
Apple Watch Released {[Discussion]}

RPGKRONOZ Sep 17, 2014


    RPGKRONOZ Drag Queen

    Aug 31, 2014
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    The Apple Watch 2015 Debate comment below!

    So with the new release of the Apple Watch and the smaller version for people with small wrists (42mm, 38mm). With the release in 2015 there will be three designs to pick from, the Apple Watch Sport, Apple Watch, and the Apple Watch Edition. Now you may be wondering what these mean in terms of performance, but the answer is relatively nothing. The apple watch is basically just an iPhone made smaller, even though the watch still requires you to have an iPhone for certain features. Then there is the Apple Watch Sport; the apple watch sport is meant to monitor your heartbeat, movement (steps), and changes in altitude, in order to do this the Apple Watch is fitted with a fluoroelastomer. The Apple Watch Edition is an Apple Watch just with an 18 Karat gold frame. Now all of these come in different assortments of colors and designs as well as, interchangeable wrist straps from leather to aluminum. The biggest question to be answered is: does this really need to be made?

    Most people know that the Apple Watch is similar to the Samsung Watch, but what about the iPhone 6 plus and the new Galaxy phones? Is there a deal going on between the companies, maybe, probably not but what do you guys think?

    For more information about the Apple Watches and to look at pictures check out the apple website here: http://www.apple.com/watch/design/

    **********Disregard the screw-up on the title I was drunk apparently************

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