I am willing to help/teach/mentor during free time anyone who is interested in learning how to make trainers. Please make sure you have everything set-up so we can begin. I have a list of games we can look to mod. You don't need any prior knowledge in coding however it would help to know some c++ or ppc. We can teach this to you no problem. Any questions feel free to post here on pm me. Things you will need Xbox 360 on dev kernal (if you do not know how to flash to a dev kernal I can walk you through this) Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate XDKSetupXenon21119.10 (full install) XCEToolsV2 Trainer engine (endel/xpg/t3 modified) A good internet connection on pc/xbox (lan is best, working over wifi is more time consuming) Team Viewer Patience I don't claim to be the most knowledgeable modder by any means however I have a solid understanding in the field. So I hope it will be a good start for some members looking to get into modding
This is a great opportunity for our members to learn how to create trainers from a pro. Thanks Los for taking the time Some test tuts on the basics, and or setting up may be an idea!
thats a pretty nice offer mate i know from personal experiance if you can have some one teach you one on one about trainer creating its a really big advantage over trying to understand tutorials and having no one to ask questions
Top man Los is, helped me a lot with understanding how to find offsets and so on. Trainer 2 Watch this video mate, With the offsets you have been posting you could make a trainer in 15mins http://www.xpgamesaves.com/videos/view-2259-how-to-build-a-basic-trainer-for-rghjtag/
Hello dear, thanks for the info, i have a small issue with losing the trainer when i PRESS START+BACK instead SCREENSHOT appers & its blocking the trainer to activate, are they any way to remove the screen shot. thanks
its in the options menu of FSD, u need to change the hotkeys or disable screenshots in the dash see here : http://www.xpgamesaves.com/topic/66661-tutorial-new-fsd3-rev-735-screenshoot-and-teamxpg-trainer-issue/
Are there still any active members that would be willing to help me figure out how to code cave health? I am 99% sure I have the right pointers and it's not crashing or anything but it doesn't seem to make any changes in game. The tutorials I've read don't go into detail as far as am I supposed to be looking for specific asm instructions or is it always the address right above or below the breakpoint? I have made a few trainers so far using guides from here but I've hit a stopping point with not being able to figure out the health issue. Any help would be appreciated.
Have you ever figured that out? I need some help with trainers too, do not even know whom I can write in this day and age...