Microsoft are currently having a few issues with Social and Gaming since the WatchDogs launch on the 27th May for the Xbox One, Xbox360, PS3, And PS4 Platforms. This issue is affecting The Xbox One and Xbox 360 platform(s) I am unsure if there are any issues with the PS4, most users may be affected accessing UPlay feature. You may also have trouble Joining other Xbox Live members in online games Games that this issue may affect: Watch Dogs Trials Fusion Child of Light Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (ETC..) The Xbox Live Status currently says at(31/05/2014 01:29:41 GMT): "Hi Xbox members, are you having trouble using the Uplay feature on games like Watch Dogs, Trials Fusion, Child of Light, and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag? We are working with our partner to get the issue resolved as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience. We'll update you on our progress as soon as we have more information." For Updates keep checking Here: Xbox Live Status Whats your review on all this? ~Declan