i wonder if you get some powers. Like thermal vision. Even trow the spear and jump higher. In a video I saw that he's also invisible so I wonder how that works
dude its like hes from aliens vs preditors lol thats what i can think of haha but i called infinity ward and told them they should add a michael myers game mode would be beast just like how michael is in fog but into a game mode hopefully they do that and leave credit to me if they do hahaha xD
oh lol idk then hahah i havent watched any other preditor movie i havent even seen AvP i just suggested it hahah thanks tho
Predator is one of the greatest all time movies made in 1987. Then there's Predator 2 and of course Predator's
still my all time favorite, i hope they make a new one that on earth this time not on some random planet.
oh ok thanks for sharing man i didnt even know this ill have to watch this thanks for sharing check pm if you would but were can i watch this is it on netflix or something to see the movie?
was trying to see if youtube had it but it dont best bet BAN-ME-PLEASE sites will check netflix etc when i get home see if its there nowtv is probably best bet but and you get a 30 day trial with either of these
You get to use the wristblades , the mounted gun and LT is self destruct which is pretty cool. Also if you target someone they remain red for the rest of the game as far as i can tell.