Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 1k saveset works 100%! 04/06/2016

Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 1k saveset works 100%!

  1. Zack117
    The newest save from the DOAX2<br />
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    As usual sleep in the hotel as each girl (9 girls) and you will get their respective achievements. (100G popup for every girl)<br />
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    This will unlock 900 on a profile that has never played DoAX2 before.<br />
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    The 2nd save is for purchasing all items, just load it, play some time as<br />
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    a girl, sleep and it will popup you the last 100G<br />
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    This has been tested and it works 100%!<br />
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    btw. Don't worry about the time it costs, it took me about 1-2 hours to geht the 1k.

Recent Reviews

  1. ZellenDustTUXPG
    Version: 04/06/2016
    Thanks a lot for the save man :D
    Now I can play all mini games!!