Amazing Spider-Man 2 Complete Achievement List

Rocky Apr 25, 2014

  1. Ro

    Rocky Guest

    Human 25
    Complete the game on Human difficulty

    Hero 40
    Complete the game on Hero difficulty

    Super Hero 80
    Complete the game on Super Hero difficulty

    Bookworm 25
    Collect all Spider-Man comic books

    Lover 15
    Retrieve all parts of Black Cat's journal

    Special Agent 15
    Retrieve all parts of Menken's journal

    Investigator 15
    Retrieve all parts of Detective's journal

    I'm on a Roll 15
    Achieve a combo streak of 42

    Stay Down! 10
    Perform 15 signature moves

    Breaker 10
    Destroy 20 body armors

    Know Your Enemies 15
    Unlock all character bios

    Reporter 15
    Complete all photo challenges

    All Tied Up 25
    Defeat 50 enemies by performing stealth takedowns

    Drop It! 30
    Disarm 50 enemies

    Fashionista 20
    Unlock all suits

    Infiltration 20
    Complete all hideouts

    Luchador! 15
    Complete all combat challenges

    Can't Hit Me 20
    Achieve 30 multidodges

    Timing Is Everything 20
    Achieve 100 critical hits

    Lightweight Champion 20
    Defeat 100 enemies

    Middleweight Champion 20
    Defeat 300 enemies

    Heavyweight Champion 20
    Defeat 500 enemies

    Hero of the People 30
    Save 50 civilians

    Ultimate Spider-Man 30
    Reach maximum levels for all suits

    State of the Art 20
    Unlock all concept art

    True Hero 20
    Get your heroism to the maximum

    Enforcer 15
    Complete 10 deadlock situations

    Fireman 15
    Complete 10 building on fire situations

    Guardian Angel 15
    Complete 10 rescue situations

    Vigilante 15
    Complete 10 petty crime situations

    Fast-Tracker 15
    Complete 5 races

    Master of the Web 20
    Perform 50 signature moves

    Sneaky 20
    Complete a hideout without being spotted

    Secret Achievements

    Secret Achievement 30
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
    Secret Achievement 30
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
    Secret Achievement 30
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
    Secret Achievement 20
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
    Secret Achievement 20
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
    Secret Achievement 20
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
    Secret Achievement 30
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
    Secret Achievement 30
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
    Secret Achievement 30
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
    Secret Achievement 15
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
    Secret Achievement 10
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
    Secret Achievement 10
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
    Secret Achievement 20
    Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

    Source - X360A

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