Yesterday, Microsoft announced a new Xbox One Titanfall bundle for the cut price of £399.99 in the UK. Today, retailers are already undercutting that price. The best of these is available through Gamestop, which is offering the bundle for £369.97. That’s cheaper than any other retailer right now and quite a bargain. Included in the bundle is an Xbox One console, a Kinect sensor, a standard Xbox One wireless controller, a standard Xbox One Chat Headset, one month of Xbox Live Gold membership and a digital copy of Titanfall. The Titanfall bundle launches alongside the game itself on 14th March in the UK. Source - X360A
This kind of pissed me off to tell you the truth. Not that its cheaper than the orignal retail price of the xbox one cause in all honesty i'm happy to have had my xbox on for a while and i've already used it and had fun with it. But its irritating that this xbox one doesnt come with the titan fall controller and it seems to me that Microsoft has no intention on doing any Limited edition xbox's its only going to be limited edition controllers and thats it. Which is irritating to me. Oh well guess its on to doing modded cases. But i got to say this is a hell of a deal!