Here are just a few cheat codes so far more to come! how to do it pause the game select the extras option and choose the enter code selection enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponing cheat function number 1 emmets (Lizard) code (UOOAQY) larry the barista code (K7TDXJ) mrs. Scratchen post code (UP7HJQ) that all for now hope there will be more soon! Have fun guys
Here are some more codes for the game: Code "hj4c21" collect "Emmet_Nude" Code "uooaqy" collect "Emmet_Clown" Code "fnhltk" collect "Emmet_Robin" Code "nihx2b" collect "Emmet_Wheel_head" Code "ossvni" collect "Cleopatra" Code "p4yx22" collect "Robot_Female" Code "a76dn7" collect "AbeLincoln" Code "f3vg47" collect "Shakespeare" Code "31s3i5" collect "Michealangelo" Code "bid12f" collect "Dracula" Code "kgj4du" collect "Panda" Code "ng73om" collect "Yeti" Code "v4p96p" collect "Mummy" Code "up7hjq" collect "CardioCarrie" Code "k7tdxj" collect "Mariachi" Code "fxp9an" collect "SirStackabrick" Code "fhncd1" collect "HankHaystacks" Code "gfh2f8" collect "ROBOSwat_Ligs"
Don't know, i got the code's from the XBOX 360 version data files. Edit: Here are all the other codes that can be used with the Lego box in the game, don't know about duplicates, this is just what i found in the GAME*.DAT files. Download