COD w@w modZ!!!!!!!!!!! 04/06/2016

COD w@w modZ!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Operation
    Watt u need to do is rehash resign with the file with either 360Revo,modio,horizon,& USBxTAF to open the modd 1st<br />
    <br />
    1:U have to resume game<br />
    2:it will say something about mod created<br />
    3:save & quit<br />
    4:go to zombies<br />
    5:choose map play<br />
    >Activate<<br />
    1;with [*LB*]<br />
    2:TO USE ONLINE need to be *HOST*<br />
    <br />
    CREATED BY *HATTA*<br />
    thnx to him im sharing it with u guys