Hey guys as u may know you can share all digital only xbox games purchased i am a working male who buys alot of games i am seeking a working male who enjoys games not just shooters but a gamer who enjoys all type of games i can share your digital games n u can share mine. Currently i have disc dead rising 3 disc nba 2k14 and digital call of duty and from here on will be buying all my games digital if your just like me and you have digital games hit me on xbox one (rozay brookkee) GT i really wanna play ryse the game
Am sorry but with one post it does not look like any one is willing to give out their info with a random member.
I Have cod to trade digital, the reason why I come on these site read n never post because people are way to negative anyway i buy alot of games if anyone wants to play my cod cool, i also have nba on disc n dead rising 3 on disc but i usually buy 2 games a month I will buy thief and titan fall and all my games digital anybody needs a digital friend hit me GT (ROZAY BROOKKEE)