The next Xbox One system update will introduce the ability to download all future dashboard updates in the background, Microsoft has announced. Providing you enable background updates, of course. Due tomorrow, 11th February, the update will introduce a tweaked Xbox One dashboard, a controller battery indicator and the ability to manage your storage, among other things. Another update is due on 4th March, which will upgrade the console's Xbox Live party and associated multiplayer features in readiness for the launch of Titanfall. Here's a screen of the new dash. It's hardly a dramatic departure from the current one, but the tweaks are worthwhile. "This post is the first of many announcements and sneak peeks at features in the system updates," Xbox One exec Marc Whitten observed last week. "We've been carefully listening to your feedback and look forward to delivering many new features that will make Xbox One even better. We're just getting started and can't wait to share more information in the coming weeks." Source - OXM
This updates hardly worth shouting about tbh. I don't know why they didn't roll everything out together since its such minor tweaks in this update. The one thing we all want is USB support.......