TRITTON has revealed its Titanfall Kunai Stereo Headset coming out for Xbox 360 and PC. The new headset which is set to be released on March 11, 2014 and it will set you back a mere $79.99. Titanfall Kunai Stereo Headset Details: In-line audio controller’s 3.5mm breakaway cable directly connects to most smartphones, mobile devices, and MP3 players Detachable and flexible performance microphone with mute supports online chat Ergonomically designed for extreme comfort and prolonged gaming sessions Separate game and voice volume controls for Xbox 360 gameplay Precision-balanced 40mm speakers deliver superior sound quality These look pretty cool, its a shame they are not on the Xbox One to go with the matching controller though. What do you think or the headset?
Looks nice to me and you can use this on the xbone mate don't forget the adapter from MS and turtlebeach is also coming out in march