here’s a list of key features:

    Lumphini Garden – multiplayer map
    Pearl Market – multiplayer map
    Propaganda – multiplayer map
    Sunken Dragon – multiplayer map
    Unlock a Ballistic shield that blocks incoming bullets

    A new Battle pickup: The R.A.W.R., a heavily armed remotely operated ground vehicle
    Link together capture points to win the battle in the new Chain Link game mode

    10 new assignments with unlocks for each
    Player who are Battlefield 4 Premium members will be given two weeks early access to the expansion pack, which is due this summer.

    The fifth and last expansion, Final Stand, will also be released this summer.

    This post has been promoted to an article

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