Sony's Project Morpheus 3D VR Brille was leaked yesterday on an online retail shop. The upcoming VR for Next Gen console PS4 will be released sometime early 2016 - Q2 The retailer which released the price of the new tech also released the assumed date. Project Morpheus costing a substantial total of €399. Which is the same price for the PlayStation 4 bundles at the moment. For any person looking to invest in this saucy hardware start saving in your piggy bank, as it's going to put a hole straight through your pocket. Especially with E3 arriving next Monday you can expect a list of games to be announced for 2016. Maybe you will have to be tactical with your money making decisions if you want to get your hands on Project Morpheus. Here's the image taken from the retailers website. Let me know in the comments below on what you think of Project Morpheus, are you going to invest in this sweet tech? This post has been promoted to an article