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- Birthday:
- September 11
- Console:
- Xbox
<p><strong>Hello, my name is John!</strong><br><br><br><em>What I do:</em></p>
<ul class="bbc"><li>--Web Programming (PHP,HTML)</li>
<li>--Game Development(C++,BASIC,VB.NET,Lua)</li>
<li>--Windows and Linux Server Administrator (Currently on Linux)</li>
<li>--Create SDK Hammer Maps (Source Engine)</li>
</ul><p><a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='docs.google.com: Game List>Slowly collecting all the 360 games. </a></p>
<p><img src="i1170.photobucket.com: Animated Gif by HiddenResolve" alt="gif_300x200_e54493_zpsb4d2f2cd.gif"><br><br>
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