Hey guys I will post a picture later as I am at work. I just found this site when I googled the sword a guy dropped for me..the 4k dps sword. Now my Barbarian. WITHOUT the 4kdps sword, and all self found gear is at 682k DPS. Legit Stats. Legit self found. 682k DPS (with buffs) When I equip this 4kdps sword I go to 1.1mdps UNBUFFED, and 1.5mdps buffed. I am not a modder, do not know how to mod nor do I know how to get my save off my cloud. But. I figured if you guys wanted to add me on XBL GT: Xaanit That you guys could walk me through this process if you inspect him and decide you would like his loots. If you want a totally legit barbarian. Just salvage the 4kdps sword if you don't want use it. You will still have a 682k dps barb. He is naturally at the 2.56 breakpoint. etc etc. Let me know if you guys would like to inspect. Just add me on XBL (send me a message however) Thanks, J
Add me my GT is: BRuTaL HaMBo . I was planning on starting a barb soon and wanted to have some end game gear to go to once i reached 60, or if you could even figure out how to upload your save that'd be great! Nevermind see your on PS3 nice job though!
Nah I just clicked wrong..its on 360...like I said I don't mod so new to this. Just discovered that the sword that guy dropped for me couldn't be legit so I just googled it and it lead me here.
I will I am at work... I work for a Video game Company however...but I will take a picture when I get home from work. Funny thing is there are stil la ton of upgrades I could get... I would like to get a witching hour belt haven't seen a single one drop...much less one with stats I need. nor I have I seen an echoing fury not that it is needed any more but I would like it for my legit side. I also want to get a SOJ +30 cold for giggles...haven't seen a single SOJ drop yet either. I also am missing a couple of other key pieces granted the gear I have is obviously still pretty good..but I am a perfectionist.
I rlly wanna see your gear, im doin master 5 pretty efficiently but could use some upgrades. 160k dps buffed, 80k life, 10k armor 800 all res Sent u a friend request also
800 all res isn't necessary..maybe 400 all res average + your shout...is more than enough. You life steal through a majority of it..
Sure. I am at work..and I can figure it out. I am not dumb just never done it. I will see if I can make it happen...but I am still at work..16 hour day... greenlight meetings for game releases mean long days for me
i have a legit barb with 4k dps... since day 5 of diablo 3 console and i had it 3 days late will be uploading after i collect more items and crafting books (i dont play it much)
Just add me...a few people from here came in to check out my stuff. Suprisingly no one asked for a dupe. A lot of it is self found. I meantioned previously this is a bad weekend / week. I have greenlight meetings for game releases. Hence I am at work on sunday.