Vash The Stampede Jan 29, 2016

  1. Vash The Stampede

    Vash The Stampede Developer XPG Developer TeamXPG

    Mar 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Trophy Points:
    Capsules (slot is 08)
    00 Energy Capsule S
    01 Energy Capsule M
    02 Energy Capsule L
    03 Energy Capsule Z
    04 Regen Capusle S
    05 Regen Capusle M
    06 All-Engery Capsule S
    07 All-Engery Capsule M
    08 All-Engery Capsule L
    09 All-Engery Capsule Z
    0A All-Regen Capusle S
    0B All-Regen Capusle M
    0C Power Capsule S
    0D Power Capsule M
    0E All Power Capsule
    0F Aura Capsule S
    10 Aura Capsule M
    11 Aura Capsule L
    12 All-Aura Capsule S
    13 All-Aura Capsule M
    14 Mr.Antidote S
    15 Mr.Antidote M
    16 Mr.Antidote L
    17 Mr.Shape Up S
    18 Mr.Shape Up M
    19 Mr.Shape Up L
    1A Senzu Essence Capsule

    Mixing Items (slot is 06)
    00 Small Mix Capsule
    01 Med.Mix Capsule
    02 High Mix Capsule
    03 Ultimate Mix Capsule
    04 Energy Shard
    05 Energy Shard Crystal
    06 All-Energy Shard
    07 All-Energy Crystal
    08 Regen Shard
    09 Regen Crystal
    0A All-Regan Shard
    0B All-Regan Crystal
    0C Aura Shard
    0D Aura Crystal
    0E All-Aura Shard
    0F All-Aura Crystal
    10 Guard Shard
    11 Guard Crystal
    12 All-Guard Shard
    13 All-Guard Crystal
    14 Antidote Drop
    15 Antidote Essence
    16 Shape Up Drop
    17 Shape Up Essence
    18 Senzu Beansprout

    Z-Soul's (slot is 05)
    00 The fight starts now !
    01 This is my true power!
    02 I'm not done yet!
    03 Why you little...!
    04 Never give up!
    05 Summon all your power!
    06 You don't Understand girls!!
    07 Don't Saiyans ever work?
    08 Double it, but go no higher!
    09 I'm an android
    0A I'll never forgive you!!
    0B I'm a Saiyan, raised on Earth!
    0C NOW I'm mad!!!!!!
    0D I'm the stongest on Earth!!
    0E Saiyans are a warrior race!!
    0F I am... Super Vegeta!!
    10 Don't pick on my daddy!!
    11 I will not lose!
    12 Gohan never forgives evil!
    13 Don't underestimate Earth!!
    14 I'll show you the results of my training!!
    15 I'll finish up here
    16 Fine. I'll go first
    17 Tien, please don't dia
    18 Your power is 5? ...Scum.
    19 All right, who's first ?
    1A S-Stoooooooop !
    1B Burster is the fastest in the universe
    1C Your life is mine!
    1D This could be fun
    1E You won't get away with this!
    1F Popporunga puprittparo
    20 Let me awaken your power
    21 I must protect Grand Elder Guru!
    22 I'Il never forgive you, scum!
    23 It's curtains for you
    24 Bwa ha ha! Got you!
    25 Set your rage free...
    26 I'm your brother
    27 Who will surpass me?!
    28 I...I'm okay!
    29 No fair using your left hand!
    2A *Silence* Ignored...
    2B Papparapah ! Barrier !
    2C I hate you. Don't bully Hercule.
    2D Kakarooooot!!
    2E I wall change the future!
    2F I could ...
    30 Citizens of the universe , lend me your energy!
    31 I'm fine.
    32 Here's how I fight !
    33 This is the true form of the Shadow Dragon leader!
    34 Kieeee !
    35 Welcome to the end of the line!
    36 Your body is mine!
    37 As if l'd lose!
    38 I'm Super Saiyan Goku!
    39 Over here!
    3A I'Il never forgive you now...
    3B That's enough of a warmup
    3C No more games...
    3D Now I'm fighting for real!
    3E Oh, well done!
    3F You Are...our last...Hope
    40 Unknown Item (DLC?)
    41 Argh ! just kidding
    42 Okay! Turn into candy!
    43 It's like a Super Saiyan bargain sale...
    44 Yahooo ! Fwee-fwee !
    45 Cut it out already!
    46 Now I'm REALLY mad!
    47 Here, have something good!
    48 Dieeee!!!
    49 Now...I'm FURIOUS!
    4A M-My Bulma...! How DARE you...
    4B Quit enjoying the destruction!
    4C Here comes payback!
    4D This isn't a game, you know.
    4E You mustn't do that!
    4F I can't... It's all over... *sob*...
    50 Iam the prince of all Saiyans!
    51 You won't get away with that!
    52 My Ki is building... Overflowing...
    53 I'Il turn you and your planet into space dust!
    54 You must die by my hand!
    55 Unknown Item(DLC?)
    56 I'Il use all my strenght to kill you.
    57 Getting beat up makes me cranky...
    58 You'Il never beat an android.
    59 Unknown Item (DLC?)
    5A Get serious, would you?
    5B You...are going down!
    5C I'Il take you down!
    5D Pointless... Here, I'Il end it all
    5E Why yoooou!!!
    5F Okay... Here's one from me!
    60 Can you keep up
    61 We're the one and only Ginyu Force!
    62 The futon flew...and so can you!
    63 You're insanely annoying!
    64 A god isn't what this world needs.
    65 I'm strill not used to this change...
    66 That's 4 Saiyans at full power...
    67 Unknown Item (DLC?)
    68= I'm an Earthling with a saiyan's pride!
    69= This fight...is truly pointless...
    6A= I wanted to kill you with my own hands.
    6B Wow! Look at you! How cool!
    6C You can't win.
    6D Feel the wrath of a Namekian!
    6E I'm neither Kami nor Piccolo now...
    6F Purple Spiral Flash!
    70 Vanish forever!
    71 Bwa ha ha... Thanks for the energy.
    72 I'm not gonna be that easy!
    73 Don't you see the strenght difference here?
    74 You're not 17!
    75 Unknown Item (DLC?)
    76 ...If I can just reach my perfect form...!
    77 What a handy miscalculation...
    78 Can I be just like you?
    79 That looks fun!
    7A Time to go Super Saiyan!
    7B Wha-?! Wha-?! Wha-?!
    7C Pan-paka-paaan !
    7D Here I am! The Grim Reaper of Justice!
    7E Guess we should fuse into Vegito...
    7F This is Super Vegito!!
    80 Let's just enjoy the game right now.
    81 Transforming doesn't fix everything.
    82 Waaagh! Noooo, not that!
    83 Ugya-gya-gyaou !
    84 I'Il send you to Hell!!
    85 I'm the one who's gonna take you down!
    86 Unknown Item (DLC?)
    87 You can be the first victim.
    88 I'm...only a Saiyan...
    89 I will not let you hurt my father
    8A Explosion Fist of the Dragon !
    8B I'm pumped !
    8C I hope that you get reborn as someone good someday...
    8D I'Il make you a fine demon!
    8E I can't believe I shielded the brat...
    8F Release your ki
    90 Why is it always ME?!
    91 I...I'm a super Elite...!!
    92 Heh! What dirty fireworks.
    93 That's it! That's Ki!
    94 I won't forgive you, scum!
    95 Let me show you how it's done...
    96 Aren't I nice?!
    97 My power is 530,000.
    98 That offer's expired...

    99 17 and me I are twins !
    9A You can not be serious, here
    9B Irritates up and show your power !
    9C A transformation due to the power ...
    9D It was as violent as I imagined !
    9E Ah! What am I doing?
    9F I 'll beat you soundly !
    A0 There, I 'm angry !
    A1 I'll just destroy you ...
    A2 Before the creation ... destruction ...
    A3 This is my best attack !
    A4 Still down!
    A5 An ally of justice in Hercule City!
    A6 No way I'Il give up...
    A7 I don't want to bo a killer...
    A8 Haaaaaaaaaaaah !
    A9 I'Il show you something special!
    AA Get lost before I send you flying
    EC Enter the Super Elite
    EE I feel it... A Powerful Energy
    EF Revival of the Demon Realm is at Hand

    Clothing (slot 16)
    00 Goku's Turtle Hermit Gi
    01 Goku's Turtle Hermit Gi (King Kai)
    02 Goku's Turtle Hermit Gi (Go)
    03 Goku's Turtle Hermit Gi (No Character)
    04 Yamcha's Turtle Hermit Gi
    05 Goku's Yardrat Clothes
    06 Gt Goku's Gi
    07 Tien Shinhan's Gi
    08 Piccolo's Clothes
    09 Piccolo (Demon Clothes)
    0A Piccolo (Demon Clothes with Cape)
    0B Gohan (Demon Clan Cloths., Kid)
    0C Battle Suit (Raditz)
    0D Battle Suit (Nappa)
    0E Battle Suit (Vegeta, on entry)
    0F Battle Suit (Frieza Saga Vegeta)
    10 Battle Suit (Gohan)
    11 Battle Suit (Krillin)
    12 Training Suit
    13 Battle Suit (Bardock)
    14 Battle Suit (Ginyu Force White)
    15 Battle Suit (Ginyu Force Black)
    16 Battle Suit (Cooler's Armored Squadron)
    17 Battle Suit (Turles)
    18 Android 17's Clothes
    19 Android 18's Clothes
    1A Beerus' Clothes
    1B Hercule's Clothes
    1C Majin Buu's Clothes
    1D Dr. Gero's Clothes
    1E Android 19's Clothes
    1F Android 16's Clothes
    20 Videl's Clothes
    21 Truck's CC Clothes
    22 Broly's Clothes
    23 Vegito's clothes
    27 Great Saiyaman Suit
    29 Gohan's High School Clothes
    2A Supreme Kai's Clothes
    2B Dabura's Clothes
    2C Uub's Clothes
    2D Kid Chi-Chi's Clothes
    2E Ox King's Clothes
    30 Krillin's Orin Temple Gi
    32 Lord Slug's Clothes
    34 Karinga Tribe Costume
    35 Saiyuki Costume
    36 Wild Rider Suit
    37 Android 18's Clothes (Vest & Pants)
    38 GT Trunks' Clothes
    3A Commander Red Costume
    3B King-ki Costume
    3C Chi-chi Costume
    3D Genernal Blue Costume
    3E Bandage The Mummy Costume
    3F Fortuneteller Baba's Clothes
    40 Emperor Pilaf's Clothes
    42 Ultimate Turtle Hermit Custume
    43 Training Temple Gi
    44 Student Blazer
    45 pilot Suit
    46 4-Star Dragon Ball Custume
    4A Student Shirt
    4D Battle suit
    4E Shingi Demon Battle Suit
    4F Evil Sorcerors battle tools
    50 Narak Warriors Custume
    51 Ancient Kata's Battle Costume
    52 New Hide Battle Costume
    54 Hero Suit
    55 Elite Suite
    56 Berserkers Suit
    57 Ultimate F Suit
    58 Cosmic Suit
    59 Z fighting Suit
    5B Buu-gi Gravity
    5C dyno-woo gi
    5D Dynamic Strong Suit
    5e Fun Suit
    5F Light Heart Suit
    Kamehameha - 000
    Super God Fist - 002
    Super Dragon Fist - 003
    Spirit Bomb (Time Patroller Specific) - 004
    Instant Transmission - 005
    Riot Javelin - 00A
    Rebellion Spear - 00B
    Tyrant Lancer - 00C
    Super Guard - 00E
    Afterimage Strike - 014
    x10 Kamekameha - 015
    Kamekameha Boost - 028*
    Scissors Rapper Kick - 029*
    Power Pole - 02A
    Power Pole Combo - 02B
    Power Pole - 02C
    Charge - 032
    Stone Bullet - 033
    Consecutive Energy Blast - 034
    Kamekameha - 035
    Evil Ray Strike - 03C
    Evil Rise Strike - 03D
    Masenko - 03E
    Super Dragon Flight - 046
    Evil Whirlwind - 047
    Burst Rush - 050
    Ki Blast Cannon - 051
    Justice Pose - 052
    Evil Explosion - 05A
    Wall of Defense - 05B
    Evil Flight Strike - 05C
    Light Grenade - 05D
    Evil Eyes - 05E
    Orin Combo - 064
    Destructo-Disc - 065
    Kaioken - 066
    X3 Kaioken - 067
    X20 Kaioken - 068
    Turtle Style Last Rescort - 069
    Lullaby Punch - 06A
    Cross Arm Drive - 06B
    Wolf Fang Fist - 06E*
    Ki Blast Thrust - 06F*
    Afterimage - 073
    Fake Death - 074*
    Dodon Ray - 078*
    Tri Beam - 079*
    Volleyball Fist - 07A*
    Solar Flare - 07B
    Rise to Action - 07C
    Spirit Boost - 07D
    Double Sunday - 082
    Saturday Crash - 083
    Shining Friday - 084
    Acid - 08C
    Poison - 08D
    Saibabeam - 08E
    Bomber DX - 096
    Genocide Shell - 097
    Arm Crash - 098
    Galick Gun - 0A0
    Flash Strike - 0A1
    Finish Breaker - 0A2
    Shine Shot - 0A3
    Sledgehammer - 0A4
    Time Control - 0B4
    Guldo Fighting Pose - 0B6
    Fighting Pose C - 0B7
    Fighting Pose H - 0B8
    Fighting Pose D - 0BE
    Fighting Pose I - 0BF
    Mach Punch - 0C0
    Mach Kick - 0C1
    Recoome Eraser Gun - 0C8
    Recoome Kick - 0C9
    Fighting Pose E - 0CA
    Fighting Pose J - 0CB
    Fighting Pose K - 0CC
    Crusher Ball - 0D2
    Sauzer Blade - 0D3
    Fighting Pose B - 0D4
    Fighting Pose G - 0D5
    Fighting Pose A - 0DC
    Holstein Shock - 0DD
    Milky Cannon - 0DE
    Fighting Pose F - 0DF
    Emperor's Sign - 0E6
    Death Beam - 0F0
    Death Psyco Bomb - 0F1 // Useless
    Death Slash - 0F2
    Death Crasher - 0F3
    Death Slicer - 0F4
    Burning Attack - 0104
    God Breaker - 0105
    Change the Future - 0106
    Shining Slash - 0108
    Burning Slash - 0109
    Finsih Buster - 010E
    Double Buster - 010F
    Final Cannon - 0110
    Side Bridge - 0118
    Freedom Kick - 0119
    Smile Charge - 011A
    Flash Bomber - 0122
    Drain Field - 0123
    Thunder Eraser - 012
    Drain Charge - 0125
    Super Drain - 0126
    Hyper Drain - 0127
    Power Blitz - 012C
    Endless Shoot - 012D
    Deadly Dance - 012E
    All Clear - 0136
    Gravity Impact - 0137
    Perfect Shot - 0138
    Taunt - 014A
    Justice Rush - 0154
    Eagle Kick - 0155
    Hawk Charge - 0156
    Innocence Bullet - 015E
    Innocence Cannon - 015F
    Angry Hit - 0160
    ZigZag Express - 0161
    Explosive Buu Buu Punch - 0162
    III Flash - 0168
    III Bomber - 0169
    III Rain - 016A
    Majin Kamehameha - 0172
    Vanishing Ball - 0173
    Quick Sleep - 0174
    Pearl Flash - 0175
    Die Die Missle Barrage - 017C
    Galactic Donuts - 017D
    Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack - 017E
    Big Bang Attack - 0186
    Pressure Sign - 0187
    Split Finger Shot - 0188
    Blaster Shell - 0190
    Gigantic Omega - O191
    Gigantic Slam - 0192
    God of Destruction's Anger - 019A
    God of Destruction's Rampage - 019B
    God of Destruction's Wrath - 019C
    Feint Shot - 01A4
    Prepare to be Punished - 01A5
    Dancing Parapara - 01A6
    Great Ape Beam - 01B8
    Boulder Toss - 01B9
    Boulder Break - 01BA
    Freezing Beam - 01E1
    Ice Claw - 01E3
    Ice Field - 01E5
    Burst Attack - 01EB
    Burst Reflection - 01ED
    Fighting Sun - 01EF
    Dragon Flash Bullet - 01F4
    Whirlwhind Blade - 01F5
    Dragon Thunder - 01F6
    Big Bang Kamehameha - 01FE
    Bluff Kamehameha - 01FF
    Dynamite Kick - - 0208
    Rolling Hercule Punch - 0209
    Present for You - 020A
    Time Shackles - 0212
    Seasoning Arrow - 0213
    Darkness Mixer - 0214
    Bloody Saucer - 0215
    Rage Saucer - 0216
    Energy Cannon - 021C
    Boiling Ball - 021D
    Tricky Strike - 021E
    Energy Shot - 024E
    Energy Charge - 024F
    Full Power Charge - 0250
    Maximum Charge - 0251
    Meteor Blow - 0252
    Meteor Strike - 0253
    Meteor Crash - 0254
    Beam Rifle - 0258
    Diabolic Mine - 026C
    Diabolic Cyclone - 026D
    Eternal Charge - 026E
    Prelude to Destruction - 028A
    Strike of Revelation - 028B
    Kai Kai - 028C
    Elite Beam - 029e*
    Elite Shooting - 029F*
    1388 Super Kamehameha
    1389 Super Saiyan
    138A Super Saiyan 2
    138B Super Saiyan 3
    1392 Saiyan Spirit
    13BA Full Power Energy Blast Volley
    13C4 Explosive Assault
    13C5 Unrelenting Barrage
    13E2 Special Beam Cannon
    13E3 Hellzone Grenade
    13EC Chain Destructo-disc Barrage
    13ED Scatter Kamehameha
    140A Weekend
    140B Vacation Delete
    141E Break Cannon
    141F Giant Storm
    1428 Super Vegeta
    1429 Final Flash
    142A Super Vegeta 2
    143C Paralysis
    1446 Blue Hurricane
    1450 Ultra Fighting Bomber
    145A Crusher Volcano
    1462 Body Change
    146E Supernova
    1478 Death Ball
    1479 Death Meteor
    148C Heat Dome Attack
    1496 Victory Rush
    14A0 Super Electric Strike
    14AA Shocking Death Ball
    14B5 Dual Destructo-Disc
    14BE Perfect Kamehameha
    14E6 Innocence Breath
    14F0 Assault Rain
    14FA Super Vanishing Ball
    14FB Teleporting Vanishing Ball
    1504 Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack
    1518 Gigantic Meteor
    1522 Sphere of Destruction
    157C Minus Energy Power Ball
    1586 X 100 Big Bang Kamehameha
    1590 The Saviour Has Come
    1612 Symphonic Destruction
    138B Super Saiyan
    13B0 Super Spirit Bomb*
    13CE Father-Son Kamehameha*
    13D8 Potential Unleashed
    1400 Neo Tri-Beam*
    1414 Self-Destruct // Useless
    14DC Justice Combination
    150E Spirit Sword
    1540 Super Great Ape Beam //doesn't work with non-great-apes
    159A Villainous Mode
    159B Baked Sphere
    159C Energy Jet // Useless
    159D Villainous Mode (Super Saiyan)
    159E Villainous Mode (Super Saiyan 2)
    15A4 Boiling Burg // Uknown


  2. Vash The Stampede

    Vash The Stampede Developer XPG Developer TeamXPG

    Mar 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
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    List Updated
  3. Ro

    Rocky Guest

    Great job ;)

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