This is outdated, please use the XPG Easy Updater ******************************* It should be noted that we have found a bug in the V3 update server particularly concerning RGH1 Jasper consoles w/internal memory, so if you own one of these consoles you may have to manually update old school style, or wait for Team XeBuild to release the fix.******************************* There are known Issues running Dashboard 17148 with dashlaunch v3.13, if you are having any issues with dashlaunch you will have to revert back to dashlaunch v3.12. ******************************* How To: Install/Update your dashlaunch to v3.13: Extract the dashlaunch zip file and transfer the "Installer" folder to your Intenal, MU or Usb partition and run the default.xex and update as it prompts. Reboot console and launch the Dashlaunch default.xex again. Now make sure to set your plugins in dashlauch and save the launch.ini to your preferred drive. Open the options section "Configurator" and scroll down to "updserv" and enable it, this is all we need to do on the console. ..Leave dashlaunch running right there (don't save config) Now we move to the PC and extract the updated file pack from the download above, open the folder and find the file "UpdateMyConsole.bat" and click it, your updater will open , and less than a minute later your update will be done and flashed! including avatars!! (if console connection fails try the "UpdateMyConsole_ForceIP.bat" file) To use the ForceIP.bat file simply right click on the file and open in notepad, replace the IP with your RGH consoles IP and save the file, this bat file will now automatically connect and update the console attatched to this IP. Yes that is it, no fuss , no mess , no drives swaps , no file transfers!!!! You might have to edit an IP that's about it Huge thanks to XeBuild team , and JPizzle for his original tutorial on this, And a massive thanks to begalegal for the original XPG tutorial and files. I merely updated the tutorial, file pack and the .bat files to be compatible with 17148. #USER FRIENDLY!! A quick screenshot of my log to show is all working fine Spoiler Video is of an older update but follows the same process. Enjoy
nice update feral glad somebody got to it , I've been way to busy to keep up on everything :lol: It should be noted that we have found a bug in the V3 update server particularly concerning RGH1 Jasper consoles w/internal memory so if you own one of these consoles you may have to manually update old school style, or wait for Team XeBuild to release the fix.