Portal 2 USB Modded Gamesave **All Achievements/9 CFGS/Works Online** 04/06/2016

Portal 2 USB Modded Gamesave **All Achievements/9 CFGS/Works Online**

  1. TeenageGnome
    So one thing I noticed was that there are no mods for Portal 2 except a tutorial on how to hex edit your binds. This was interesting to me considering the potential of the "save game" feature. This being so, I made it my duty to create a script which would allow players to be able to bind there buttons upon loading this gamesave by making an output on a button which forces the player to create a script which creates multiple buttons with outputs to be able to choose a config of binds which suits their modding play style.<br />
    <br />
    **Please note this will give 48/50 achievements because the last two don't seem to be able to work**<br />
    **Also you MUST be host to enable sv_cheats to use these mods online (must be Atlas)**
    <br />
    <br />
    Installation: (Probably common knowledge by now)<br />
    1. Simply download the save<br />
    2. Open a program such as Horizon<br />
    3. Change the ID's to be the same as your own console and profile (if you don't know your id's then make a saved game and then put it on your usb and open it up in Horizon)<br />
    4. Rehash and resign<br />
    5. Put the save onto your usb<br />
    6. Load up Portal 2 and choose your usb storage device<br />
    <br />
    Video Example of Mods:<br />
    <br />
    [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B66jZvDSaoA&feature=youtu.be[/media]<br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    Orange Button - View Mods Config<br />
    <br />
    A: jump<br />
    B: reverse depth<br />
    X: fullbright increment<br />
    Y: noclip<br />
    LB: quickping<br />
    RB: zoom<br />
    BACK: sv_cheats<br />
    STICK1: color static props<br />
    STICK2: red vision<br />
    UP: wireframe<br />
    RIGHT: blue grid<br />
    DOWN: green ambient lighting<br />
    LEFT: aspect ratio increment<br />
    <br />
    Cyan Button - Semi-Legit Config<br />
    <br />
    A: jump<br />
    B: duck<br />
    X: use<br />
    Y: remote view<br />
    LB: quick ping<br />
    RB: zoom<br />
    BACK: sv_cheats<br />
    STICK1: noclip<br />
    STICK2: god<br />
    UP: fire rocket<br />
    RIGHT: mouse menu taunt<br />
    DOWN: fire energy ball<br />
    LEFT: mouse menu<br />
    <br />
    Pink Button - Assortment Config<br />
    <br />
    A: spawn turret<br />
    B: fire rocket<br />
    X: use<br />
    Y: delete<br />
    LB: create square frame prop<br />
    RB: create computer<br />
    BACK: sv_cheats<br />
    STICK1: noclip<br />
    STICK2: godmode<br />
    UP: create chell model<br />
    RIGHT: teleport pbody<br />
    DOWN: set player model to chell<br />
    LEFT: teleport atlas<br />
    <br />
    Yellow Button - Player Models Config<br />
    <br />
    A: spawn chell<br />
    B: spawn opera turret<br />
    X: spawn bird<br />
    Y: spawn dummy<br />
    LB: thirdperson<br />
    RB: noclip<br />
    BACK: sv_cheats<br />
    STICK1: jump<br />
    STICK2: quick ping<br />
    UP: set player model to dummy<br />
    RIGHT: set player model to opera turret<br />
    DOWN: set player model to chell<br />
    LEFT: set player model to a bird<br />
    <br />
    Red Button - Props Config<br />
    <br />
    A: jump<br />
    B: spawn female<br />
    X: spawn vault door<br />
    Y: noclip<br />
    LB: spawn glados<br />
    RB: spawn velvet rope<br />
    BACK: sv_cheats<br />
    STICK1: spawn metal grid<br />
    STICK2: spawn metal box<br />
    UP: spawn boxed turret<br />
    RIGHT: spawn lunar rover<br />
    DOWN: delete<br />
    LEFT: spawn wall panel<br />
    <br />
    Green Button - Colors Config<br />
    <br />
    A: jump<br />
    B: color red<br />
    X: color yellow<br />
    Y: noclip<br />
    LB: self color green<br />
    RB: thirdperson<br />
    BACK: sv_cheats<br />
    STICK1: color black<br />
    STICK2: color green<br />
    UP: color blue<br />
    RIGHT: color pink<br />
    DOWN: self color black<br />
    LEFT: color cyan<br />
    <br />
    Blue Button - NPC/Entities Config<br />
    <br />
    A: spawn tripwire rocket<br />
    B: spawn wheatley<br />
    X: spawn companion cube<br />
    Y: noclip<br />
    LB: spawn laser bridge<br />
    RB: spawn glass ball<br />
    BACK: sv_cheats<br />
    STICK1: spawn turret<br />
    STICK2: spawn monster box<br />
    UP: spawn laser<br />
    RIGHT: spawn exploding bomb<br />
    DOWN: delete<br />
    LEFT: spawn sphere<br />
    <br />
    Grey Button - Server Settings Config<br />
    <br />
    A: jump<br />
    B: timescale increment<br />
    X: noclip speed increment<br />
    Y: noclip<br />
    LB: quick ping<br />
    RB: zoom<br />
    BACK: sv_cheats<br />
    STICK1: gravity increment<br />
    STICK2: portalgun fire delay increment<br />
    UP: place portals anywhere<br />
    RIGHT: turrets can't target you<br />
    DOWN: godmode<br />
    LEFT: portal fire delay 0 (must enable this before changing the increment)<br />
    <br />
    Black Button - Misc Config<br />
    <br />
    A: jump<br />
    B: upgrade to potato gun<br />
    X: give rollcage<br />
    Y: noclip<br />
    LB: thirdperson<br />
    RB: give antenna flag<br />
    BACK: sv_cheats<br />
    STICK1: fire rocket<br />
    STICK2: fire energy ball<br />
    UP: spawn white paint ball<br />
    RIGHT: spawn clear paint ball<br />
    DOWN: spawn orange paint ball<br />
    LEFT: spawn blue paint ball
    cashonly and gatekeeper1122 like this.