Welcome to the support thread READ:Please do not post in the VB area about you having trouble with a code/tool/program/source, please post on this thread as there will be a few guys checking the topic so you should get a reply pretty quick. Please make it clear what you/tool is doing wrong, show us the source code and what you are planning for it to do and we will offer ideas and other source or links or give a code to you depending on what the trouble is, Maybe show a picture(use gayzo or something similar) or upload your source code and I/others will download it and see what the errors are and help to resolve you issues. Please allow us a bit off time as the users with VB.Net experince may be currently offline and will get to your assistance as soon as they are online, and if we are online when your offline we will inbox you saying that we have supported your question and got back to it. Thanks you Jet2020 If I/User has helped you please rep + thank there comment if it was useful
well it saves the forum from being piled up with people say 'HELP MY WEBBROWSER BROKE' :butcher: winds me up >.<