I was just wondering if someone could edit my gamesave for Dead Rising: OTR, I just wanted a few things so that when I come back to play it with a friend, we can mess around. If it's not too much, I'd like the following for my save: All Guns with 999 ~ 9999 ammo - So they won't run out of ammo. Protoman Helmet - If you can't get it, no biggy, it's just the only hat I'm missing. Max Money - So I can buy me/my friend whatever we need/want And that'll be it, since I'm already a level 50, I do NOT want 1 hit kill, and I think I have every unlockable outfit almost. If you could mod that in, it'd be much appreciate, this also might be important; I heard that it has to do with hexing with Capcom's checksum or something like that I don't know, but thank you for your time