K'nex is bringing a selection of Titanfall sets to market this autumn, offering up various scenes inspired by the game, as well as diddy pilots and mechs for you to play with, presumably while shouting "pew pew!" The Titanfall K'nex sets range from small scenes with a couple of figures for $12.99, to the fully-fledged 'Ultimate Angel City Campaign Building Set' which comes with a pair of mechs, pilots, grunts and an elaborate street scene where the lumps of plastic can do battle. This can be yours for $99.99. Why you'd buy the smaller mech-free sets, we don't know. Perhaps to help supplement your sprawling Titanfall map that fills a small room in your house. Check out the K'nex Titanfall sets below. You'll be able to buy them this fall, by which time you might not be playing Titanfall quite as much. Source - X360A